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  1. lo

    the new black hole

    question from chat A planet forms , a moon forms around a planet. [after big bang] The planet slows down enough to let the moon pull in and attract to the planet and not be thrown out further in orbit The motor will work off of mostly gravity at first and a small electrical magnetic assistance . As it forms an outer ring of material around the motor in orbit [like Saturn's rings] the static electric charge starts and gets stronger.[movement of particles makes static electricity] So this gos on for quit some time as the magnetic attraction starts to get stronger form in between the two masses .[the electro magnetic filed starts magnetizing the iron and other elements] It starts the first stage of compacting the masses, the outer mass[roller] will be denser than the inner mass , because it makes more contact than the race does like a bearing. Now this will go on for a wile until it reaches its first collapse in on it self [the braking point for elements at different pressure] right at the collapse it exhaust a huge amount of energy and it speeds up. [this will happen at various stages of the motor ,every time the motor collapses it gets stronger having more mass per square inch. Now its starting to effect and attract other masses further out in the galaxy and the rate of material going into the motor is increasing at a gradual rate . The matter coming in is being layered on both the masses making both the masses grow at a rate by how much matter is coming into motor. At this time the density, lets say it is strong enough to survive nuclear reaction and the attraction force is grate enough to smash atoms. It starts like a fouled gas motor spiting and sputtering as it smashes an atom hear and there, the roller or rollers starts spinning faster, with just a little more strength achieved it stays running off of nuclear and thermal power. with enough matter in the soler system to stay running for a good amount of time. One thing I didn't say is the rollers will be on an offset spin and maby flipping over half way around the center mass, if the filed changes polarity like north ,south. [like the moon orbits us but not flipping over] The side word spin of the roller at pacific contact points on the motor is how it smashes the atoms between high friction points. These points of contact are the main points of electrical transfer between the roller and and center mass. This will start slow but can grow fast.
  2. lo

