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Everything posted by SamCogar

  1. You are not joking, are you? Serious as a "heart attack", aren't you? Well sorry about that, cause if so, ...... me definitely sure that you have been sorely miseducated and brainwashed into believing a whole parcel of "junk science" claims that have no basis in reality or the functioning of the natural world. OH GOOD GRIEF, the number of evolved adaptations are immaterial. It is the 5 or 6 critically evolved adaptations that discredits the ...... Out of the trees and Out of Africa via Across the Hot African Savannah Theory of human evolution.
  2. Then you are reading toooo slow , kinda concentrating or pausing on each word. Scan the words quickly, ..... the quicker the better ....... but not so quick that they are a blur. Mostly liberal socialist "enviros", ......... the left coast, California, ........ no, in coffee houses in San Fran, ...... maybe lucky you. Only the one (1) time when I was in Germany on business. Being a Degreed Biologist, I have to disagree with you on that. And please don’t infer or associate my commentary with that of the “psychobabblers”. And a valid descriptor of the brain function that I am referring to would be what? Have you coined an accurate and valid descriptor that is currently recognized by the science community? If not, why not? Are you saying that here is NO SUCH THINGS as “dreams”, ….. aka: REM sleep cycles? Or are you just claiming that all REM sleep cycles wherein “dreams” are actually known to occur ……. that all said “dreams” are created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster and are in no way a product of brain activity. Really now, and just what is the descriptive term that has been assigned to the mental state of a person that has been “whapped” on the head with a baseball bat and is lying unresponsive on the floor moaning and groaning about their head hurting? They can’t be conscious if they are unresponsive ……. and they can ‘t be unconscious if they are moaning and groaning, now can they. And why the descriptive term “coma” iffen the term “unconscious” adequately describes the mental state? And just when and why is a person declared to be “brain dead”? And just what is the difference in the mental state of a person that is “unconscious”, and a person that is in a “coma”, and a person that is “brain dead”? There must be good reason for the use of redundant terminology.
  3. Here is a simple “test” that attempts to prove that your “conscious mind” don’t know feces from shinola iffen your “subconscious mind” doesn’t tell it everything it needs to know whenever it needs to know it. Following is a list of twelve (12) commonly used words with some of the letters out of the correct sequence. So, take this simple “test” by quickly glancing over the following list …… just to see if you can correctly pronounce them without too much hesitation, …… to wit: ltteer mses wouthit iprmoetnt istlef raed bcuseae wrod porbelm frist huamn lsat Are you done yet, …….. or are you still trying to figure them out? It shouldn’t have taken anyone more than ten (10) seconds to figure all 12 of them out …. according to those persons who claim that their “conscious mind” is in control of everything they think, say or do …… and that their “subconscious mind”, ….. if there is such a thing, …… doesn’t control anything and for sure, their “conscious mind” is not subservient to the “subconscious mind”. Anyway, HA! I betcha ya didn’t figure them all out in the allotted 10 seconds, …… did ya? Probably took ya way more than 10 seconds, right? Now you can try a 2nd “test” to determine iffen your “subconscious mind” can do what it does best, ……. and that is, ….. to tell your “conscious mind” what it needs to know when it needs to know it, …….. and damn quick at doing it when it does it. So, take the next “test” by quickly reading through the following paragraph to see iffen you have as much problem with the wording in it as you did with the same words up above, to wit: Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!" YUP, ..... Amazing, huh? Thanks to your "subconscious mind" ....... your “conscious mind” just kinda sorta magically knew what all those “scrambled” words were without a dab of hesitation. Now let the "discussion" begin.
  4. And just what was my premise ....... and why would I argue against it? HA, I don't have a "split" personality so I can't very well argue with myself. Just why are you fixated on a "Two faces of Eve" personality fault (mental disorder)?
  5. Oh my, my, ....... done the hard work, HUH? So that must be why I was awarded a State Teaching Certificate (License), on the same day that I graduated from college, that certified me as being a Professional Teacher in/of Secondary Education Science curriculum (subjects).
