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Everything posted by CaptainPanic

  1. Pinky: "Gee Brain, what do you want to do in 2012?" The Brain: "The same thing we do every year, Pinky—try to take over the world!" (link)
  2. Given the fact that a murder on about 3000 people in two certain towers in New York in 1999 started at least one war and has inspired the US government to change many laws and spend a colossal amount of money, you would expect that a year-in-year-out murder on more than 10000 people would inspire the government to change at least one law.
  3. Remember that 1 nm is only about 6 atoms in a row. For example, an average C-C bond is 0.154 nm. A quick google search for Si bond lengths suggests that those are in the same range, and possibly a little larger.
  4. If you cannot find it online, and people cannot scan a book (because of copyright), the chance that you get an answer here isn't very big. I suggest you design it yourself. Make a small, normal (not tandem) Van de Graaff generator (<-- correct spelling and terminology can help in a Google search!), and take it from there. This (click) is a great example of a really, really simple Van de Graaff generator... A short Google search came up with this (click) website. Not exactly 3D model specs with all details and materials (you are a demanding one, eh?), but still it contains nice info, also about tandem accelerators.
  5. Can a mod please change the title of this thread? (add '[solved, not sad anymore]' or something). This thread now merely serves as a warning for anyone interested in science and information: anything (even a library) can fall victim to a budget cut if somebody thinks there won't be too many people protesting... especially if that means that the one deciding can get a bonus (since the budget was saved).
  6. It's always nice to know that there is a 25 year old rusty Russian mechanism that can override launch protocols for nuclear missiles. Perhaps now would be a good moment to dismantle this system, or at least to deactivate it. The threat of a nuclear war is negligible. The only enemy strong enough to justify the installation of this system is the USA. The USA is now friends with Russia (esp. since Obama took over from Bush).
  7. I agree, I want to be able to join in if I want to. I would oppose any 1-on-1 debate section where people can voluntarily enter a 1-on-1 debate. however, in some cases it could be useful to remove a number of posts from 2 people "fighting", and dump it all in a private section... sort of like a solitary confinement. But I doubt that we really need something like that. We're fine as it is, and we have enough moderators who keep the forum clean (compliments, mods).
  8. Identifying a rock by the naked eye is sooo 2008. (apologies for that remark) Anyway, I am sure there are plenty of jobs in geology where you really don't need to see any colors at all. So, perhaps you'll struggle a bit in field trips in school, but I don't see why you should not simply push on and finish it. Remember that geology isn't only about the surface (which you can see), but also about all the stuff below it (which you can't see anyway)... and in school sometimes also about the atmosphere (again, you don't need color vision to be a meteorologist).
  9. I meant wikipedia. Your picture is just one type of plot of the data, and doesn't seem to add information... although it looks nice. There are many other types of plots that can show the same information. The real issue is the Vedic square, not the eye.
  10. Looks like CNN isn't being "objective" or "impartial" either here. Although it seems they are right here... They shouldn't cover a story about a conflict between themselves and another party. They are impartial about the protest, but not about the "lies" and about FOX news. I'm not sure it's a good thing that news agencies are starting to throw dirt at each other. That's the job of the opinion-makers, of comedians and of columnists.
  11. Umm... well... I did call it your personal wikipedia page. BTW, it's being edited right now (which is why linking to wikipedia can be a bad thing!!), and the picture disappeared, and mathematical symbols and explanations start to appear... including a reference. (Or was that there before?) Anyway - too bad for you about the picture, but IMHO, the site is becoming better. Just link to this forum and thread, and you should be fine. I really hope that they convert it to a .jpg (instead of my nasty .bmp) before then, or all the extraterrestrial servers will grind to a halt.
  12. For good 3D, you need a different tool. I am not interested enough to try it, but I know that Gnuplot should be able to do quite amazing stuff. Not sure if it will work easily, because I think (not sure) that you need to provide the input i the form of a script (sort of like a textfile - and for that you might need to know the Octave/Matlab language)? Perhaps others can tell us how to make nice 3D contour plots. The smoothness has to be in the plotting tool already, or alternatively, you can just generate more data. Since we're just dealing with contours, you can take your matrix of numbers (link to OP's personal wikipedia website) and put it in Excel. Then create an empty line between all the rows, and between all the columns. Then fill up the newly created empty spaces with the average values: Directly between two numbers, it's just (X+Y)/2. For the ones diagonally between 4 numbers, you take (A+B+C+D)/4. Or, alternatively, the average of the newly created averages. Now you created a 19x19 matrix, with a lot more numbers... The whole operation shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. And that will create another eye, which looks like in the attachment.
  13. Ok, so I also "created" this thing. It's funny, but I fail to see why it's so amazing. Yes, there are certain patterns. But I'm not sure that you're looking at the right thing when you're wondering what kind of animal or object you're seeing. There are patterns in the tables of 1-9... nothing new. Perhaps it's because they're tables (you add the same number every time again)? For those mystified by the concept of the "surface-wireframe-contour graphing tool", all it does is to plot on a square the contours of the map that you have... same as in geography... except that this is a very rudimentary version which doesn't make smooth (rounded) lines, but puts pointy angles in it. All the values in the matrix become a "height", and Excel creates a bunch of lines that connect where the same height occurs. It creates a large number of data-points that are NOT in the matrix itself. With the right function, I am sure you could even make the "Eye" more smooth, and looking more natural. I am not sure what the point is of this thread. Are we investigating anything? If you want to make your "eye" even prettier, you should use a better plotting tool (Gnuplot for example? I'm not sure which is the best). Alternatively, you can plot a 3D version of the "eye", and change the perspective in Excel. You can also add color. But most importantly: if you plot something, don't delete the legend or remove colors (which you did). Why remove information?? [edit] If you're so fascinated by numbers, why not start plotting the prime numbers, and see if you can find a pattern there? I'm sure that if you develop a tool to predict the next prime number without some serious number crunching on super computers, you'll be famous. In case you're wondering: the prime numbers are all those numbers that you do not find in your matrix (minus a few which are 11x, 12x, 13x etc a certain number).
