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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Theism must be true because atheists can't explain the tides.
  2. Wow....just wow...good idea or bad?
  3. I request that we let this thread be limited to one thing at a time. This one prediction first, and then we can move on. Let's not clutter this with other points.
  4. How does the Electric universe theory explain time dilation(an observed fact). Time dilation was predicted long before it was observed. In fact, it is so easy to derive that you can do it with minimal algebra skills. Now, let's see a derivation of time dilation using Electric Universe since Relativity is such nonsense. Relativity has an equation for it already, so when you derive your formula, the two can be compared. The comparison could even be tested. Go on and do a derivation for us, Just the Facts; it is the first step toward you being taken seriously. And please don't reply to this with a post that gives swansont BINGO.
  5. My bad. Plasma plasma plasma. Scientists are fools! You're all just a bunch of scientismist Nazis! Gravity isn't real. STOP BEING SO CLOSED MINDED.
  6. Or homosexuality. In fact, according to Kinsey, the hetero-homo divide isn't actually a divide at all, but rather a spectrum.
  7. For someone named "Just the Facts", you sure are low on them.
  8. Why is this the one thread he won't pop in to derail?
  9. It's based on postcount, although moderators and certain other members do have custom user titles. There's a setup on the bottom right corner of all the posts. If you like the post, push the + button. The more posts that you have that have been +ed, the higher your reputation. You can tell if a post has been +ed by whether or not it has a number in a green background in the bottom right corner.
  10. p->q p q If relativity is a good approximation of reality, then the speed of light is constant in all inertial frames. Relativity is a good approximation of reality(it has passed every test thrown at it), so it is logical to conclude that the speed of light is constant in all inertial frames.
  11. Velocities don't add like that.
  12. I don't know of the exact experiment, but I do know it falls out of the Maxwell Equations. I also know that it is a vital assumption for relativity and relativity is one of the best tested theories ever.
  13. ydoaPs

    God Game

    It turns out that it's rather easy to pass this as a theist.
  14. The 'electric universe' is not rejected by EVERYONE because of us not being open minded; it's just simply wrong and goes against almost every area of science.
  15. ydoaPs

    God Game

    Are you saying theistic belief carries inherent contradictions? o.O
  16. I'm fairly certain the talk about 'resequenced photons' is pure fiction without the science.
  17. ydoaPs

    God Game

    You can easily pass as a theist. I don't know the religious affiliation of the creators.
  18. Humans don't travel like that. It ignored gait.
  19. ydoaPs

    God Game

    p->q ~q ~p Look at that, I just proved a negative!
  20. ydoaPs

    God Game

    IIRC, that just means you believe something super crazy, but not contradictory. Direct hits, otoh, indicate contradictions.
  21. Please look into the red light. /me dons shades *FLASH*
  22. ydoaPs

    God Game

    Here is a short game/quiz to see if your beliefs about god(s) contain certain contradictions. I got a perfect score. How'd you do?
  23. What else is there to know? These descriptions are VERY accurate and they reveal the relations between various properties. Using these descriptions, we can make very accurate predictions and use them to create technology.
  24. is a Boilermaker

    1. A Tripolation

      A Tripolation

      You're a stupid mcstupid pants!!


    2. Anura


      Do actually like boilermakers?

    3. zapatos


      Que pasa? Can you still buy pogo sticks in Indiana? I haven't seen one in years.

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