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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Actually, we ARE apes. We're the 'third chimpanzee', as some say.
  2. Darwinism ≠ Modern Synthesis. Try reading what evolution actually says. I have provided you with resources to become better educated. Please use them.
  3. That statement is self-contradictory. If he was an 'evolutionist', then he wouldn't believe in something being 'higher evolved'. Social Darwinism has nothing to do with evolution. All available evidence points to him being a devout Christian who opposed the idea of evolution. Regardless, as it has already been pointed out, what Hitler believed is irrelevant to the truth of evolution. False. So, you don't know what evolution actually says? If you're interested in learning what evolution is, read this Introduction to Evolutionary Biology to see what Evolution actually consists of. I suspect you've fallen victim to misinformation(most of which can be found on this list). Ad hom is the lowest form of argumentation and is also against our rules. You might also want to look at our strongly recommended Etiquette guidelines.
  4. Read my post. I even provided a link to a photocopy of the original document. Why would Hitler want to burn his favourite book?
  5. IIRC, pro-evolution materials were on Hitler's list of banned materials. http://www.library.arizona.edu/exhibits/burnedbooks/documents.htm#guidelines As for his religious affiliation, any reading of Mein Kampf and his speeches clearly shows he was a deeply religious man. He even had Nazi beltbuckles be religious. For those who don't know German or enough etymology to figure it out, Gott Mit Uns means God With Us.
  6. It's a shoop. You can tell by the pixels.
  7. Politicians and the media don't usually give a damn about what science actually says.
  8. I'm not sure what you think it is that I am doing.
  9. How can it be evil to do the will of an all-loving being? Who said anything about being delusional?
  10. I think there's substantial evidence that Hitler at least acted out of motives other than self-interest. He was acting in accordance to what he thought was God's will to improve the world.
  11. Surely they thought they were doing the right thing. I don't think anyone wakes up and says 'what evil can I do today?'.
  12. I personally don't think evil people exist. This might be because of the differences in how conservatives and liberals think(yeah, I know, but the vast majority of nontheists are liberals). There have been studies that show that conservatives tend to think of morality as a set of rules whereas liberals tend to think of it as a set of processes.
  13. I'm of the school of thought that outright lying(and doing so badly in this case) is being in error. I even provided evidence that he was being disingenuous.
  14. On second thought, let's keep him around

  15. Cap'n, user 'cabinintheforest' needs some time to cool off. See my profile for the reason.

  16. LALALALALALALA is not a reasonable point. 'SHOW ME A VIDEO OF A MONKEY EVOLVING INTO A HUMAN' is not only unreasonable, but shows complete ignorance of what evolution actually is.
  17. obvious troll is now obvious
  18. A dictionary is not a technical resource. It's not faith-based at all. You repeating it doesn't make it true. You don't know anyone here. You just make yourself look worse at every turn. You claimed to be a botanist. What, then, is the mechanism that prevents microevolution from accumulating into macroevolution? It's obvious you haven't read any reputable books, because you have demonstrated repeatedly that you know nothing about evolution. Social Darwinism has nothing to do with evolution. And by the way, Hitler was a devout Christian. So, you have demonstrated arrogance and ignorance in the areas of biology, medicine, sociology, and history. Is there any subject that you actually know anything about? As I've said before, go read and learn what evolution actually says. No, this is you sticking your fingers in your ears. Since you're obviously not keen on actually learning or discussing, I'm not sure why you came here in the first place. You've already said that you endorse alternate medicine. You know what they call alternate medicine that actually works? Medicine. Repeating it does not make it true. You have been given several specific examples of speciation.
  19. Especially being at most 19 years old.
  20. Which is exactly what I said I did. Did you even read the frakkin post? It's ALL observable. Go grab some DNA and do it yourself.
  21. Did you see the video? There was a glass bowl over the psiwheel. A hairdryer was used to show that there were no leaks. A magnet was used to show that it wasn't magnetism. This is some real science.
  22. vs You're a botanist at under 20 years old, eh? Did you go to school with Doogie Howser or did you graduate from Patriot university? So, you're a botanist that doesn't know the difference between a population and an individual?
  23. New cell functions like the digestion of nylon byproducts?
  24. Is this video proof of psychokinesis?
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