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Everything posted by SamCogar

  1. The fact is, you do not speak for this biologist, ..... nor any biologist that I'm aware of. And speaking biologically, .... And mammalian eyes are not adjudged by biologists to be either compound or simple.
  2. Me thinks your "seeming" is kinda somewhat lacking in/of reasoned thought.. Both the mammalian eyes and the insect eyes are "compound" eyes ...... with the basic difference being ..... how they are, per se, "packaged". Like delboy alluded to above, .... a compound eye with 10 thousand lenses and photoreceptors on the front, ..... or a compound eye with a single lens on the front and 10 thousand photoreceptors behind it. To wit: A truly remarkable sight would be to view ....... Life Through The Eyes Of The Mantis Shrimp
  3. Oh my, my, ……. 24 hours kaput and no responses to my above post. Geeeeeze, were my questions too “tuff” for all the resident “experts”? Surely, even if my questions are too “tuff” for them to even offer their opinion, .... they should, at the very least, cite 1 or 2 or 3 url references that explains, defines and/or provides scientifically legitimate “answers”. Iffen no one dares to offer their learned opinion or cited references on/to my above questions ……. then maybe I will hafta repost them as “claims of fact” instead of “questions”.
  4. Given the fact that neither you nor anyone else is capable of citing, noting or presenting any evidence to support your preferred belief(s), …… or citing any evidence provided by those persons who you believe are correct, ……. concerning the two (2) subjects of contention, 1) the environment necessary to cause and/or influence the evolving of the physical attributes of modern humans; 2) the nurturing and functioning of the brain/mind from birth onward, ……. is literal proof that prejudice is your determiner of what is “evidence”. A “consensus of opinions” is not evidence and it does not dictate, nor mandate, what has occurred or is occurring in the natural (nature) world of planet earth.
  5. “Neurons use pulse frequency modulation to emulate analogue signals, and the function to decide whether to fire is a complex one, but I thought the magnitude of the spike is not varied. I could be wrong.” So, that must be how those brain neurons and synapses create that pseudo “live action video” that is referred to as a “dream” or ”dreaming” which we are permitted to “see” a portion of if awakened during our REM sleep period. But the really mystifying question is, …… where in ell does those neurons and synapses get all them “weirdo” pictures they use to “create” one of those pseudo “live action videos”? And another mystifying question is, …… what is it with this REM thingy (rapid eye movement) with our eye lids closed tight when we are “dreaming” up one of those pseudo “live action videos”? Does that REM actually mean that our eye balls are actually watching the “live action” movements as they are being created in our “video” dreams? Are we "seeing" actual video type graphics/pictures when we are "seeing" a dream content ...... or are we just "seeing" the transmission of information as it I being recalled from memory storage? So many questions, ….. so few answers.
  6. It sure don't work that way on this SFN Science Forum It's more like 50 minutes of "badmouthing" all NIH commentary, .... declaring it to be a WAG ...... and forbidding any further discussions or postings of the declared "WAG" subject matter. I wonder if ...... all posted subject matter is declared a "WAG" iffen it is the least bit contradictory to any of the Academically declared "settled science"? And ya'll have ignored this fact, to wit: HA, iffen Alfred Wegener, ..... a meteorologist, ...... had posted his original "tectonic plate" thoughts on this Forum, ........ WHOOOOOOPEEEE.
  7. All righty, now I understand what you meaning, …… like so, huh? WOW, fifty (50) years of debating someone's sloppy, wild-ass guesswork before it was finally discarded as "junk science" for lack of evidence.
  8. Given the Rules ..... I assume I will also be prohibited from posting my science based ideas and commentary on this, the Speculation Forum. Interesting, ...... a Speculation Forum where one is prohibited from posting their science based speculations unless they also provide actual, factual, testable scientific evidence and/or proofs to support and/or prove their speculations are scientifically factual.
  9. I can not provide any evidence whatsoever that proves our early human ancestors came from or evolved from an aquatic existence ...... simply because there never has been a member of the Family of Great Apes, human or otherwise, that has ever directly evolved from an aquatic existence. At least none that current science knows anything about. And I have never ever stated, clamed or asserted that early humans evolved from an aquatic existence. I have always, for the past 40+- years, ........ stated, clamed or asserted that early humans evolved in an environment wherein they enjoyed the benefit of a close association with an aquatic environment.