  6. Excluding pro-creation of the species, ….. the majority of all evolved physical attributes in all animal species can be directly attributed to their, per se, “choice” or “selection” of a food type, class and/or source. Thus, the different “survival-of-the-fittest” physical attributes of the predator and prey species have evolved. The questions of evolution: Did a few early terrestrial living bird species evolve to become aquatic animals living, birthing and feeding in the water …… and then re-evolve back to living on the land but still feeding in the water. NO, they did not. Those early terrestrial feeding bird species simply evolved physical attributes for feeding in the water and thus are commonly referred to as aquatic feeding birds and/or Aquatic Birds. Did an early species of terrestrial feeding ape evolve to become an aquatic animal living, birthing and feeding in the water ….. and then re-evolve back to living on the land but still partially feeding in the water. NO, it did not. The aforesaid early species of terrestrial feeding ape evolved physical attributes for feeding in the water and thus are commonly referred to by some as being an aquatic feeding ape and/or Aquatic Ape. Are there Aquatic Birds? YES, currently a hundred (100) or so different species. Nothing in the evolution of Aquatic Birds makes sense except in the light of a close association with an aquatic (water) environment which was utilized as their primary source for gathering food. Are there Aquatic Apes? YES, currently one (1) species, Homo sapiens sapiens (humans). Nothing in the evolution of Aquatic Apes (humans) makes sense except in the light of a close association with an aquatic (water) environment which was utilized as their primary source for gathering food. Thus, given the above stated facts, it is obvious that a science based discussion is warranted, ..... to determine why so many learned individuals prefer to embrace the evolutionary aspects of the Aquatic Bird Theory (ABT) ….. while at the same time ….. denying, discrediting and/or defaming the evolutionary aspects of the Aquatic Ape Theory (AAT)
  7. GEEEEEZUS, ….. I’ve been trying my damnest to get involved in or to initiate a science based discussion, but so far, to no avail. So far, it seems as though no one is willing to engage in a discussion of a science based subject, ….. but on the contrary, …… they want to initiate, …. and then engage in, a meaningless argument. And NOT an argument about a science based subject, …… but an argument about whether or not I, Sam C, am sufficiently knowledgeable or educated to be permitted to engage in a science based discussion. HA, me thinks it is a “turf protection” argument that they persist in engaging in.
  8. And below is pictured the “difference engine”.
  9. Why thank you much, Eise, ……. I sure do appreciate such a nice compliment. I have always believed that a Science Forum was meant to be for posting science based subject matter for discussion and learning. Being currently employed as a Teacher or Professor of Science in the public schools and colleges ….. must really be a demeaning, unrewarding, thankless job …… given the fact that they are constantly being interrupted by two (2) or more students demanding that said teacher/instructor provide factual evidence to prove what he/she had just stated …… and to also cite a credible reference to a peer-approved published abstract that was authored by an Academically approved “expert” on the subject matter in question.
  10. Ask your daddy, ......... and iffen no daddy around, ......... ask a neighbor.
  11. The word "compute" means to calculate. Thus any entity that is capable of calculating a result of some form or type can be called a computer. Thus there are fluid computers, mechanical computers, electronic computers and biological computers.
  12. Where are the tools, ….. the tools, ….. the tools, ….. the tools, ….. that were used to build the Great Pyramid? An emerging culture or society does not destroy all traces of their technology and tools that they developed and used to rise up from a ”hunter-gatherer lifestyle” …….. to a civilized society of builders and artisans. If you don’t understand the question have your Mother explain it to you. The same question can be ask about the construction of Machu Picchu, the stone ruins of Puma Punku and Gobekli Tepe, ….. where are the tools ?
  13. I'm sorry you broke all of your fingers and are unable to perform a Google search, ...... but anyway,...... click on read this ........ https://www.britannica.com/science/human-evolution
  14. Lordy, lordy again, …… Lord Antares, …… you know damn well that iffen I hadn't per se "signed" my name at the bottom of my commentary ...... that you would sure as hell have jumped my arse with dastardly defaming BS criticisms for not citing a url reference from whence will claim that I plagiarized (copied) said commentary. That is the extent that all you neo-academics have got going for you, ........ 1. the requesting/demanding of cited url references, ..... and 2. your perceived expertise in the use, definition, spelling and application of the English language. Those persons that don't know feces about, ... nor have ever learned anything of educational value ....... are the one who are always requesting a cited reference to most any posted commentary ......... so that they can attempt to "fake out" the poster via their newly acquired "smarts" of the subject in question.
  15. Now LA, ...... I made no mention whatsoever, …… of any part or parcel of my above published commentary being a theory, …. flawless or otherwise. Now lordy, lordy …… Lord A, …… inferring, suggesting or even claiming that an alien culture could have established residence here on the earth some tens of thousands of years ago ….. and engaged in chromosome and/or gene modification of a member of the family of Great Apes…… as well as lateral gene transfers between different species of Great Apes or any other primate they chose ….. DOES NOT violate or negate any science that is associated with the “evolution of the species via descent with modification”. Lord Antares, … apparently you do not realize that there has NEVER BEEN any fossil evidence found that DIRECTLY links the Homo sapiens sapiens species (humans) with any of the other known Homo species for which fossil evidence exists. Lord A, ..... that is exactly the problem that supports the claims of alien intervention. There is no physical evidence, ..... namely the "tools" that were required for the construction of all the different stone structures in different locales around the world. "DUH", the measuring, cutting and installation of the "white limestone" facing on all four (4) sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza far exceeded the abilities of the Egyptians. The Egyptians didn't construct the Great Pyramid, they just laid claim to it after their forced migration out of the Sarah.