    the new black hole

    working on that problem
  3. my title for my theory on black holes A permanent, electro magnetic, thermal conductive, nuclear driven, static electrical, gravitational magnetic filed, x ray, generator . a black hole that dose not conflict with physics Earth mass (M⊕) is the unit of mass equal to one Earth. 1 M⊕ = 5.9736 × 1024 kg. Earth mass is used to describe masses of the rocky planets. One Earth mass can be converted to related units: 81.3 Lunar mass (ML) 0.003 15 Jupiter mass (MJ) 0.000 003 003 Solar mass (M⊙) Inertial mass is the mass of an object measured by its resistance to acceleration. where f is the force acting on the body and v is its velocity. For the moment, we will put aside the question of what "force acting on the body" actually means. Now, suppose that the mass of the body in question is a constant. known as the conservation of mass, and (ii) matter can never be created or destroyed, only split up or recombined. When the mass of a body is constant, Newton's second law becomes where a denotes the acceleration of the body. This equation illustrates how mass relates to the inertia of a body. Consider two objects with different masses. If we apply an identical force to each, the object with a bigger mass will experience a smaller acceleration, and the object with a smaller mass will experience a bigger acceleration. We might say that the larger mass exerts a greater "resistance" to changing its state of motion in response to the force. However, this notion of applying "identical" forces to different objects brings us back to the fact that we have not really defined what a force is. We can sidestep this difficulty with the help of Newton's third law, which states that if one object exerts a force on a second object, it will experience an equal and opposite force. To be precise, suppose we have two objects A and B, with constant inertial masses mA and mB. We isolate the two objects from all other physical influences, so that the only forces present are the force exerted on A by B, which we denote fAB, and the force exerted on B by A, which we denote fBA. As we have seen, Newton's second law states that where aA and aB are the accelerations of A and B respectively. Suppose that these accelerations are non-zero, so that the forces between the two objects are non-zero. This occurs, for example, if the two objects are in the process of colliding with one another. Newton's third law then states that Substituting this into the previous equations, we obtain Note that our requirement that aA be non-zero ensures that the fraction is well-defined. This is, in principle, how we would measure the inertial mass of an object. We choose a "reference" object and define its mass mB as (say) 1 kilogram. Then we can measure the mass of any other object in the universe by colliding it with the reference object and measuring the accelerations. ravitational mass Gravitational mass is the mass of an object measured using the effect of a gravitational field on the object. The concept of gravitational mass rests on Newton's law of gravitation. Let us suppose we have two objects A and B, separated by a distance |rAB|. The law of gravitation states that if A and B have gravitational masses MA and MB respectively, then each object exerts a gravitational force on the other, of magnitude where G is the universal gravitational constant. The above statement may be reformulated in the following way: if g is the acceleration of a reference mass at a given location in a gravitational field, then the gravitational force on an object with gravitational mass M is This is the basis by which masses are determined by weighing. In simple bathroom scales, for example, the force f is proportional to the displacement of the spring beneath the weighing pan (see Hooke's law), and the scales are calibrated to take g into account, allowing the mass M to be read off. Note that a balance (see the subheading within Weighing scale) as used in the laboratory or the health club measures gravitational mass; only the spring scale measures weight. [edit] Equivalence of inertial and gravitational masses The equivalence of inertial and gravitational masses is sometimes referred to as the Galilean equivalence principle or weak equivalence principle. The most important consequence of this equivalence principle applies to freely falling objects. Suppose we have an object with inertial and gravitational masses m and M respectively. If the only force acting on the object comes from a gravitational field g, combining Newton's second law and the gravitational law yields the acceleration This says that the ratio of gravitational to inertial mass of any object is equal to some constant K if and only if all objects fall at the same rate in a given gravitational field. This phenomenon is referred to as the universality of free-fall. (In addition, the constant K can be taken to be 1 by defining our units appropriately.) The first experiments demonstrating the universality of free-fall were conducted by Galileo. It is commonly stated that Galileo obtained his results by dropping objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but this is most likely apocryphal; actually, he performed his experiments with balls rolling down inclined planes. Increasingly precise experiments have been performed, such as those performed by Loránd Eötvös, using the torsion balance pendulum, in 1889. As of 2008, no deviation from universality, and thus from Galilean equivalence, has ever been found, at least to the accuracy 1/1012. More precise experimental efforts are still being carried out. The universality of free-fall only applies to systems in which gravity is the only acting force. All other forces, especially friction and air resistance, must be absent or at least negligible. For example, if a hammer and a feather are dropped from the same height on Earth, the feather will take much longer to reach the ground; the feather is not really in free-fall because the force of air resistance upwards against the feather is comparable to the downward force of gravity. On the other hand, if the experiment is performed in a vacuum, in which there is no air resistance, the hammer and the feather should hit the ground at exactly the same time (assuming the acceleration of both objects towards each other, and of the ground towards both objects, for its own part, is negligible). This demonstration is easily done in a high-school laboratory, using two transparent tubes connected to a vacuum pump. A stronger version of the equivalence principle, known as the Einstein equivalence principle or the strong equivalence principle, lies at the heart of the general theory of relativity. Einstein's equivalence principle states that within sufficiently small regions of space-time, it is impossible to distinguish between a uniform acceleration and a uniform gravitational field. Thus, the theory postulates that inertial and gravitational masses are fundamentally the same thing. In physics, density is mass (m) per unit volume (V) — the ratio of the amount of matter in an object compared to its volume. A small, heavy object, such as a rock or a lump of lead, is denser than a larger object of the same