  10. Ken Fabian, I would like to thank you for a truly pleasant response to my posted commentary and I will attempt to address your questions and comments as best as I can, given the situation. Ken Fabian, if you are only focusing on or only considering “human furlessness” then I agree, you will not readily see anything particularly aquatic about it. And the same goes for human bipedalism, you won’t see anything particularly aquatic about it either. But you can’t be “focusing on” human furlessness or bipedalism if you are going to apply a kind of “reverse evolution” to determine the environmental “driver” of said attributes. Thus said, one has to focus on the “environmental driver(s)” responsible for the evolved attributes, …… and not the attributes themselves. Thus, Ken, it is of my learned opinion that human “furlessness” is a direct result of human “bipedalism”. In other words, human bipedalism was the “environmental driver” responsible for human furlessness. And I say that because, if our early human ancestors had never evolved the ability of bipedal walking ….. then there would not have been any logical reason (environmental driver) for their body to evolve furlessness. Human bipedalism and furlessness go “hand-in-hand”, no need of one without the other. And, Ken, the next obvious question that I am sure you will want me to provide an answer to/for is: “And just what is the “environmental driver” responsible for human bipedalism?” And the simple answer to the aforesaid question is, ….. our early human ancestors, which eventually evolved to be a sub-species of the Family of Great Apes, established a close association with an aquatic environment by taking up residence on or near the shoreline of a river, lake, tidal zone or inland sea simply because said body of water (aqua) provided them an easily accessible, abundant supply of high-protein foods that did not require the expenditure of great amounts of time and energy, …… or the use of tools, …. for harvesting said food or for eating of said foods. Life is good …… for any animal species that doesn’t have to spend all their waking hours searching for food and evading predators. And bipedal walking evolved as a result of ….. harvesting their food from the shallow waters. It is quite easy to learn to walk bipedally by walking (wading) in water because the water provides buoyancy to easily hold oneself in an upright position. And thus, our early ancestors that were the best bipedal waders/walkers in the water ……. were also the bestest provider of aquatic foods ….. and the bestest food provider got to do the mostest procreating with the females. Yup, if one can discover/determine what the environmental “driver(s)” are/were, then that would be the same as determining what the evolutionary "pressures" were for each of the different species you mentioned, …… right? Ken, the loss of body hair/fur by early humans resulted in the loss of a protective covering of the epidermis, which meant that it would have impossible for early humans to walk or run amongst or through the brush, weeds, thorns, briars, etc., while looking for tubers or fruits …… or either trying to catch a prey animal or trying to evade a predator animal ……. without their “bare” skin being cut, scraped, gouged and/or lacerated …. which would have surely resulted in their demise. Loss of body hair/fur also meant a loss of protection from blood-sucking and biting insects that commonly inhabit brushy fields, grasslands and swampy locales. Loss of the majority of body hair/fur by early humans meant that they could more easily walk or wade bipedally in the water when harvesting aquatic foods. Heavy or thick body hair/fur would cause a severe “drag” on quick movements required to capture aquatic prey animals, especially in deep water. Humans retained their body hair under their arms and between the legs in their groin area simply because said patches of hair serves the purpose of a “dry lubricant”. And humans retained their body hair on their head most likely because of their bipedal stance. It protected their head and brain from the solar irradiance …… as well as providing a “glare reducing” aid or shield when bipedally walking in the water harvesting their food. Harvesting their aquatic food whose remains provided them with a variety of “natural tools” that didn’t need any “inventing” by those early humans, …… who just had to figure out how best to use them. And they had plenty of “free time” to do their “figuring” ….. because they were not spending all their awake hours searching for food and evading predators. Nuff for now.
  11. I'm sure this sentence is "weird" reading for many folks, to wit: Me thinks the above noted spend the majority of their time ...... in the water. Well I'll be flabbergasted fer shur, ...... those hairy ape and hairy gorillas are also epidermal "sweaters". I wunder why? Must be that human hands and feet get the "hottest" when they go running bipedally down the street to be 1st in line at a Rock Concert. And iffen the 2nd highest density of sweat glands is on the human head ......... why didn't us humans evolve to be bald headed, a hair "free" head like the rest of our body? That is, except for the "dry lubricant" areas.
  12. Argent, you have my permission to, per se, post a plagiarized copy of my commentary that you quoted above, in which I am imploring and authorizing you to use whatever verbiage you deem correct and proper to insure your coherent understanding of both its context and content ...... and then you should post your learned expert opinion of said for discussion by Forum members. And remember, I am authorizing you to plagiarize my commentary, ....... not rewrite it to mean what you want it to mean.
  13. You are absolutely right, ...... I am sure. But just one question O' Wise One, ......... Why is the title of my post, ......... "A Logical Perspective On the Origins of Homo sapiens sapiens" listed on the Title page of both the ...... "Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology" Forum ..... and the "Religion" Forum?
