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Wishing Man

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Everything posted by Wishing Man

  1. I have a theory about the expansion of the universe. I am no expert on the matter, but have thought it through and would like a more informed opinion. First off, this uses the Big bang Theory and the fact that matter warps space, to find this explanation, so if you don't beleive in those ideas, then you wont find truth with this theory. So I heard someone describe gravity as the tendancy for objects to go "downhill" in space. Matter warps space, and objects tend to fall to the object at the center of the warping. Just like if two people pulled a blanket tight between them and then placed a moderatly heavy object on it. It will make a divot in the blanket and any ball sent rolling across the blanket will fall in the direction of the object. Given this, using the big bang theory, at the beginning of the universe there was a very small object with all the mass of the universe in it. This object would have done some very dramatic warping of space. So much, that I think when it exploded the space would "bounce back" Just like if you pulled a rubber band tight and then released it. This bounce back would create a "hill" in three-dimensional space. So everything would go away from this "hill" top with an increasing speed until it hit the bottom of this "hill" (if there is one), or the universe flexes back to it's old state. Which given the size of this "hill" might take a very long time. The universe could also flex backwards eventually bringing everything back to the center for a while, then bounce out again. Anyone have any thoughts about this theory?
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