mass, such as a piece of cork or foam. In the common case of a homogeneous substance, density is expressed as: where, in SI Units: ρ (rho) is the density of the substance, measured in kg·m–3 m is the mass of the substance, measured in kg V is the volume of the substance, measured in m3 In some cases the density is expressed as a specific gravity or relative density, in which case it is expressed in multiples of the density of some other standard material, usually water or air. In science, matter is commonly defined as the substance of which physical objects are composed, not counting the contribution of various energy or force-fields, which are not usually considered to be matter per se (though they may contribute to the mass of objects). Matter constitutes much of the observable universe, although again, light is not ordinarily considered matter. Unfortunately, for scientific purposes, "matter" is somewhat loosely defined. It is normally defined as anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter can be in five different states: solids, gas, liquid, plasma, and the Bose-Einstein condensate. The volume of a solid object is the three-dimensional concept of how much space it takes up, often quantified numerically. One-dimensional figures (such as lines) and two-dimensional shapes (such as squares) are assigned zero volume in the three-dimensional space. Volumes of straight-edged and circular shapes are calculated using arithmetic formulae. Volumes of other curved shapes are calculated using integral calculus, by approximating the given body with a large amount of small cubes or concentric cylindrical shells, and adding the individual volumes of those shapes. The volume of irregularly shaped objects can be determined by displacement. If an irregularly shaped object is less dense than the fluid, you will need a weight to attach to the floating object. A sufficient weight will cause the object to sink. The final volume of the unknown object can be found by subtracting the volume of the attached heavy object and the total fluid volume displaced. The generalization of volume to arbitrarily many dimensions is called content.[citation needed] In differential geometry, volume is expressed by means of the volume form. Volume and capacity are sometimes distinguished, with capacity being used for how much a container can hold (with contents measured commonly in litres or its derived units), and volume being how much space an object displaces (commonly measured in cubic metres or its derived units). Volume and capacity are also distinguished in a capacity management setting, where capacity is defined as volume over a specified time period. Volume is a fundamental parameter in thermodynamics and it is conjugate to pressure. In physics, force is what causes a mass to accelerate experienced as a push or a pull. The vector sum of all forces acting on a body (known as the net force or resultant force) is proportional to the acceleration and the mass of the body. In an extended body, force may also cause rotation, deformation, or a change in pressure. Rotational effects are determined by the torques, while deformation and pressure are determined by the stresses that the forces create.[1][2] Net force is mathematically identical to the time rate of change of the momentum of the body on which it acts.[3] Since momentum is a vector quantity (i.e., it has both a magnitude and direction), force also is a vector quantity. Gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which all objects with mass attract each other, and is one of the fundamental forces of physics. In everyday life, gravitation is most commonly thought of as the agency that gives objects weight. It is responsible for keeping the Earth and the other planets in their orbits around the Sun; for keeping the Moon in its orbit around the Earth, for the formation of tides; for convection (by which hot fluids rise); for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures; and for various other phenomena that we observe. Gravitation is also the reason for the very existence of the Earth, the Sun, and most macroscopic objects in the universe; without it, matter would not have coalesced into these large masses and life, as we know it, would not exist. Modern physics describes gravitation using the general theory of relativity, but the much simpler Newton's law of universal gravitation provides an excellent approximation in most cases. The kinetic energy of an object is the extra energy which it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its current velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. Negative work of the same magnitude would be required to return the body to a state of rest from that velocity. A planet, as defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals.[1][2] he Moon (Latin: Luna) is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest natural satellite in the Solar System. The average centre-to-centre distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,403 km, about thirty times the diameter of the Earth. The Moon's diameter is 3,474 km,[6] a little more than a quarter that of the Earth. This means that the Moon's volume is about 2 percent that of Earth and the pull of gravity at its surface about 17 percent that of the Earth. The Moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth every 27.3 days, and the periodic variations in the geometry of the Earth–Moon–Sun system are responsible for the lunar phases that repeat every 29.5 days. A star is a massive, luminous ball of plasma. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is the source of most of the energy on Earth. Other stars are visible in the night sky, when they are not outshone by the Sun. For most of its life, a star shines because thermonuclear fusion in its core releases energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer space. Almost all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were created by fusion processes in stars. Astronomers can determine the mass, age, chemical composition and many other properties of a star by observing its spectrum, luminosity and motion through space. The total mass of a star is the principal determinant in its evolution and eventual fate. Other characteristics of a star are determined by its evolutionary history, including the diameter, rotation, movement and temperature. A plot of the temperature of many stars against their luminosities, known as a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (H–R diagram), allows the age and evolutionary state of a star to be determined. A star begins as a collapsing cloud of material composed primarily of hydrogen, along with helium and trace amounts of heavier elements. Once the stellar core is sufficiently dense, some of the hydrogen is steadily converted into helium through the process of nuclear fusion.[1] The remainder of the star's interior carries energy away from the core through a combination of radiative and convective processes. The star's internal pressure prevents it from collapsing further under its own gravity. Once the hydrogen fuel at the core is exhausted, those stars having at least 0.4 times the mass of the Sun[2] expand to become a red giant, in some cases fusing heavier elements at the core or in shells around the core. The star then evolves into a degenerate form, recycling a portion of the matter into the interstellar environment, where it will form a new generation of stars with a higher proportion of heavy elements.