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About Anu-Ki Ptah
- Birthday 08/28/1972
Profile Information
Music,philosophy,science,World Religion,Psychology
Favorite Area of Science
Quantum Mechanics
I am a 32 year old Independant researcher,I have many interests in the science field, I am currently looking into and involved in personal experimentation with Binaural Harmonics along with other things. Too much to babble about in this little box.
- Quark
Anu-Ki Ptah's Achievements

Quark (2/13)
Yes right there you proved it.. Vibration can cause motion but it is not in fact motion itself. Swinging ..isn't the same as vibrating. Swing is back and forth motion Vibrating is stationary; Try again if you will.
I have an Idea about this that may or may not at all be applicable. I was noticing that gravity is still something of a mystery and wanted to attempt in joining the march in the discovery of what it may be. Let's fo rthe sake of this instance place space as water. just for the moment. Now a whirlpool begins thus making a suction and a force to downward motion and thusly you have a sinking effect and cause of cyclical motion. Is it at all conceivable that gravity is a mere result of Material existence? (Remember limited model here or we would need a manuscript again between us all for comparison value) Like the water itself being still no effect is present until we have the formation of a whirlpool and thusly the result is the force of motion toward the central axis of the pool due to the whirling of the water itself water equals+space in this instance. and matter (it has been said) bends space. in that effect causing a bit of a whirl effect if you will. Resulting in gravity,(which is now more of an effect rather than a tangible thing. much like falling on your face after drinking too much alcohol.) The alcohol is not the fall in itself and the result is not at all the alcohol but the former has caused the latter.
Nice attempt at a shield/block, sidestep and stab thrust to the neck Achilles! but you are only evading the question. Re-read the post and try again.
I beg to differ on that Definition of motion. If I stood at my house vibrating I would still never get to The corner market. Vibrating hard enough will cause motion but isn't motion in and of itself. (like those old vibrating metal plate football games in the 70's used vibration to cause the little Free standing Vibrationally responsive football players to bounce around on the plate in hopes of a touch down ) Really vibration comes down to (in this particular example) a frequency value like a tone or pitch (I know what your thinking but again this is to Get the point across instead of writing a manuscript for you or anyone else ) that is more observed rather than caught or tracked. You really cant tell the position of your favorite song while it is in the air at all can you? I hypothesize that the speed of light is purely conjectural. It stand vibrating in all positions at the same time. That is why no matter how fast you go it will still go faster than you from where you are standing. Like that mountain outside your window when you are traveling down a highway at high velocity. Te mountain isn't at all racing by you in the opposite direction but it would look as such from the limited perspective on an ignorant passenger. "Not that you persay are and ignorant passenger" I beg to differ on that Definition of motion. If I stood at my house vibrating I would still never get to The corner market. Vibrating hard enough will cause motion but isn't motion in and of itself. (like those old vibrating metal plate football games in the 70's used vibration to cause the little Free standing Vibrationally responsive football players to bounce around on the plate in hopes of a touch down ) Really vibration comes down to (in this particular example) a frequency value like a tone or pitch (I know what your thinking but again this is to Get the point across instead of writing a manuscript for you or anyone else ) that is more observed rather than caught or tracked. You really cant tell the position of your favorite song while it is in the air at all can you? I hypothesize that the speed of light is purely conjectural. It stand vibrating in all positions at the same time. That is why no matter how fast you go it will still go faster than you from where you are standing. Like that mountain outside your window when you are traveling down a highway at high velocity. Te mountain isn't at all racing by you in the opposite direction but it would look as such from the limited perspective on an ignorant passenger. "Not that you persay are and ignorant passenger" 03-01-2008 01:32 PM
Oh I wanted to add, that I feel the border in my own observational research is merely dictated by a change in overall frequency. SO again it comes to a stop but one could not see it in a 3Dimensional state due to relative frequency value.. Through alteration of a universl frequency value of a given object or being it would thusly change its state of being. To the next dimensional construct.. But if one is speaking in purely mystical terms then we have to say that if we have consciousness then we would be repositioned into the next highest vibratory state of being..which for our consciousness as it is.would be the fifth dimension ,(being that as we in our present state consist of both 3 dimensional and 4 dimensional properties, The mental state is the intangible 4d state in which i speak of.) in purely mystical termonology BTW Martin..would you give me your opinion on my Theory of Atomic reverberation? Not sure if you did already and my Internet is acting goofy so I can't look right now. I'll check back however. Thanks.
