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A Simple Mind

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Theoretical Physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Come to find out, this whole idea is called the Many Worlds Interpretation and is basically an already well established idea or theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation). It explains it pretty much how I did, although they use much bigger words and go much farther into depth. The Outline and Interpreting wavefunction collapse sections near the top of the article was pretty much what I was trying to explain what I had figured made sense to me. I really like this approach and feel like it explains a lot of phenomenon I have personally been witness to in my life. Some things that most people would be in immediate disbelief over, but nothing that would be considered supernatural or the like. I'm just curious, if we pretend that this is all true, as to why we see the particular instance that we end up seeing. What is it that "chooses" which outcome we observe and why? At any rate, this is all very fascinating to me and I really do believe it's a real possibility.
  2. I'm new here and have little education. Everything I know was self taught. So I apologize for my simpleness and lack of understanding upfront. So I have been reading and trying to understand various things I find interesting and I finally combined two of these ideas in my head and had my little Epiphany awhile ago. I'm sure this has been discussed many times but I just put this together and will try to relate as best I can. I'm not a master of the written word and sometimes it's hard for me to put thoughts on paper, but here it goes: I don't believe an observer "effects" what it observes as explained here: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/02/980227055013.htm I believe that when no observer is present, all possibilities are happening. That is, all dimensions are firing at once, which is the collaboration of all possibilities. When you observe, you are seeing the one dimension you are suppose to be seeing, for whatever reason that is. It's the possibility that is expected that you see. All possibilities are going off all at once at all times, however, you can only observe one outcome, which is the one that is expected. It combines multiple dimension and the observer effect beautifully I think. I'm sure this has already been thought of and discussed plenty before, but I just came to this conclusion right now and thought it made sense of things. So that is it in a nutshell. I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense or is silly, this is something advanced to me. It's all relative, I suppose. I'm starting to strongly believe in some sort of multi-universe or dimension where all possibilities exist, like M-Theory or the like. Thank you for your time and I look forward to any replies, be them critical or not. - A Simple Mind.
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