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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. It is VERY dangerous.
  2. You could build a cantenna.
  3. /me points to the topic AGAIN
  4. Yes, if someone was logging.
  5. Lying isn't a nice habit. There were other people in the channel. Better luck next time.
  6. "Road to Reality" by Roger Penrose
  7. 'constant' means that it is unchanging in a frame of reference. 'invariant' means it is unchanging between frames of reference. The speed of light it both constant and invariant.
  8. ...
  9. perpetual motion device thread consisting of only a link and the words "no nuclear, no petrol...".....why should this thread stay? AFAICT, it's just spam. How about you discuss the machine a bit. How does it work? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedNot to mention your sloppy French diagram doesn't give any explanation.
  10. I think the word you are searching for is 'invariant.'
  11. iTunesU has several online courses for FREE(many of which can also be found on YouTube).
  12. If you're playing nuclear boyscout, the americium in smoke detectors is probably easier to get.
  13. Seeing, silly!
  14. ydoaPs


    It's like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet while wearing a blindfold and riding a horse.
  15. ydoaPs


    IMO, panspermia is pointless. We'll never know whether or not it's true, and it only pushes the problem back.
  16. So, Luke was wrong, then?
  17. Nope, not at all.
  18. Have you tried substitution? Say, u=lnx ? What attempts have you made so far?
  19. What have you tried so far? Chain rule? Quotient rule?
  20. Yes.
  21. <mooeypoo> And I'm not as Jewish, in a sense that I don't *act* like the regular stereotypical jew. Though I do like money. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged[22:02] <mooeypoo> haha we should have a naughty quote section [22:02] <mooeypoo> i'll totally win [22:02] <Sylar> we SHOULD [22:02] <mooeypoo> ok, no, Azure would [22:02] <mooeypoo> but I will come second [22:03] <mooeypoo> ... that was not qutie how i intended it to sound Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged[10:34] * forufes (d4d7ada6@blackcobalt.web.irc) has joined #sfn [10:35] <Sylar> 'lo, forufes [10:35] <Sylar> hola, como estas? [10:37] <forufes> why hey there [10:38] <forufes> is this place always dead? [10:39] * forufes slaps Sylar around a bit with a large fishbot [10:39] <forufes> PAY ATTENTION! [10:39] <forufes> lol [10:40] <forufes> uh... [10:40] <forufes> sylar? [10:42] <forufes> ok this is just sick.. [10:42] <forufes> did you die man? heart attack? your parents discovered you're not asleep? [10:43] * forufes slaps Sylar around a bit with a large fishbot [10:45] <forufes> why the sudden drop out then? [10:45] <forufes> took a piss? [10:47] <Sylar> irc = cool place to idle [10:47] <forufes> ??? [10:47] <Sylar> or idling causes leprosy [10:47] <forufes> idle at what???????? [10:48] <forufes> leprocy? [10:48] <forufes> having your skin shrivel up like dry mud? [10:49] <forufes> what does that have to do with idleing? [10:49] <forufes> WILL YOU SAY SOMETHING GODDAMMIT!! [10:49] <Sylar> chicken fried steak [10:49] * forufes slaps Sylar around a bit with a large fishbot [10:49] <forufes> ??? [10:50] <forufes> ok this is just geting weirder and weirder [10:50] <forufes> what does chicke fried stake have to do with ANYTHING? [10:50] <Sylar> that/'s what she said [10:50] <forufes> what who said? [10:50] <forufes> are you ok buddy? [10:51] <forufes> AAAAGGGGHHH THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!! [10:51] <Sylar> so is your face [10:51] <forufes> do you have a coherence word to say or should we go back to our idleing? [10:52] <forufes> .... [10:52] <forufes> so is WHAT my face? [10:52] <forufes> i swear i don't mind if it's shit just please let me understand you.. [10:53] <Gilded> Lol, lots of people whispering our guild members if they can join, when a guildmate replied to some foreign guy that "our guild is finnish" the guy asked "so your guild is down?" [10:53] <forufes> wait a minute.. [10:53] <Sylar> no [10:53] <Gilded> FINISH(ED) =/= FINNISH [10:53] <Sylar> all this has happened before and all this will happen again, forufes [10:53] <forufes> are you doing this on perpous? [10:54] <Sylar> are you ok? [10:54] <Sylar> you might need to see a psychologist [10:54] <forufes> am i into some parts of some external conversation and am seeing only the bits of? [10:54] <forufes> or is it the lag? [10:54] <Sylar> have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? [10:55] <forufes> ok any further and i'm gonna smash my screen.. [10:55] <forufes> i'm gonna go "idle" a bit [10:55] <forufes> uh.. [10:55] <Sylar> Idling Causes Leprosy!!! [10:55] <forufes> idk, go look out the window or something [10:56] <forufes> sure beats the white screen here [10:56] <forufes> leporsy is good.. [10:56] <forufes> it makes people pay attention to you [10:56] <forufes> some people will kill for that [10:56] <Gilded> After you've scrubbed all the floors in Hyrule, then we can talk about mercy [10:56] <forufes> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool [10:56] <forufes> ok, i'm losing my mind [10:57] <forufes> bye bye [10:57] <Sylar> another one bites the dust
  22. I'm not sure what your creationism videos has to do with the thread.
  23. Most video games are non-euclidean(you fall down if you walk off a cliff)
  24. Impacts and launches.
  25. Pew has some data on scientists and religion.
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