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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Yea, it's true; he's the coolest guy ever.
  2. It may take a few minutes, but they should change after you change your avatar or signature.
  3. [math]i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial{t}}\Psi(\bold{r},t)=-\frac{{\hbar}^2}{2m}{\nabla}^{2}\Psi(\bold{r},t)+V(\bold{r})\Psi(\bold{r},t)[/math] Is that a unicorn? If so, there are unicorns in QM.
  4. Complex numbers take the form of z=a+bi where a and b are real numbers. If a is zero, you simply have an imaginary number; if b is zero, you have a real number! To graph them, use a complex plane(a co-ordinate plane where one axis is real and the other is imaginary). Then just graph each z as a point (a,bi).
  5. Those SFN members who are jonesing for some religion discussion can drop by my new forum.
  6. lies
  7. [21:39] <mib_awesome> your FACE is an incomplete theory soon to have an added layer of understanding provided breakthroughs in science! OHHHHHH!!!
  8. Unless, of course, they would be completely unembarrassed by making such an error.
  9. And this guy worships the 'real' God. How convenient for him!
  10. Although that conclusion pretty much ignores the study as it was seen that "God"'s opinion changed with the test subject, but the opinion of other people from the POV of the test subject didn't. That coupled with "God"'s opinion being different from person to person really makes the idea you stated the equivalent of "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA."
  11. I remember reading an article a while back where they were able to tell what word a person was thinking by way of brainscan. edit: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16267-mindreading-software-could-record-your-dreams.html
  12. This NewScientist article is about recent experiments giving brain-scan evidence for how people's beliefs and the beliefs they attribute to God are related. Excerpt: Thoughts? IMO, this was already pretty obvious. Just look at the religious attitude regarding women or slavery throughout the ages. This studies findings don't really surprise me at all.
  13. Anyone here want an invite? PM me your e-mail address if you do.
  14. The local middle school here had an explosion this morning. 8 injured with 0 dead. Article highlights: and
  15. The lectures to which I linked are free, btw.
  16. MIT has some video lectures available. and
  17. I'm sure there's an app for that.
  18. According to the rest of the world, isn't Obama a conservative? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged QEQOvyGbBtY
  19. Many a crackpot hold Tesla up as a god. Truth be told, Tesla got more wrong than right. mass≠matter
  20. 'Experts' on the bill who haven't even read it and lawmakers literally parroting the lobbyists.....wtf Let's cancel the circus and actually start helping people. kthxbai
  21. I'm calling Poe. That cartoon is too ridiculous.
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