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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. [14:28] * mib_eh5aa3 (Mibbit@protectedhost-F2BE6877.sotn.cable.ntl.com) has joined [14:28] <mib_eh5aa3> sup [14:29] <sylar> a wild mib has appeared [14:29] <sylar> Go get him, Charizard! [14:29] * sylar sends out Fluffy [14:35] <mib_eh5aa3> flees! [14:35] * mib_eh5aa3 has quit (Quit: mib_eh5aa3)
  2. That idea is wrong. Both matter and antimatter have the positive mass and are attracted gravitationally.
  3. Dude, brain structures are classical objects. Quantum need not apply.
  4. Information is beautiful.
  5. Yeah, you should have been more like me Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged You can try asking specific questions. Also, access to restricted forums is sometimes granted to users by administrator access per request if the user does not yet meet the requirements. It can't hurt to ask.
  6. It looks like Klaynos forgot again, so I'll just leave this here. They're the same basic format as the last four years (just a little later again!), with nominations (this thread) for all the awards and then threads for the final votes. Please read the below carefully, and re-read your post before posting it. In this thread, you are allowed to nominate one member for each of the following six categories: Most Helpful Member: who gives the best answers in the nicest way? Most Knowledgeable Member: who displays the most consistent knowledge in any (or many) fields? Most Interesting Member: who's posts are a must read for their diverse content? Best Debater: the member who you think uses the best debating techniques on the forums. Most Enjoyable Member: this is a fun category; who makes you laugh the most? Most Improved Member: who has improved their quality of posts the most in the past twelve months? The Rules You are allowed to nominate one, and only one person for each category. Your last post on this thread will be counted as your nominations; any previous posts will be deleted. Even so, please try and get it right the first time. Please do not nominate any members of staff or resident experts. If you do so, then these will be deleted. This is all about you guys in the community. Here is the Staff List - To clarify, this is Administrators, Super Moderators, and Resident Experts. Please, reply to this post with the following format: Each member name corresponds to the appropriate category. Be careful not to mix them up, because we won't know and don't have the time to check! If you don't know how to format your post like this, then look at the BBCode Guide before you post. Any posts not of this form will be deleted. The mods will hopefully show no mercy on this point, since I have to go through all of these posts at the end of the day. You are allowed to nominate one person for up to two different categories. You are not allowed to nominate yourself. If, for whatever reason, you do not wish to nominate somebody for a particular category, then please leave that name blank. However, you must submit a nomination for at least one category. This thread will remain open until the 2nd July 2010. After that, no more nominations will be accepted. Nominations must have made at least 5 posts in the time since the last nominations closed.
  7. I don't remember tensors being a part of that book. Good book, though, from what I remember.
  8. I think your shift key is stuck.
  9. Imagine a universe in which all that exists are three balls(one red, one blue, and one yellow). Each ball has a mass of 1kg. The red and blue balls are at rest with respect to each other, but are moving with respect to the yellow ball. From a reference frame in which the yellow ball is at rest, the red ball and the blue ball are moving and thus have kinetic energy. Now, let's move our reference frame to one in which the blue ball is at rest. The red ball at rest relative to the blue ball, so has no kinetic energy(and neither does the blue ball). The yellow ball, however, is moving and thus has kinetic energy. The red ball has more energy in the reference frame of the yellow ball than it does in the reference frame of the blue ball. Thus energy is dependent on the reference frame and is not conserved from frame to frame. Mass, however is the same in every frame of reference. If we consider the three balls as a system and use the same reference frames, we get different values for the total energy of the system. As stated, each ball has a mass of 1kg. In the reference frame where the red and blue balls are at rest, the yellow ball is observed to be moving at 100m/s with respect to the red and blue balls. In the reference frame where the yellow ball is at rest, the red and blue balls are each observed to be traveling at 100m/s with respect to the yellow ball. How much KE does this universe have? While energy is conserved in a frame of reference, it is not invariant between reference frames.
  10. No interwebs? No problem! Use the force.

  11. I think I'm going to get a bike when I move back home and only use my car when it rains or I have passengers or cargo. It saves money, provides more exercise, and helps the environment(that and it gives the finger to BP ). The only problem is that, in my area, there aren't many bike racks. The only ones I can think of are at the schools and at the public library. In short, given the proper infrastructure, I like the idea, but I'd rather have my own. City maintained bikes probably wouldn't be very nice for long, but mine would(not to mention that it would be much cheaper over time).
  12. Hmm...could you elaborate a bit?
  13. Perhaps I'll win the game this time.
  14. Are you serious with this?
  15. OMG, MOOEYPOO!!!






  16. So, it needs to be fried?
  17. Please post in a way that is readable. Thank you.
  18. It's just a feeling, really. Good thing I don't have the burden of proof here!
  19. It still seems like a stretch to me.
  20. You and dave, then? I guess that means SFN will be down at least a month. :'(
  21. Sweet. Any word on the estimated shift date? How much downtime should we expect? Also, please don't let dave do it; we all know what happens when dave plays with the server.
  22. The Great Gatsby? Really? Eww.
  23. I think it's interesting that the areas in the brain involved with love are the same involved with drug addiction.
  24. False. The restriction makes a great deal of sense if you know the goal of the restriction and have had our past experiences. As I said before, the restriction can also be easily bypassed by contacting the moderation staff, should the poster in question be able to handle politics discussion. The goal of this forum is to encourage quality participation. The staff and I have, imo, made it quite clear that quality of discussion is more important than quantity of discussion. Quality is much more important in sections which tend to be more heated such as religion and politics. This is the goal of the restriction and it works quite well. If you've been here as long as myself, then you'd remember how the forum was without posting restrictions in those sections. It was so bad that we had to close the religion forum entirely. We'd prefer 12 civil and logical posters to 144 trolls. Been there, done that. In the past, we had no restrictions. Results were in favour of the restriction. They most certainly do refuse access to customers only purchasing certain products. Have you ever tried to buy a crate of Sudafed and some bleach?
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