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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. That's pretty much what I was trying to say.
  2. Is there more changes visually than the tabs?
  3. Why exactly is that? Where is the information of "left" stored?
  4. That, my friends, is what we call a false dichotomy.
  5. We've had other logos.
  6. Just like the rest of them. Although, I'm not sure that the religion is the source of conflict. It seems like the source of conflict was the editing behaviour of people associated with said religion. And let's try to not focus on the religion aspect. We know the rules. If you don't, go read them.
  7. /me dies of brain liquification.
  8. Sea Kittens, unlike the Land Kittens, lack a neocortex. 'Nuff said.
  9. I have a minor case of one that is commonly confused for ALL of those!
  10. It's TAM time again already?
  11. Not to mention most of the "smoke" in the beginning is really steam.
  12. Again, these are not mutually exclusive. Free will is not necessarily magic. In fact, any functional model of free will depends upon determinism. The chemical reactions are how "you" do the "deciding".
  13. Not mutually exclusive
  14. What Cap'n said...
  15. Body Heat? That'd be kinda cool.
  16. Surely if we could build them, it is possible that they could build themselves.
  17. Blegh. Too many fuzzy terms and concepts. If I remember, I'll come back tomorrow and make it more concrete.
  18. Can unconscious things feel?
  19. If it feels human, we should probably give it equal rights for our protection, if nothing else. All this has happened before and will happen again.
  20. If having the capacity to feel human is not enough to treat a machine as a person, what is? Can machines ever achieve personhood? Is there some innate characteristic of our chemical composition that machines necessarily lack which causes them to forever fall out of the realm of moral concern?
  21. If a machine believed it were human-if it felt human-should we treat it as a human?
  22. How could we teach HTM based robotics to move? It seems simple to teach them that they have limbs and to know the location of said limbs. However, I don't know how we could teach them how to use them. Would we need random signals uploaded on the machine to generate random movements for it to learn? Would we need to just stimulate the limbs externally?
  23. ydoaPs

    Autism Test

  24. We should probably paint the logo on the sides of the sharks just so there's no mistaking.
  25. They pull back in for a day or two in two weeks. I meet up with them then.
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