  14. For the record, I know quite a bit about WWII, and I visited a concentration camp (Auschwitz). I know what I am talking about, and I merely told you what is being said in protests. We don't seem to disagree with each other, but I still like to add some info here for comparison. The National Geographic Channel has a nice documentary about Guantanamo Bay. They were allowed inside and the documentary seems uncensored (and therefore "must-see" material for Americans I think). I believe the documentary is called "Inside Guantanamo", but I saw it on TV (in the Netherlands), and therefore I am not sure if the link is the same thing. I cannot find it online (or, at least, this link (clicking on "video") doesn't work on my pc). More on topic: It's very worrying that you just call it "political rhetoric" when people say things that make absolutely no sense. Unfortunately, it seems the say that politics are going worldwide.
  15. LOL! Most of those things are illegal where I live. Before you carry weapons into a country, I advise that you look up the laws there. You might want to avoid ending up in jail at the airport. America has very different laws when it comes to "self protection" than for example Europe. I think that nunchaku, pepper spray, and certain types of knives are illegal here. I don't even know what a "gin" is (I assume you don't carry a bottle of strong alcohol for safety: "hey, you! Trying to rob me? Here, have a gin tonic instead."). What country are we talking about anyway?
  16. I really hope that spam email (link to funny viagra spam subject lines) will now try to sell water melons.
  17. (I respond to your whole post, not just this remark) The point I was trying to make is that Bush was indeed compared to a nazi. The Bush administration was regarded as a nazi party by some. They neglected human rights, they started wars and built something that some would compare to a concentration camp (people are held against their will, without any form of trial, cut off from the world, while being tortured and kept under inhumane conditions). But Obama however seems to be closing down that camp, and seems to be a complete non-racist. I'm not saying that there's something wrong with protesters. Absolutely not. Protesting is a right, and anyone should be able to be on the streets with some signs and shout whatever they want (without breaking the laws - no racism please). The point I was trying to make is that these protesters seem to miss the point entirely. I'd like to see the explanation why Obama can be compared to a nazi. Perhaps I also miss some information, but I am confident that some links can solve that. [edit]And just for a clarification - I don't think it's very constructive to call anyone a nazi, and I believe more in good argumentation than in calling each other names. Some comments above are not my opinion (for example, I didn't write or publish the popular carnaval song 2-3 years ago in which the Americans in general were called the new nazis - but it was a popular song then)
  18. That's a scary picture: Obama with a hitler-moustache. Those people clearly have no idea about history or politics... and it's an insult to the rest of the world who DO believe in peace and human rights. As if Obama started arresting, imprisoning and torturing random people. As if Obama opened Guantanamo Bay. As if Obama opposes human rights. As if Obama is a racist. Yes, he is socialist (for American standards - here in the Netherlands he'd be about center or even on the capitalist side of the spectrum)... but it's insulting to suggest that every socialist agrees with the ideas of Hitler. And it's also pointless to try to discuss with fundamentalists - these people clearly are Christian fundamentalists - and if they ever get power again in the USA they're a lot more dangerous than any terrorist organisation anywhere in the world.
  19. I think these things could be a solution for people who live in slums. They'd have the same living space as right now, but with improved hygiene and comfort. However, a large part of the costs of housing are the connections to all sorts of grids: water, electricity, wastewater, possibly gas.
  20. Just a guess: Jobs in measurement of air and water quality. From wikipedia, we learn: But if you want to make the world a bit cleaner, you can also go for chemical engineering (don't be put off by the pictures - clean processes also use lots of steel pipes). You won't do the checks. Instead, you'll develop cleaner processes. (You won't point out the problems, you'll be solving them ).
  21. Name me a salt that isn't ionic. (A). I agree with Psycho: they're all properties of water. B is dependent on the altitude.
  22. Aren't you simply saying that sports make you feel good, healthy, happy, confident? And that a direct result of those feelings might be that you feel more manly? Although debated, there is reason to believe that endorfines are released after a good workout. It's called the "runner's high" (wikipedia).
  23. Totally off topic (since we're discussing whether any international alarm gadget exists - it doesn't exist - I don't know anyone in the Netherlands who has something like that)... but... There are a few safety measures that are much easier, and cheaper too: - Don't look like you're rich. - Put your cash in your wallet immediately, and don't take it out unless you're in a safe place or shop/restaurant/bar. - Don't have a huge camera around your neck - Don't use a hip bag. - Don't put valuables in a backpack. In fact, the fewer valuables you even have, the smaller the chance that you lose them. Having said that, the world isn't as dangerous as you might think. And the more dangerous the place is, the less likely that the police will respond to an alarm-bra.
  24. This is by far the most cost effective plan, and it's also the most likely to postpone WWIII (or, to stay friends with the rest of the world, including Russia). Win-Win. And the right wing idiots in the USA are either sponsored or brainwashed by the huge "defense" ("offense") industry which has enjoyed increasing budgets for years in a row... and which absorbs a very significant part of the GDP... and surely has some money for a nice lobby.
  25. Crystal growth by dilution? Usually you want to concentrate a chemical compound to cause crystallization. I've never heard of a liquid-liquid demixing with the liquid then immediately crystallizing.
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