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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. There is a postcount minimum.
  2. Voting?
  3. I will NOT tolerate this kind of behaviour!
  4. For the love of the gods, read: Evolution FAQ Intro to Evo-Bio List of Creationist Claims Ignorance is no longer an excuse.
  5. Where do I start? Pretty much your entire post is wrong.
  6. ydoaPs


    Ouch. For some reason, I think that a moon landing on you in Russia would be a bit painful!
  7. OMFG, this are liek evidents taht the earf is liek 6000 years old!
  8. Yes, as evidenced by you still being alive. Bold does not follow.
  9. klaynos broke the warp coils, so we're stuck at impulse until we can get some new dilithium crystals.
  10. In soviet Russia, language knows you!
  11. [19:45] <ydoaPs> obama is spreading his soshulist agenda in 15 min [19:45] <ydoaPs> live on bacefook [19:51] <javagamer> I'm supposed to watch that for school, but I should also be reading [19:51] * javagamer had to sit through Obama's brainwashing speach at school today. [20:02] <UnintentionalChaos> oh noes' [20:02] <UnintentionalChaos> [20:03] <javagamer> I can't believe they made me hear that controversial speach, I totally disagreed with his message [20:05] <hermanntrude> what's obama being doing that's got you guys upset? [20:05] <hermanntrude> he can't be worse than GWB? [20:05] <javagamer> He gave a speach about how I should stay in school and work hard! The monster. [20:05] <hermanntrude> ha [20:05] <hermanntrude> pig [20:06] <javagamer> Did you hear about all the people claiming parents should encourage their kids to skip school so they didn't hear it? [20:06] <Fuzzwood> ... [20:06] <hermanntrude> nope [20:07] * hermanntrude doesn't own a tv or read the papers [20:07] * Fuzzwood stands by his claim that ex-bush voters are idiots [20:08] <javagamer> http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/26711.html [20:09] <hermanntrude> holy shit the americans are so ****ed up [20:09] <ydoaPs> yep [20:10] <ydoaPs> http://apps.facebook.com/whitehouselive/ <= speech is about to start [20:10] <hermanntrude> some guy wants to be nice and talk to people and the yanks all cry "socialist" like it was a terrible thing [20:10] <ydoaPs> socialism is terrible [20:10] <ydoaPs> like public schools [20:11] <ydoaPs> and firefighters [20:11] <ydoaPs> and gov't maintained roadways [20:11] <ydoaPs> and police [20:11] <ydoaPs> and public libraries [20:11] <ydoaPs> OH NOES!!!!! SOSHULIZM!!!! [20:11] <hermanntrude> we dont want any of that [20:12] <hermanntrude> we might have to pay taxes too [20:12] <hermanntrude> and give a shit about other people [20:12] <hermanntrude> damn, speache isn't streaming right [20:13] <ydoaPs> Jesus wouldn't want us to care about other people [20:13] <ydoaPs> Jesus isn't a soshulist [20:13] <ydoaPs> WWJD?! [20:13] <hermanntrude> jesus would tap that ass [20:13] <hermanntrude> ah. got streaming [20:14] <hermanntrude> lost it again [20:14] <hermanntrude> shit [20:15] <hermanntrude> oh well [20:15] <hermanntrude> i got audio [20:15] <hermanntrude> i can listen
  12. Shouldn't that be assumed since it was provided by gilded?
  13. LINK IS NSFW [16:29] <insane_alien> who the hell would want an iphone? [16:33] <Gilded> http://s40.radikal.ru/i090/0908/3b/900f157fefb2.jpg <- those guys [16:34] <insane_alien> ROFL [16:34] <insane_alien> its funny because its true [16:37] <ydoaPs> Gilded would have a picture at hand containing several penises [16:38] * javagamer has quit (Client exited) [16:39] <Gilded> Well you know, /b/ and all that [16:40] <Gilded> A couple of minutes of browsing and you're bound to have several penises at hand
  14. To be fair, those experiments only proved the inability of those people to demonstrate telepathy under those circumstances in that instance. They could have been hung over or hungy.
  15. Become a fan of ydoaPs!
  16. However, the 'mechanism' claimed in this thread IS EM radiation.
  17. I think he messed up at the end. He said "God Bless." Now the right-wing conservitards are going to be all out trying to get Obama impeached for violation of the Separation of Church and State!
  18. If our brains had transmitting/receiving capabilities, wouldn't there be overwhelming interference from cell phones, wi-fi, TV remotes, garage door openers, etc?
  19. The speech is being broadcast live right now on facebook: http://apps.facebook.com/whitehouselive/
  20. By Albert Michelson and Edward Morley.
  21. Uh, no. It's been demonstrably proven that there is no Aether.
  22. FFS, he DID attribute them. That's why HE USED THEIR NAMES IN THE PAPER as you've been told several times. RTFP
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