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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. I think this person is trying to quote Star Wars.
  2. It really doesn't(calories are just a unit of energy). It does, however know if it's lacking sugar, but that's rather irrelevant to the craving. If we only craved high calorie food when we're low, the US wouldn't look like it does.
  3. It's mostly personal preference, but there is an evolved tendency toward craving food with a high caloric density.
  4. I think the one needed is UrbanDictionary.
  5. Actually, the same way it sees it normally!
  6. I don't really see the point of human-like AI. IMO, general intelligence is enough. We don't need machines with emotions(see Terminator, Battlestar Galactica, and Matrix as well as several others).
  7. Do we need to know how the entire brain works? I'm not so sure we do.
  8. I wasn't implying that we don't need to study the brain. I was just saying that a neuron-by-neuron map would be essentially useless for AI.
  9. You don't need to map the brain, just make software that like VitaminD.
  10. OMFG! GOATS ON MARS!!! Wait....nevermind
  11. I thought it was a pretty good movie. I don't really buy the 'Sumerian' voices, though. It smacks too much of white noise EVP, imo. And if these aliens were here thousands of years ago, why were they in 'apollo-like' rockets rather than the types of ships that can pull children through a ceiling without breaking anything?
  12. I totally did back when it came out. I have a few TMBG albums.
  13. Sports references have no place in a science forum!
  14. Or maybe he is helping the team he thinks he's helping but you think he thinks he's helping the team that he's not helping. Savvy?
  15. You could always make that ydoaPs guy a moderator o.O
  16. QFT That's what I was trying to say in my first couple of posts in this thread.
  17. I thought it was Whale and Dolphin that dropped the bombs.
  18. ydoaPs


    We can wait until next year and do two at once!
  19. Mild depression? I was under the impression that almost all of the economy these days is handled digitally.
  20. I thought that the tilt of the Earth affected what stars are visible at what times.
  21. He's just talking about uniformity of the laws of physics; how we assume the universe behaves the same everywhere. An electron is an electron is an electron.
  22. Is there a way to undo the neg rep that was given so people aren't left with red cards?
  23. YOU SHOULD BE!!!! I'm gonna take a look at this book. When I get a chance, I'll probably also get the book IMM recommended ages ago called The Marginal Jew.
  24. People who have difficulty with eye contact often find it easier to look at a person's mouth instead. IMO, that makes more sense since that's where the sound is coming from. It also isn't really noticeable unless someone is looking for it.
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