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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs

    Space in place.

    Distance is merely the separation of objects and the magnitude of which is determined by the energy density in the chosen frame of reference.
  2. Based on the title, I thought this thread would be about Kaluza-Klein
  3. What do you know about it already? To whom are you making said presentation?
  4. I was ready to watch it live off the coast of Florida saturday morning, but it got pushed back. They had us stay down there just for it, too.
  5. One would think that any self-respecting time-traveler would not only be capable of using spell-check, but would also have a more consistent use of punctuation and would refrain from txt-spk.
  6. Have you tried adjusting the frequency of your flux capacitor? It may be out of phase with our planet's temporal field.
  7. o.O
  8. I looked into a job in that area when i turned 18, but decided against it.
  9. Yep. There's a good chance that might be my last time out to sea ever, btw. Today, the doc prescribed me Zoloft. Since you can't take psychotropic medications and have my job at the same time, I'm temporarily being sent to another division. In two months, I get re-evaluated; If they deem that I still need the meds, then I permanently lose my job and they send that paperwork through. When the paperwork goes through, I will be given the choice to change jobs or get out of the Navy. What jobs are available for a 21yo with experience in plumbing, heating&cooling, steam turbine operation/maintenance, nuclear physics, personnel management, firefighting, radiation health, and the custodial arts?
  10. ydoaPs


    What level of mathematics are you at? Have you studied Calculus at all? Try looking at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Classical_Mechanics and come back with questions. Your request is still too broad.
  11. I'm back...we're done going out to sea for a while.
  12. I went to Barnes and Noble and most of the books were at least $45. Even the dummies book was >$25.
  13. lies!!!!!
  14. Reputation comments, however......
  15. Is it bad that my mind immediately jumps to Skynet whenever I think about the singularity?

  16. IIRC, the traditional explanation has to do with the wavelength of the electron. Do your students think that the electrons "orbit" the nucleus?
  17. You can write segments of C code and put that in your python code, right? What would be the benefit of that?
  18. In fact, that's how the brain works. At least the neocortex; it's a pattern finding/comparing machine.
  19. I'm seriously going underway tomorrow. Flight deck cert is done and now we're going to do carrier quals.
  20. So, python THEN C++? Online resources would be great, also.
  21. For the love of the gods, don't anger your machines. You lose
  22. Seriously, what's the best programming language to start with? I want to learn how to program, but I've got no experience. I can barely do the bastardized xml the forums use for text formatting.
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