[3] Binary and multi-star systems consist of two or more stars that are gravitationally bound, and generally move around each other in stable orbits. When two such stars have a relatively close orbit, their gravitational interaction can have a significant impact on their evolution.[4] The Solar System, or solar system,[a] consists of the Sun and the other celestial objects gravitationally bound to it: the eight planets, their 166 known moons,[1] three dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto, and Eris and their four known moons), and billions of small bodies. This last category includes asteroids, Kuiper belt objects, comets, meteoroids, and interplanetary dust. In broad terms, the charted regions of the Solar System consist of the Sun, four terrestrial inner planets, an asteroid belt composed of small rocky bodies, four gas giant outer planets, and a second belt, the Kuiper belt, composed of icy objects. Beyond the Kuiper belt is the scattered disc, the heliopause, and ultimately the hypothetical Oort cloud. A black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing can escape after having fallen past the event horizon. The name comes from the fact that even electromagnetic radiation (e.g. light) is unable to escape, rendering the interior invisible. However, black holes can be detected if they interact with matter outside the event horizon, for example by drawing in gas from an orbiting star. The gas spirals inward, heating up to very high temperatures and emitting large amounts of radiation in the process.[2][3][4] While the idea of an object with gravity strong enough to prevent light from escaping was proposed in the 18th century,[5] black holes, as presently understood, are described by Einstein's theory of general relativity, developed in 1916. This theory predicts that when a large enough amount of mass is present within a sufficiently small region of space, all paths through space are warped inwards towards the center of the volume, forcing all matter and radiation to fall inward. While general relativity describes a black hole as a region of empty space with a pointlike singularity at the center and an event horizon at the outer edge, the description changes when the effects of quantum mechanics are taken into account. Research on this subject indicates that, rather than holding captured matter forever, black holes may slowly leak a form of thermal energy called Hawking radiation.[6][7][8] However, the final, correct description of black holes, requiring a theory of quantum gravity, is unknown. An X-ray (or Röntgen ray) is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength in the range of 10 to 0.01 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 PHz to 30 EHz. They are longer than Gamma rays but shorter than UV rays. X-rays are primarily used for diagnostic radiography and crystallography. X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation and as such can be dangerous. In many languages it is called Röntgen radiation after one of the first investigators of the X-rays, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen. An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by the flow of an electric current. The magnetic field disappears when the current ceases. A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. A low-tech means to detect a magnetic field is to scatter iron filings and observe their pattern, as in the accompanying figure. A "hard" or "permanent" magnet is one that stays magnetized, such as a magnet used to hold notes on a refrigerator door. Permanent magnets occur naturally in some rocks, particularly lodestone, but are now more commonly manufactured. A "soft" or "impermanent" magnet is one that loses its memory of previous magnetizations. "Soft" magnetic materials are often used in electromagnets to enhance (often hundreds or thousands of times) the magnetic field of a wire that carries an electrical current and is wrapped around the magnet; the field of the "soft" magnet increases with the current. Two measures of a material's magnetic properties are its magnetic moment and its magnetization. A material without a permanent magnetic moment can, in the presence of magnetic fields, be attracted (paramagnetic), or repelled (diamagnetic). Liquid oxygen is paramagnetic; graphite is diamagnetic. Paramagnets tend to intensify the magnetic field in their vicinity, whereas diamagnets tend to weaken it. "Soft" magnets, which are strongly attracted to magnetic fields, can be thought of as strongly paramagnetic; superconductors, which are strongly repelled by magnetic fields, can be thought of as strongly diamagnetic. Electricity is a general term that encompasses a variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and flow of electric charge. These include many easily recognisable phenomena such as lightning and static electricity, but in addition, less familiar concepts such as the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic induction. In general usage, the word 'electricity' is adequate to refer to a number of physical effects. However, in scientific usage, the term is vague, and these related, but distinct, concepts are better identified by more precise terms: Electric charge – a property of some subatomic particles, which determines their electromagnetic interactions. Electrically charged matter is influenced by, and produces, electromagnetic fields. Electric current – a movement or flow of electrically charged particles, typically measured in amperes. Electric field – an influence produced by an electric charge on other charges in its vicinity. Electric potential – the capacity of an electric field to do work, typically measured in volts. Electromagnetism – a fundamental interaction between the electric field and the presence and motion of electric charge. Static electricity refers to the accumulation of excess electric charge in a region with poor electrical conductivity, such that the charge accumulation persists. The effects of static electricity are familiar to most people because we can see, feel and even hear the spark as the excess charge is neutralized when brought close to a large electrical conductor (for example a or negative). Effects of true density, compacted mass, compression speed, and punch deformation on the mean yield pressure Compressibility properties of pharmaceutical materials are widely characterized by measuring the volume reduction of a powder column under pressure. Experimental data are commonly analyzed using the Heckel model from which powder deformation mechanisms are determined using mean yield pressure (Py). Several studies from the literature have shown the effects of operating conditions on the determination of Py and have pointed out the limitations of this model. The Heckel model requires true density and compacted mass values to determine Py from force-displacement data. It is likely that experimental errors will be introduced when