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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Flame on!
  2. ....sure......
  3. It should be noted that members have undergone drastic improvement. Cap'nReffsmat and I are great examples. If I still posted the way I did 5 years ago, I'd have a rep power of -14.
  4. Oh. I guess I've been duped.
  5. Then you'll lose your bet. 388 negative point? I've got a rep power of 14 and I've given out plenty of negative rep. Do you know how many times it was in an argument of which I was a part? None. I'm probably not the only one, either.
  6. Which, by the way, is not only annoying but also against the rules.
  7. Not if he keeps that up. Specifics? When, who, and where? I've been here for over 5 years and I don't recall anything like this happening on this site. No, it's not. Negative reputation is a tool that(apart from giving new users a sense of somewhat who are trolls, etc) gives incentive for proper behaviour. We have positive an negative incentive. Until recently, our negative incentive consisted only of warnings and suspensions. A user should only get negative reputation for inappropriate posting behaviour such as trolling, flaming, or otherwise breaking the rules. Now, politics(and religion, when we had a section for that) tend to get heated when not approached properly. Why would we want people who have a demonstrated tendancy to already have bad posting behaviour posting in a forum that easily tends toward such behaviour? It isn not descrimination. Posting in politics(or on the forum at all, for that matter) is a privilege, not a right. The reputation restriction on the politics section not only lends to more civil discussions, but it makes less work for the moderators. If you don't like our extremely fair system of moderation(and user-based incentives), then you don't have to post here. There's surely an x somewhere on your screen to close this tab. If you think we're unfair, you should check out the recent antics of the CARM staff. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged At least it didn't affect your rep points!
  8. If you hate it here so much, there's a little x that will close the tab.
  9. ydoaPs

    The Plan

    I really want to see it...... That is all.
  10. [hide]It's -1[/hide]
  11. It's an AMAZING moonwalk.
  12. Ahg6qcgoay4
  13. I second that motion.
  14. ydoaPs


    I'm not sure about it.....it's like a cross between Stargate and Voyager
  15. ydoaPs


    Did anyone here watch the premier of Stargate Universe? If so, was it any good?
  16. Yes. A law is one mathematical statement. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Evolution is a fact.
  17. I liked the lolcode
  18. Iirc, you can make plastique by electrolysis of saltwater. Isn't saltwater a large component of urine?
  19. That's how threads get moved out of P&S.
  20. What is the evidence, and how does it support the CDesign Proponentsists? When was this creation? What/who is the creator? Who created the creator?
  21. pfft....python is way better than c++ import antigravity
  22. print('How are you doin/'?')
  23. Can you get multiple red cards?
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