  16. Me thinks you need to broaden your knowledge base a wee bit before criticizing my use of English verbiage, to wit:
  17. The 2nd commentary, HUH, ……. with no mention of the 1st commentary, HUH. Bender, your emotional decision not to mention, recognize or discuss, ……. aka: averting your eyes and your mind to; …… the existence of, or any part or parcel of, my cited commentary titled “A View of How the Human Mind Works” …… is most probably a “normal” reaction that was “triggered” by one of your Inherited Survival Instincts …. which its intended purpose is to insure Survival of the Species, …….. or to be more exact, Survival of the Offspring (child) ….. which all females of the species inherit from their parent. The female of the species inherits that particular “instinct” simply because she is the primary caregiver of her offspring, and when faced with a critical decision, .... will, more often than not, ..... make an emotional decision to protect the child, …. at all costs, ….. even injury or death of herself. Thus said, ….. I have to assume that the contents of my cited commentary has apparently “scared the bejesus out of you” ….. and thus triggering your emotional decision to ……. “avert your eyes and your mind” to what you learned about yourself by reading it. Damn scary stuff when one first begins to realize ....... "why they are what they are ..... and why they do the things that they do".
  18. Oh, my, my, .... dat made me think of ....... "hell hath no fury like that of a highly emotionally irritated female". Strange, the human brain/mind is a per se computer. A biological computer. A biological self-programming, multi-processing, quad-quad-quad core super-computer that creates additional “data storage” as needed …….. and is constantly “re-wiring” and/or ”re-programming” itself on a daily basis ……. relative to the environmentally sensed info/data it receives via the sense organs. Strange, in actuality, the only thing that an electronic or a mechanical computer can do ….. is to, per se, answer “yes” or ”no” when presented a “choice” to make. And that is exactly why they are all referred to as "binary" computers. Binary = 2, ..... 0 or 1, .... + or -, ..... yes or no, .... etc. Delta, ......and just where in ell did your afore stated “neural network(s)” acquire their …… “pursuit of a desired outcome”. Were those designed neural networks also “effectively designed” to create their own personal and specific “pursuit” thingy? Or did the "designer" of the neural network ...... also design the "pursuit" thingy? Now Delta, your above usage of the word(s), to wit, ……. “knowledge, learned, learn, knows, figure out, being taught” …… in reference to the “ability” of Google’s language translation software …….. sure makes that software “code” sound all pretty and fancy and smart and edumacated and also most probably a loyal Democrat partisan. But the literal fact is, if it involve or pertains to computer programs, aka programming code, .... tain’t none of your above noted verbiage that applies ……. other than as an “artistic expression” to appease or impress the person reading your commentary. Claiming that a computer “learns” when new information is recorded on its storage medium ……. is equivalent to claiming that a filing cabinet “learns” whenever new paper documents are inserted in one (1) of its drawers.