  14. I did not post my commentary in the Religion Forum. I had been reading and was currently viewing the "title" page of the Biology Forum when I "clicked" the Add New Post tab. So, I really don't believe I am or was at fault for my post being recorded in the Religion Forum
  15. The human brain/mind is a biological self-programming supercomputer. And anything and everything “new” that we “learn” today is highly dependent upon what we “learned” yesterday, and every yesterday in succession back until the day that each of us were born. And each “new” thing we “learn” each day of our lives is “linked” to those things we learned yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and so on back to the day of our birth. But, the fact is, for one to actually “learn” anything, ….. they must be able to “recall” the information that is stored in their brain. And the only way that is possible is via the above said “links” that connect the stored memory segments to one another. The human brain contains over 11 billion neurons, capable of receiving, processing, and relaying the electrochemical pulses on which all our sensations, actions, thoughts, and emotions depend. Brain neurons are linked together via synaptic “links”, …. based on the data/info that is stored in each neuron …. with the typical neuron having about 10,000 synapses. The synapses therefore constitute an exceedingly complex wiring system that surpasses by many orders of magnitude the complexity of even the most advanced supercomputers. This graphic portray a dozen or so of the aforesaid 11 billion neurons and their synaptic “links”.
  16. And they laughed at Donald Trump for even thinking he could be elected POTUS.
  17. If one prefers to use a 'greater than' symbol then that is one's personal choice, ....... but my doing so, ..... would sure make for a weird reading of this sentence.
  18. Bipedal locomotion, loss of protective body hair and the evolving of “sweat glands” over their entire epidermal skin area are just three (3) of the physical attributes that our early human ancestors, the only sub-species in the Family of Great Apes, evolved to best survive in the environment that they chose to live and reproduce in. So, the question is, what was their selected environment like that best suited a bipedal stance or movement, ….. did not require the protection of a heavy coating of body hair, ,,,,, but absolutely, positively required that their entire body surface (epidermis) contain sweat glands that secrete copious amounts of salt (NaCl) containing water (H2O). Surely that environment was not a hot, semi-arid African savannah simply because salt (NaCl) and water (H2O) are the two (2) most important, precious resources necessary for human survival ….. and thus it would be highly detrimental to one’s survival if they indiscriminately rid their body of said without an immediate means of replacing said losses. Too little, or too much salt (NaCl) is a cause of certain death to humans. And that is exactly why most athletes make sure they have access to "salt tablets". As far as anyone knows, ….. the evolving of “sweat glands” in the epidermis covering of the human body may have specifically evolved for ridding the body of excess salt (that was/is ingested as a result of their primary food source) …… because the retention of too much salt will kill you “deader than a door nail”, There has been more than one (1) human that has died from drinking “salty” water. And died because they "sweated out" too much of their body salt content, .... a condition known as "heat stroke".
  19. Bender, I've had major trouble with the "number 2" ... ever since someone bet me $100 that I could not write a sentence grammatically correct that stated .......... "There are three ??? in the English language" ....... with the grammatically correct "number 2" being placed in the sentence where the ??? are.
  20. I believe the following was posted in response to my jumbled word/letters “test”, to wit: Like the ole fert said, …… someone is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill …… as a result of them simply not understanding what said “testing” was meant to prove. So, “Yes”, we truly do read words as a whole, ……. because the word “we” refers to the person, the whole person, …… and the whole person reads the whole word. But the afore stated jumbled word/letters “test” was not intended for testing whether or not “we” are a person, whole or otherwise. There he/she did it again, instead of using the word “we” to refer to the whole person ….. they used the word ”one” to refer to the whole person. So right again, the whole person, either the “we” or the ”one” whole person, ….. can not see the whole word without also seeing the whole string of letters in it. The per se “test” was nothing more than a simple exercise to prove to the “testee” that they have both a “conscious mind” and a “subconscious mind” and that the latter one is functioning in the background ….. and doing most all the mental work of “character string” interpretation and recall of associated data, ….. as well as informing the “conscious mind” of the results of its work ….. without the former one even knowing or realizing that the latter one even exists. For those persons who truly believe that their “conscious mind” is in control of everything that they “see”, ”hear” or ”do” ….. and that their “conscious mind” is not subservient to their “subconscious mind” ….. or that there is no such thing as a “subconscious mind” …… should explain in detail how it is possible for them to hear their telephone ring, …. when they were not expecting anyone to be calling, …… and they answered their phone “call” by saying “hello”, ….. and the person calling responded by just saying “hello” and nothing else, …… and "SHAZAMM", .... all of a sudden a “mental picture” of the caller appeared in the person’s “conscious mind” ….. even though there was no way in hell that said person’s “conscious mind” or their eyes could possibly see who the person was that was calling on the telephone. Now your 1st statement above was one brilliantly conceived piece of verbiage that just gotta be worthy of a Nobel Prize consideration. Now just who else alive today could possibly have thunked up the amazing scientific fact that ....... "dreaming and REM are evidence of brain activity"? And the content/context of your above three (3) paragraphs have left me flabbergasted and speechless. Speechless ...... because iffen I actually told you what I thought about the context/content of your commentary in a posting, ...... I am positive that the Forum managers would bar me for life. Tell me, ...... DrmDoc, ..... do persons that are born deaf and blind ......... dream in "color" or dream in "black & white"?
