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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Watch the video on the first page.
  2. Sensitivity is irrelevant; Al Qaeda-not Islam-attacked on 9/11. The proposed community center even has a memorial to the victims of 9/11(over a hundred of which were Muslim, btw). By the way, it was unanimously approved, so it can't be THAT insensitive. This case has all the earmarks of a manufactured controversy. I think you dropped your tin foil hat.What exactly do think they plan on teaching there? Really? You think that there wouldn't be bigots protesting if it was farther? You haven't kept up with the news, then.
  3. What makes you think it came from somewhere?
  4. What did you expect? You gave zero support to discuss for your claim. Do YMCAs no longer have chapels in them?
  5. ydoaPs

    Why The Anger?

  6. Swansont, that's not fair. Most of those are Christian institutions; everyone knows Christians never do anything bad like molest children or blow up clinics.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chirality_(chemistry) Wikipedia is your friend
  8. Um, no. Nice try, though. Name change? It's the Muslim equivelant of a YMCA. http://www.park51.org/facilities.htm
  9. Which is, coincidentally, how science works.
  10. If P, then Q ~Q Therefore, ~P If the Flood story was meant to be literal and historical, then it has been falsified. That's all he did.
  11. Translate Pi into binary, and you have every work ever written or ever to be written. You have every computer program-including the viruses.
  12. [23:09] <JCW> Words speak louder than words.
  13. Yep, the Arizona thing was just where I most recently heard the argument. Could you explain this a bit? I don't see how that follows. So?
  14. Not really.
  15. Mutation and Natural Selection. See the Lenski experiment.
  16. By the way, it's a community center rather than a mosque.
  17. ydoaPs

    Why The Anger?

    So, your issue is with religion itself?
  18. Watch online: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-august-10-2010/municipal-land-use-update---ground-zero-mosque
  19. Here's another good one from today:
  20. I just watched the recent Daily Show segment and learned something interesting: there's a mosque older than the trade centers only 4 blocks away from Ground Zero. What difference does two blocks make?
  21. ydoaPs

    Why The Anger?

    They're common knowledge. Which ones do you want support for? What about it? There's not a thing wrong with it. It might be dangerous to build because of stupid people with a fear of Muslims, but that's about it.
  22. One of the arguments in favour of the recent Arizona immigration law was that the illegals ARE here illegally; they are breaking the law. I want to know, is it a justified law? In Massachusetts, it is illegal to be an atheist; that doesn't make it a good law. Should we deport all the atheists and non-Christians in Massachusetts to another state? Of course not. Why should we not just grant citizenship to whomever wants it? It's not like immigration costs jobs. It might even help the economy with the increased tax money and increased spending.
  23. It's ridiculous that this is an issue. Of course Obama is going to allow it-he has zero grounds on which not to. Muslims have the same freedom of religion as Christians. IMO, the Islamaphobia in the US is appalling. The actions of extremists do not bear on the religion as a whole.....unless we want to declare Christians as being clinic bombers, prejudiced murderers, and spreaders of incurable endemic. Yes, they could change the zoning to create a radius in which no place of worship would be able to be, but you can't single out the Muslims. However, I doubt the people getting all upset would like that, as it would probably mean a few Christian churches would have to move. On a practical standpoint, given the rampant Islamaphobia, building a mosque that close to Ground Zero might be a bad idea as it could inspire the paranoid to do something stupid.
  24. False dichotomy AND irrelevant to whether or not one or more deities exist. Mummification is well-understood. Really? Citation please.
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