measuring the true density and compacted mass. This study investigates the effects of true density and compacted mass on Py. Materials having different particle deformation mechanisms are studied. Punch displacement and applied pressure are measured for each material at two compression speeds. For each material, three different true density and compacted mass values are utilized to evaluate their effect on Py. The calculated variation of Py reaches 20%. This study demonstrates that the errors in measuring true density and compacted mass have a greater effect on Py than the errors incurred from not correcting the displacement measurements due to punch elasticity. Capture of stellar-mass compact objects by massive black holes in galactic cusps A significant fraction of the stellar population in the cusp around central black holes of galaxies consists of compact remnants of evolved stars, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars and stellar mass black holes. We estimate the rate of capture of compact objects by massive central black holes, assuming most spiral galaxies have a central black hole of modest mass ( 10 6 M fi ), and a cuspy spheroid. It is likely that the total capture rate is dominated by nucleated spirals. We estimate the.. In astronomy, the term compact star (sometimes compact object) is used to refer collectively to white dwarfs, neutron stars, other exotic dense stars, and black holes. These objects are all small for their mass. The term compact star is often used when the exact nature of the star is not known, but evidence suggests that it is very massive and has small radius, thus implying one of the above-mentioned possibilities. A compact star which is not a black hole may be called a degenerate star. http://video.google.com/url?docid=-8...87dkvWB19lIoew http://video.google.com/url?docid=-2...ri_QXaOCUATHyQ http://video.google.com/url?docid=-3...F2cqCI_JCSwhmw http://video.google.com/url?docid=17...6SCAbixaPymu7g http://video.google.com/url?docid=-8...m7IGi-AIPn1HIA http://video.google.com/url?docid=-2...kgd5dvP8IJFaCQ http://video.google.com/url?docid=-7...0LfxKDgOTZL-fw http://video.google.com/url?docid=-7...93-lejT8mcmnpA http://video.google.com/url?docid=36...B99DpdszoDr7Hw http://video.google.com/url?docid=-5...UlFMqjrjOYzBHQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUUvh...eature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8qvS...eature=related In this link it shows an electricity driven motor that operates a little bit differently than the average motor. There are magnets with a conductor on the outside of them rolling around another magnet in the center with a conductor on the outside surface. When electricity is applied, the outer magnets engage and start rolling. The conductor turns into an electro magnet and applies the force of a magnetic field [the direction is determined by witch way the electricity is flowing threw the motor +-or -+]. The field is making the outer objects attract to the inner object. Now lets say that the connecting surface in between the inner and outer objects has 10, 20, 100 or even 100,000,000,000,000 foot pounds of pressure in between, from the permanent magnet and the electro magnetic force applied. An atom like a hydrogen atom has an exact pressure in which it will split and go nuclear. If the pressure in between the two connecting surfaces reaches or exceeds this pressure the rollers will start smashing atoms . Now the thermal conductive part. Lets take a stack of cd's and write the mass, weight, density, conductivity, magnetically and any other properties that an element has. Take the most magnetic, conductive, densest element and put it in the center , now on top and bottom of this first element put the rest of the elements going in both directions in order to their placement in density, mass, magnetically and conductivity. There will be non-conductive elements in between conductive elements. Once you got your stack of cd's in order, cut a bearing race on the outer surface and put the proper size ball for the race . So we have a mental picture or a model. The center cd will be the [+]electrical input to the motor and the top and bottom of the stack of cd's in the center is [-] electrical output. two [-] and one [+] . So you take this model and apply the force of the magnetic, and electromagnetic force and the properties of the thermal conductive and static electrical conductivity. When the outer magnets roll around the center magnet with enough applied force it will start smashing atoms, the out come of this is a huge burst of heat, emp, electricity and more which is fuel for the motor. Anything that has any conductivity or magnetic attraction in the strong attraction zone around the motor will be gradually pulled into it . In the strong attraction zone there will be a large amount of static electricity from the movement of the masses in orbit around the motor . Now the ground [-] side of the motor will short itself out to the outer perimeter of the strong attraction zone where the storage of static electricity is capacitated connecting the flow of electrons. Now we have a static electrical thermal conductive nuclear driven generator that exerts gravity, magnetic attraction, x-ray radiation and compacts mass, and burns matter like a wood stove and doesn't make it magically disappear in a worm hole,or singularity which so far away from physics it should have never been considered . Im dun typing for now.
  4. A permanent, electro magnetic, thermal conductive, nuclear driven, static electrical, gravitational magnetic filed, x ray, generator . a black hole that dose not conflict with physics
  5. sorry I haven't talked in a while I am putting some stuff together . I am having a hard time finding out how much presser it takes to smash or split an atom if any of you know this number I need it in part of putting this explanation together . this is not a fast project but in a month or two I hope to have this together enough to explain in an mathematical understanding . ps thanks
  6. NOW I have some studding to do, I understand but not fully give me a day to proses the info, I know I need to know a lot more than this but a grate start. thank you guys very much .
  7. so how would I use this in an equation, if this makes no sense tell me . mass and density at a rate of growth mass and density x growth x over an amount of time . how would i say this in math terms if posible my computer is slow . how do you say it or what is the rite terms
  8. I might be wrong but it is the mass of the earth a scientific notation.
  9. I might be wrong but it is the mass of the earth a scientific notation.
  10. I will learn how to communicate properly with you people. I will learn the math that it takes to do this. I will work on my grammar. This all will take some time . I will have questions about math. and how to understand things like Me=5.9736times 10 to the 24 =5973600000000000000000000. That was the fist battle I have had on the internet, hey it was fun but not what i'm looking for. Thanks for closing the post that was out of hand. so be nice I would love some good help. ps. if you want to battle:-) im sure we can find some where els to do it not hear.
  11. lo