  21. Its an ole habit I picked up many, many years ago when authoring Engineering Design Specifications and System Software/Firmware Operational Specifications. That infers, to the reader, that there are two (2) separate and independent systems. Very confusing that would be ..... because there is no way to keep track of which System one is talking about (please note in the afore, "one" defines a person: (1) which defines an integer was not needed or used) without mentioning both each and every time. Well, IMLO, .... his thinking is "close" to actuality ........ but then "close" only counts in the game of Horseshoes. Experimental data, ...... HUH? The problem is, the people you are "experimenting" on or with ....... will lie to you without blinking an eye .... and most will simply tell you what they think you want to hear. OH, my my my my, ..... so you truly believe that Kahneman conclusions are backed up by a large amount of experimental data gathered over decades ...... and that your personal, intelligently reasoned opinion of me, ..... is that all the actual, factual scientific data and personally observed information that I have acquired over the past 50+ years and posted to or cited on this Forum ..... is nothing more than simple arsed guesses on my part that were/are ...... based on an Internet meme. Strange, your thinking ability is pretty much defined by your "screen name".
  22. The above appears to me to be an oxymoronic question. Iffen the outputs are functionally similar, why are you asking what the difference is? Errors are like beauty, ...... they only exist in the eyes of the beholder. See above response concerning errors. Iffen you have a "spikey" brain then you can consider it whatever you want to. And there is not much about the human brain that can be considered "binary" except for the fact it has two (2) hemispheres and two (2) minds. The architecture of the brain/mind has nothing whatsoever to do with a "binary" function or design. Now Bender, I write for the benefit of the reader, ..... thus I write for clarity, ... I write for comprehension, ...... I write for understanding, ..... I write for attention getting, etc. In other words, I write so that there is no excuse for the "constant kibitzers" to be claiming it was my fault for their uh, uh, uh ,,, problem(s). That is a lesson I learned many years ago when I was employed as a Teacher of Science. Bender, read my writing, ...... and if you don't like its composition ..... then no one is forcing you to read it. I am fairly sure you would "find fault" with the content/context of my posted commentary no matter what it consisted of.
  23. I am pretty sure that I had given up on the wild idea of a "Godly Creator" before my 6th birthday. My mommy was a religio-fanatic ....... but my daddy was a common sense thinker and logical reasoned. To the Moderator ​Was that note stating "more evidence" ...... directed to the attention of swansont ........ or to my attention? One has to be very specific when asking for one to submit "evidence of evolution of the sapiens species" simply because there is in actuality, very little physical evidence available that can be used to explain and/or prove the different stages of "descent with modification" that the early members of one of the species of the Family of Great Apes underwent, or evolved through, to become the Homo sapiens sapiens species (humans) of today. In actuality, the only physical evidence available that actually proves the evolution of Homo sapiens sapiens ..... is us humans ourselves. And to figure out how we evolved from being an ancient member of the Family of Great Apes, we humans have to, per se, .... "reverse evolve" (like reverse engineering) our physical and/or mental attributes to determine the most likely and logical "sequence of events" that had to have occurred as we humans evolved from "ape to man". Thus said, ........ then common sense thinking, logical reasoning and intelligent deductions, ..... that must be employed during the afore stated "reverse evolution" process, ....... becomes the de facto "evidence of evolution of the physical and mental attributes of humans". Bipedal locomotion, ..... loss of protective body hair, ...... salt emitting epidermal sweat glands, ....... loss of incisor/canine teeth, ..... tool making, etc., are just a few of the "logically reasoned" points of "abstract" evidence that proves humans evolved because of their ancestors close association with an aquatic environment.(AAT)
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