Well It is my OPINION on the matter of Boundless Time/Space Continuum that is in fact Not at all Boundless. Here is why. I think we have to first clear the mind of the idea of infinite 3d Space. let's look at in in a different fashion for only a moment. First I would like to begin with the Concept that It is space that is in fact the one sold and only solid thing in existence and all else is variable forms of energy. Simplified statement but bare with me. So given that all forms of matter are localized particles/Waves yet still remain on a sub-atomic level (for lack of a better Terminology) Separated by Space ..no matter how small we go things must differentiate between themselves otherwise there is no difference between an electron or a neutron and whatever else. due to electromagnetic fields repelling and pushing and difference in frequencies/Rates of vibratory Variation one form of matter (even sub-atomic matter/energy) is separated from another. So we find energy in various cluster formations. In that we move outward (if we can say that accurately...) to a point ton the universe where we would begin to see that a given edge would take place..and a very peculiar spherical Shape would become apparent. but like our position on earth is relative to perspective.. so as we walk along a highway in a given direction. So wrap A hypothetical highway around the globe like an equator. then to us walking on that highway we would perceive ourselves as walking infinitely in one direction were it not for points of familiar perspective (such as landmarks) which give us a sense of location. In space however we haven't that luxury so to realize we are within a spherical construct is next to impossible in a visual sense..we have but to calculate that result based on observation of known laws and reflective value ..(Via Cluster formation) or spherical behavioral patterns of almost all things..more often than not or a given average. Thats my hypothesis
well if we use a practical explanation we should think that a wave is energy firstly, then what we know of energy is it that energy at all has emanations or finer form of energy emitting from it such as magnetism or even photons sometimes electron discharge. but we also must know that all forms of energy in motion not only consume time through application of motion thusly consuming energy in that respect but also releasing energy in the sense that when "it" ( matter ) & (matter = energy ) moves in any given trajectory then it leaves a bit of an unseen trail ( or cut if you will ) behind it's current given location while in motion. Thusly splitting the very fabric of space/time itself or what some refer to as "Free electrons" therefore obviously creating energetic distribution/redistribution.
I was wondering if anyone might have any ideas on this particular matter. If we are in space looking at any given planet..lets say earth, and we feel we are in fact looking at a sphere, could the possibility arise in our minds for a moment that were not at all looking at a sphere but a Hole in Space rather? If we stop to think that on earth where we are responsive to given pre-existing states of matter or particles acting and or reacting in relation to the given Magnetic / Electromagnetic fields Present, and we observe that on Table top or even the ground itself , a hole it comes to no surprise it takes on a 3 dimensional shape of a tube. regardless of the depth (let's not dwell on that for now). It goes to show that this is the case due to material boundaries of the table or ground itself. in space however an independent Object/Mass (that is our point of individualized focus) would have to obey the laws of 3 dimensional manifestation. thusly a hole in space would by nature become a sphere and only due to our own perceptual repositioning would it appear as such. I am considering this concept only because when we look at a material mass like a star that implodes and becomes a blackhole it started out a "SPHERE" and then turned inside out you might say and is obviously going to still have to obey the laws of our 3 dimensional universe thusly maintaining its spherical attributes. so A blackhole wouldn't in this respect be a black Hole it would in fact be a black Sphere. and its field would extend respectively in concordance to this. So if this is at all a possibility then we would maybe wonder if we have systems of PLANETARY Bodies (Solar Systems,GALAXIES) then is it far beyond possibility that we may have exactly the reverse constructs distant to us beyond our visible reach ..where can can not yet see or travel? Galaxies and solar system equivalences made up entirely of BlackSpheres? I was so hoping that I might get a response to this post. please if anyone has anything to say please let's hear it, I Don't need a good bashing but I would love to hear any thoughts on this.if you're unsure of the question the think of it as a statement and give a reply to it in that sense. Thank you so much
Has anyone considered the notion that (and I say this with Respect to the community so don't think it as an attack) that Light is in fact not moving at all? Maybe it is only Matter/Particles of a (Lower) vibratory State that are in fact doing all the moving? It seems to be a plausible question if we stare at it a moment. This could very well be why we have trouble interpreting its where abouts......,after all, we passed it long ago lol.
Or possibly it obvious that he's inquiring on whether or not we have yet discovered how to utilize the Concept of a tesseract in a Productive fashion. Just a bit of effort to interpolate his question guys we are here to learn from one another so no need to mistreat others for thier questions. after all if we had it all figured out, the need for this forum would be abolished.
I was contemplating Wormholes and interdimensional Travel and the notion of Folding Time/Space via The Tesseract. I know these subjects may be frowned upon by many but here it goes..At this point without Mathematical Formulation. I Don't even know if a similar theory already exists. here it goes. I noticed that when we speak of Folding time/space and utilizing wormholes we seem to be thinking of a forward momentum taking place in most cases. and the idea that such movement is necessary to traverse if you will. but I thought of something that I have dubbed (For lack of a better terminology ) "Atomic Reverberation" which is based on the idea of moving backwards in time while moving forward in space. Let me try to make sense out of this seemingly absurd notion. If we tried to move from one Galaxy to another using given modern technology we would have to travel for a ridiculous amount of time and never see it in our own lifespan. So If we were to "Bounce" say subject A using a waveform or frequency compatible to Subject A's Atomic Compilation which has a Universal "All in All" frequency based on the Combination of frequencies within its entire make up, (Kinda like a symphony) and pull it into a realignment with the given destinations Frequencies (its own Universal Composition) yet maintaining Subject A's Own Harmonic Structure. Then we could relatively bounce a subject through Space to great distances whith little or no consumption of time. I don't know if I used proper terminology for this explanation and without regard to my lack of eloquence please lend me your feedback on this matter. Possible or impossible? Probable or improbable?