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  • Lepton

5441's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Could there be something in between the protons and neutrons in an atom? Is it just a completly empty space, or could there be another, smaller subatomic particle there that we can't see yet?
  2. 5441

    Body Comparisons

    No answers too your questions, but i have heard of two other comparisons. The length of your arm from elbow too wrist is the same length as your foot. The length from fingertip to fingertip when you hold your arms out is the same as your height.
  3. 5441


    I say both. Hyenas are mainly scavengers, but they also kill young or week animals for food. Why coudn't T-rex do the same thing?
  4. 5441

    Man Made or Natural

    People are natural. Animals are all made by their parents, but we do not say that they horse made for example.
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