    black holes

    if you want to spend all you energy battling me, I can play and I will tear down all your self worth until you descend into a state of mental grid lock curled up in a corner lost for eternity .I will get in your head and make you be ashamed of every thing you have don wrong in your life , your embarrassments will be the head of my hammer until the nail is flush down the toilet with all your pride with it. A> re your hands bloody yet
  12. lo

    black holes

    No IR100 award first portable argon ion lazier and the cold cathode, prime inventor engineer of the side winder missile , Huse version had 26 vacuum tubes when his had two . Bob witte it was a trig math book
  13. lo

    black holes

    dud are you on crack!! its a theory lets see if it will work or not, until you can say it wont shut the ........up. Put the dungeons and dragons away and tell your family your coming out of the closet and ready to grow up.Yes you can use all the faerie dust you want or do yo mean coke on your voyage across your rainbow to your imaginary Atlantis secluded corner in your mind . yes your comfortable spot . 100 points for gay remarks . when you reach a thousand you get a sucker boy that was a bright one
  14. lo

    black holes

    If u don't have any thing to put in the pot and only sarcastic remarks then don't put any thing in at all. Your the rudest forum iv bin on and under sand the least ,all the other forums communicate like civil grown up adults and participate even with out math and lack of my good gamier ,YOU Call ME A LIER WHEN IV ONLY TOLD THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE KNOW CLUE......dealing with you Is like running into a 99999999999999999999.999999999999999999999999% brick wall with a RAZORS edge on top, NO MATER HOW MUCH YOU JUMP tying to get over the wall you only end up with BLOODY HANDS. IF YOU DON'T LIVE ON A RAZORS EDGE YOU WILL NEVER BE ABEL TO CLIMB UP TO IT FALLING DOWN BLOODY EVERY TIME. The magic starts at 110.000% witch makes a billion% real quick If we as a people DO NOT achieve this soon we will be bound by the laws of physics 9999999999999999.999999999% always depleting from it original value ,ushering our selves a short existence in this place of infinite time !!!!!!! CAN YOU UNDER STAND THIS OR DO I NEED TO SPEAK LOUDER DO I NOT MAKE MY SELF CLEAR DO YOU HAVE A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING THING!!! DO YOU NEED HELP I CAN HELP YOU IN THE PLACES THAT YOU LACK. NOW I came hear and stated a question, how can you know how to answer a question if you don't have the info to under stand what the question is. if you don,t know the question you sound a lot worse giving an answer . if you don't under stand the question and want to be rude STOP AND TURN AROUND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we talk now or did you lose all your dignity tide to that tree. I apologize if you reed this and you are not one of the rude people with rude comment. please accept my apologies.
  15. lo

