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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. [18:37] <Gilded> I've pickpocketed mobs in WoW for like over 6h today, is this bad? [18:37] <UnintentionalChaos> yes [18:37] <UnintentionalChaos> step 1) turn off your computer [18:38] <UnintentionalChaos> step 2) go outside [18:38] <UnintentionalChaos> step 3) try not to die [18:39] <Gilded> It's dark outside. I could get eaten by a grue! [18:40] <javagamer> lol [18:41] <ydoaPs> Gilded, when's the last time you touched a woman without paying for it? [18:42] <UnintentionalChaos> nevar [18:42] <Gilded> You can touch women without paying them??? [18:42] <Gilded> Why wasn't I informed of this? [18:42] <javagamer> Sounds like stealing.
  2. How have you tried to solve it? Show us your attempts. Did you draw a picture?
  3. Sounds good. I spend the weekdays in VA and some weekends in MD, so I should be able to make it up for a day.
  4. Why would you replace x with w? I'd start by factoring the x equation, since we know that w is a solution.
  5. ydoaPs

    Space in place.

    The charge is what makes the field. Just look at the Maxwell equations. The field is just a representation of the electrical potential at each point. It can be represented as a vector field or a scalar field. You can think of the field as taking up the entire space and the values changing with respect to time. It's just that remote parts of the space are zero or near zero.
  6. ydoaPs

    Palin Resigns

    I don't think she's dumb enough to think she could get elected to the presidency.
  7. ydoaPs

    Space in place.

    A field is a region of space that has a value at every point. There are vector fields(every point has a magnitude and direction, like electric fields) and scalar fields(every point only has a magnitude, like temperature fields).
  8. Just awesome.
  9. What makes vision more valid than touch?
  10. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you start feeling better. If you don't mind me asking, "What's wrong with you?".

  11. Here's one that I like:
  12. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/hotstories/6501472.html He was more god than man........like 6 Chuck Norrises and a Vin Diesel rolled into one.
  13. This time, she wasn't drunk: [21:29] <mooeypoo> what level of education does everyone have? [21:29] <butta> as storage devices [21:29] <butta> does it matter [21:29] <butta> ???? [21:30] <mooeypoo> just curious [21:30] <Strspeed> ahh not to good lol [21:30] <mooeypoo> not really, I'm just wondering. [21:30] <butta> high school and game design [21:30] <mooeypoo> ooh cool [21:30] <mooeypoo> game design too sounds fun [21:30] <butta> I'm a production engineer [21:30] <ydoaPs> high school and classified military training [21:30] <mooeypoo> ydoaps you don't count [21:30] <butta> for a kitchens company [21:30] <butta> do programming millwright [21:30] <mooeypoo> you're a cutie.. brains don't matter with you. [21:30] <ydoaPs> mooeypoo, if anything, i count MORE [21:30] <butta> electrical [21:31] * UC is senior in college for B.Sc. in chem [21:31] <Strspeed> self taught delphi programing [21:31] <mooeypoo> shuttup and accept the compliment, cutes'. [21:31] * ydoaPs goes to the quote thread [21:31] * mooeypoo is a junior in college.. Physics
  14. Good thing Bob Lazar was right about the 115 thing...
  15. Surely we could come up with another way to store memory.
  16. Try "Rethinking Life and Death" by Peter Singer, then. It's a good read. I'd also recommend "Freedom Evolves" and "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" by Dennett. "On Intelligence" by Jeff Hawkins is pretty thought-provoking as well.
  17. The soldier doesn't have to personally inform Bob's family of the death?
  18. Bascule here pretty much nailed it, imo. Our minds are analogous to computer programming. we can look at computer programming from various levels. You can look it it from the low level of electrons moving about on wires. In the same manner, you can look at the brain as ion currents through neurons. At a higher level, you have logic gates in computers and neural hierarchies in the brain. Then you have higher level programming like python. The analog in the brain is an idea. Our actions, our choices, are all based upon our beliefs, our values, preconcieved notions, etc. It's algorithmic(albeit VERY complicated). All of these things come at the lowest level from deterministic physics(the brain is a classical system). Our consciousness comes from a thin covering of the "old brain" called the neocortex. It works hierarchically(with many more feedback connections than feedforward) to produce a working model of the world. Instead of creating trillions of files to save what every object looks like under every condition(that would be utterly ridiculous as the pattern on your retina is never the same) the cortical-thalamo-cortical loops use a time delay to form invariant auto-associative memories which are used recursively in hierarchical feedback loops to provide a model of our world. This is how our senses are cleaned up. For example, these auto-associative memories fill in our blind spot. This model is what we experience. Most of our experiences are what we expect to experience rather than what we actually experience. Consciousness is what it feels like to have a working neocortex(or analogous structure). The following is a great lecture by Jeff Hawkins on the topic. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=8C245B988EC37E6D I just don't see what would make emotions necessary for consciousness.
  19. Oddly enough, we have one stickied in this forum.
  20. Why do you think evolution is false?
  21. As well as their "Introduction to Evolutionary Biology" page.
  22. But you don't. You can predict it on the lower levels, it's just INCREDIBLY impractical.
  23. What about other reference frames?
  24. Our minds are analogous to computer programming. we can look at computer programming from various levels. You can look it it from the low level of electrons moving about on wires. In the same manner, you can look at the brain as ion currents through neurons. At a higher level, you have logic gates in computers and neural hierarchies in the brain. Then you have higher level programming like python. The analog in the brain is an idea. Our actions, our choices, are all based upon our beliefs, our values, preconcieved notions, etc. It's algorithmic(albeit VERY complicated). All of these things come at the lowest level from deterministic physics(the brain is a classical system). Our consciousness comes from a thin covering of the "old brain" called the neocortex. It works hierarchically to produce/use invariant auto-associative memories which are used recursively in hierarchical feedback loops to provide a model of our world. This model is what we experience. Most of our experiences are what we expect to experience rather than what we actually experience.
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