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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. That is one theory I heard, but it is inconsistent with the theory presented in the documentary.
  2. This is completely off-topic.
  3. I recently watched a TV documentary about the Biblical plagues. They said that they were a chain reaction of events stemming from a red tide in the Nile and a hailstorm. That seems more or less plausible. What was rediculous, imo, was the passing through the Red Sea. For that, they purport atmospheric letdown uncovering a landbridge. However, their tests used 100mph winds to move an inch of water to uncover land. Does that strike anyone else as odd? How much wind would it take to uncover an actual ridge? I'm betting far more than that. I'm also betting that the Israelites(whose slavery is completely missing from history) would be unable to walk the ridge in such winds. It's patently absurd.
  4. I'm not sure about obesity, but bone and muscle loss as well as immune issues are a part of extended zero-g. There's a reason astronauts have to excercise all the time. If anything, you should live shorter in space.
  5. Most serious degrees require at least a few credits of lab courses.
  6. I wonder if you could order them online somewhere.
  7. That's what you get for trolling, Trolly McTrollerson!
  8. At STP or in general?
  9. As far as we know life WHICH EVOLVED ON EARTH cannot survive without water. Even in environments such as sulfur, there are still traces of water to support life. <=fixed We're talking about aliens here.
  10. Can science be done without philosophy being involved? That depends on if you think robots can do philosophy.
  11. Unless they use a different solvent.
  12. Whichever one is proven correct.
  13. no.
  14. ydoaPs

    Habla Español?

    Actually, from your posts, he seems to be correct. And you should stop trying to feel superior because you're old. Age does not necessitate wisdom. In fact, in this particular example, your age would make you more likely to fit Trip's description. Hot rock makes water hot. That hot water boils other water. That steam turns a turbine and gets condensed to be reboiled. I operated, maintained, and was generally in charge of everything fluid and mechanical in that process. The proper title was Chief Reactor Watch. I have operated several reactors including an experimental prototype with Lockheed Martin.
  15. ydoaPs

    Habla Español?

    English is one of the most haphazard and unintuitive languages and is thusly one of the most difficult to learn.
  16. There's no reason that they would use EM radiation for communication. What if they evolved on a planet whose only continent is a small island? You don't seem to understand the ALIEN part. Radiation, activation, contamination, heat, shrapnel, etc. Not to mention the EMP effect of a nuclear detonation. Imagine if we simply took an existing design and added an outer casing filled with ball bearings? That would vastly increase the impact of a nuclear weapon in space(especially if the balls were made of something like cobalt-59). What if the nuke had relativistic velocity relative to the target and actually makes impact? There's really no reason to say that nukes aren't effective in space.
  17. ydoaPs

    Habla Español?

    I was a nuclear operator in the the United States Navy. I made Petty Officer Second Class in two years. The only person in this thread who appears troubled is you.
  18. ydoaPs

    Habla Español?

    Iirc, IA is from the UK. I, on the otherhand, am a fully grown adult American who happens to be a veteran and I agree with him as well as iNow. edit(obligatory xkcd):
  19. If we get Thor to drop us off, couldn't he get rid of the Goa'uld on the planet? We'd just have to make sure his ship wasn't carrying any replicators.
  20. Hyped up ion engines might get us 1g. I'm thinking a dedicated fission reactor to power the plates. I was thinking the elevator idea for this. Lower down a module at a time. This way the initial team can easily return to the ship in case something is wrong. The construction equipment would probably have something similar to a backhoe. If not, a shovel could be easily MacGuyvered.
  21. Recently an Earth-like planet was discovered in the habitable zone of a star 120 trillion miles away in the constellation Libra. Let's get there. What do we need? Off the top of my head: 1)Ship capable of carrying animals/plants/cargo 1a)capable of ~1g constant acceleration for the whole trip(possible Destiny-esque refuel) 1b)modular design for use as domiciles in the colony 1c)equipped with a tether for using the ship as an elevator upon reaching New Earth 2)Reusable hazmat suits 3)animal stock 4)crop stock
  22. The discovery channel has an experiment just for that. Watch The Colony.
  23. Holy crap, Trip posted.
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