    black holes

    Re: black holes Quote [link to http://www.youtube.com] Quoting: lo 360145 this shows an example of what i mean with a planet and the moon. now think that you have a hand full of iron dust, slowly sprinkle it close to the example(iron dust =space dust).The dust will layer on the outer magnets and on the center magnet adding more mass the force of the magnets will compact the dust . more mass=more gravity=more density=more groth. so that wold mean if you change the filled of any planet or if the planets in a pacific galaxy where past a certain size and mass and held an enough gravity this would automatically happen and over time it would get stronger at an increasing speed and once it had sucked in all the mass that it could grab the moon would were down and it would stop. Quoting: trent 362051 yes that is write and after it wore down over time it wold expand losing its density and once it lost enough density it wound explode with the mass trying to get away and pushing against the surrounding mass spreading mater across the galaxy mabe explaining the big bang theory
  16. lo

    black holes

    I need some one to do the part of this that I cant , I can spend the rest of my life trying to do the math or i can find some one that can do it fairly effortlessly. my dad made me and my brother sit in a car in the middle of know where when i was 5 years old until we finished half of his collage math book I hated math until i was out of school and grew up and now I wish I had gone with it. it took a week and a half
  17. lo

    black holes

    because it hasn't bin proven yet +every thing has an opposite ,think of an opposite for our galaxy. every action has an equal and or opposite reaction thus cause and effect. + this would start it self no star needed
  18. lo

    black holes

    every thing needs some kind of engine to run, even a black hole a prequel to a black hole, if this happened lets say a massive planet and a massive moon. A moon sucks it self to a planet by gravity , a magnetic field or by enough mass of the planet itself and the moon starts rolling around on the planet it would still take millions of years and probably longer to pull in enough material to actually become a black hole ,the denser the mass gets the more material it will pull in ,the more material it pulls in the more powerful it will get and grow at a grater rate of speed. with every pass every thing packs itself together even more making a denser mass. some one said The planet and moon, no matter how dense, almost certainly don't have enough mass to produce this kind of gravity. Also, if the moon was traveling at very high speed, it would be difficult for it to stay in orbit. doesn't need speed but just time. at this time the moon would be rolling on the planet not in orbit like our moon
  19. lo

    black holes

    most of what we know about black holes is theory!!! I am from a long line of scientists my grand father invented the tracking system for the side winder missile and is the inventor of the portable lazier and the first lazier that can cut things and worked on miracle and the star wars project at arrow space and TRW. He would definitely slap me for my spelling punctuation gramer and not explaining things in the proper scientific way but i do know how things work. So my theory is not explained but i gave you a brief explanation of the theory you did not ask me how this works or ask me what the basis for this discovery is so if the roots of my logic is wrong how come i see it in all most every piece of technology we use to day you like your cd player you are happy to know how far the moon is from the earth or know that an enemy plane dose not get fired at pointlessly with now way to be sure that you are going to hit it . so if it is a theory one is just as good as another . grate for my first reach out for help on 1 of many things
  20. lo

    black holes

    yes there mite not be enough mass in the soler system to make a black hole but if Jupiter did do this and did suck in the universe there would be enough mass to start the attraction of material out side the solar system its like an aircraft carrier in the ocean so heavy and so big but the small force of one man can make it move space is like the ocean it dose not take much force to make things move
  21. lo

    black holes

    i got a theory for mister Hocins most planets have moons and if a moon is made out of the right material it might pull to the planet and start rolling around it with every pass the planet gets denser and the moon gets denser making more gravitational pull sucking in more material and layering it on the planet and the moon to be compressed to make more pull the motion of the universe will keap this proses going:doh:
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