  19. You just confirmed what I told you. aka: "to appear in error" to a user or onlooker. Regardless of what the output data consisted of, …. it was in fact 100% correct and factual as per instructed (instructions) by the computer code that you created. Iffen a computer program is not functioning the way that the programmer or “user” wants it to be functioning, ……. it is not the fault of the computer or the program, It’s the fault of the programmer, the systems analyst or the “user” him/herself. Why do you think 100% of all the “output data”…… being generated by 100% of the …. climate modelling computer programs being used by NASA, NOAA, Berkley, etc., …… is utterly and totally FUBAR? The answer to the above is, ........ SISO. Cheers, ..... the ole computer designing dinosaur
  20. Homo sapiens sapiens - A genetically created, biological procreating, environmentally nurtured humanoid The Origins of Homo sapiens sapiens, otherwise known as humanoids or humans, has been a controversial subject for eons and eons. Or to be more exact, ever since any particular isolated group of humans became sufficiently nurtured by their environment to begin questioning their own origins or existence. There are three (3) schools of thought concerning the origins of humans. The 1st one is based in/on Religious beliefs that the heavens, the earth and everything upon the earth is the product of a Creator, a God. The 2nd one is based in/on Science that the universe and the earth is the product of the “Big Bang” and that all life forms past and present is the product of Evolution of the Species via “natural selection and decent with modification”. The 3rd one, on which the following commentary is predicated, is based in/on the logical possibility of a group of intelligent alien explorers migrating to planet earth and via DNA modifications of members of a now extinct species of ape, thereby biologically creating humans in their present form to serve the “will and needs” of said alien explorers. The intelligent entity responsible for the DNA modifications of an extant species of the hominidae family (great apes) that resulted in the origin of a member of the genus Homo, and specifically the species Homo sapiens sapiens, are, for unknown reasons, long gone from the earth, leaving only two (2) factual records of them ever being here. One of said records is the fossils of several now extinct species of Homo with us humans being the only surviving member of that particular Homo lineage. The other record being the hundreds of archeological “clues” that pretty much dictates that a highly intelligent entity with the necessary resources were responsible for their construction. We know this to be a fact because many of said historical sites have been, and still are, being researched and/or investigated to determine the means and methods of exactly how they were constructed. We do not know the actual answers to these queries. The per said, personality of a few of the aforementioned historical construction sites would defy the abilities of present day humans to recreate, even with their access to current technology and tools. Thus, said constructions give reasons and purpose as to why an intelligent entity, or group of alien explorers of this planet, would have need for the creating of a “labor force” that could be nurtured to perform whatever type of work or service that they wanted them to perform. The alien explorers would also have had the means and methods to “cull” the procreating humanoid population so as to only retain the humanoids with the most desirable attributes to serve their intended purpose(s). Even in present times, this is still a standard practice in animal husbandry, as well as in the “selective” breeding of other species of animals. Also, selected individuals of various animal species are being nurtured by their owners or caregivers, beginning soon after their birth, to perform or serve whatever “labor force” purpose their caregiver chooses. We humans have now become what we were originally created to be. The intelligent entity or alien explorers, given their absence, were no longer directing and/or controlling the nurturing of the humanoid population. Thus, all humanoids born after said aliens “vanished” became totally dependent upon their environment to nurture them and all newborn humans became almost totally dependent upon their parent(s) or guardians for their care and nurturing if they were to become social members of their family unit, tribe, group or culture. The reason for said “vanishing” of the alien explores could be one of several reasons. One possibility is that they simply decided to “go back home” from whence they came. But the highly probable reason is that their humanoid “labor force” rebelled against their control and authority and destroyed them. And in doing so, the humanoids also destroyed everything that reminded them of their per say enslavement by the alien explorers except for the now present remains of ancient stone-work construction, etc. This would explain why there has never been found any tools, or records of tools, that would have been required to perform the aforesaid construction. We are what our environment nurtures us to be. Upon gaining their freedom from their enslavers, small groups of the now human population wandered off in all directions to fend for themselves. And in doing so, these now isolated groups were dependent upon their new environments to nurture them with the means to survive. As they learned new and better survival traits from their environments they became quite successful as hunter-gathers at finding sufficient food resources for their survival. As the population of these groups increased the need for social rules and guidance became necessary for their survival. Thus a leader was either chosen or the strongest member of the group took control and rules of social conduct were established by proxy or by the individual leaders themselves. In the latter situation the rules of conduct could change each time a new leader took control. A need for religious beliefs arises. As the individuals within these groups became more intelligent and knowledgeable of their environment they began to question those things they were subjected to that they didn’t understand, including thunder, lightning, the seasons and their own origins. And when such questions arise in social groups of humans their leader(s) were queried for an answer to them. But their leaders no longer had any memories of, or the access to any of the alien explorers that originally created humans, to nurture them on their origins, or any historical records that would explain things to them. Therefore the leaders and/or oldest members of these isolated groups were forced to use their imagination to create acceptable “reasons” for said origins in order to appease the curiosity of the individuals in said group. Thus Gods and Goddesses were thought up to “explain the unexplainable”. And the isolation of the different groups of humans resulted in differences in their imagined “reasons”, otherwise known as “religious beliefs”. Our knowledge of said religious beliefs are recorded in both the archeological and historical records of past cultural groups, of which some are the root source of most all present day Religions. A per say, ….. Religious belief decent with modifications, ….. from the polytheism worshipping of the past to the monotheism worshipping of the present. Cheers Author: Samuel C Cogar January 2013
  21. Uh, ..... "NO", ...... you can't. I am sure that you can program your computer (generate computer code) that will randomly add, delete, change or modify a part or portion of the “output data”, ……. but, regardless of what was changed or modified, ….. said “output data” would still be functionally correct. But now an “onlooker” or recipient of said “output data” would surely declare it to be “in error”. Intermittent “failure” of electrical or electronic components will cause random errors.
  22. In what way is asking you to support your ideas discrediting or defaming you? Strange, tell your mommy …. that I told you …. to tell her …… that she should point out to you ……. that you shouldn’t be “copying & pasting” a quoted comment from one part of a lengthy conversation ….. and then “composing & pasting” a question based on comments extracted from a completely different part of a lengthy conversation. Strange, dyslexia or reading comprehension is one thing, ....... but intentionally being devious or disingenuous is a dastardly awful act. HA, apparently one helluva lot more expertise than you can claim possession of. I provided extensive support for my claims when I cited this commentary, “A View of How the Human Mind Works”, which I am the author of. That commentary is “chock full” of actual, factual, undeniable evidence and proofs that support my ideas. But both you, Strange, ….. and Bender, ….. chose to avert your eyes and your minds to the commentary and is contents simply because there is/was no way in hell you could actually deny or discredit its contents. And thus your only rebuttal arguments have been little more than "weazelworded" tripe and piffle. Here is another commentary that will surely confuse the hell out of your subconscious mind and which is titled "Biology of a cell: Genetic memory verses Environmental memory".
  23. You can adapt your computer software to do whatever the hardware "instruction set" permits you to make "adaptions" to. But your computer software can not do anything other that what the program code "instructs" it to do, All computer program "code" functions correctly,
  24. Bender, in your desperation you are "grasping at straws" in a futile attempt to discredit and defame my good name and reputation for no other reason than to CYA for you lack of educational expertise to engage in an intelligent discussion of the subject matter. And read my writing, it is utterly asinine for anyone to claim that all "new" hypotheses have to be backed up or supported by "experimental evidence" before they can be recognized as said. And tell me again why you participate on these forums ....... because what you stated above was one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. You are hereon to learn "new" things ...... but you discredit and deny any and all "new" things that you read about ..... without even questioning the possibility that they just might be true and factual ........ simply because your nurturing has prejudiced you to believe that all "new" thingys that are NOT attributed to you beloved mentors and idols are really nothing more than random, isolated musings being posted by uneducated idiots. Bender, my claim to fame is the fact that I was awarded an AB Degree in both the Biological and Physical Sciences, GSC, 1963, ...... so tell me, ..... just what is your "claim to fame" that gives you the right to question my expertise on the subject matter in question? And "Yes", ...... I am an "original thinker", .... and apparently the 1st one ya'll have ever conversed with, and the factual evidence that proves that I am can be viewed by you, Bender, or by Strange, ....... by simply "clinking-on" ...... this hyperlink.
  25. Now you are talking “trash” again. “Duh”, of course you expressed a belief, …. which was in fact your disbelief. Why else would you have asked me to “support my claims”? Do you fancy yourself Professor Emeritus and Head Honcho Inquisitor of all science based commentary posted on this Forum? You disagreed with my claims, ….. which was a de facto “expression of disbelief”, …. and the only reason you requested said evidence. HA, it wouldn’t matter what evidence I presented for “your approval”, …… you wouldn’t approve of it simply because it doesn’t pass your rigid NIH Test (Not Invented Here) “DUH”, were they peer-reviewed ……. or pal-reviewed” GETTA CLUE, ….. Strange, ….. those published abstracts/papers “are all just a pack of fairy stories” iffen there is no physical evidence to support their stated findings ….. and/or ….. if any of the context/contents of the aforesaid abstracts/papers is/are directly contrary to or void of ……. common sense thinking, ….. logical reasoning ….. and/or intelligent deductions. There you go again with that “evidence-based” thingy ……. but you intentionally neglected to mention what physical entity associated with the neuroscience of the brain, mind or brain stem ….. was said “evidence” referring to. Strange, your adorable and dearly beloved expert “psychobabblers” and edumacated neuroscientists have been trying to figure out the “cause n’ cure” of the debilitating illness called “depression” for like the past 150 years …… and the only thing they have accomplished in all these past years is to coin several new names for describing said “depression” …… and they per se “invented” several new prescription drugs that do nothing to cure it …… but only to “mask” the effect of it. And Strange, the worstest travesty of all is fact that those “psychobabblers” are still believing, worshiping and teaching the thought, ideas and claims that was published by a late 19th Century cocaine addicted author by the name of Sigmund Freud. Iffen I was teaching a Middle School Science Class …… that is surely what I would have said.
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