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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. My At Sea reading list: +I Am A Strange Loop +Becoming Batman +In The Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedIt turns out, I'm not going underway. Right before they were about to pull the brow away from the ship(they already had the crane in place too), I got an AmCross message to go home for my mom's funeral.
  2. How much should the rig move and in what direction? Why should it move? This "test" is useless unless these questions are answered. Are there other plausible explanations should the rig move? You NEED equations for those reasons. Then there are other things. How much should the capacitor bank be charged? How many capacitors in what configuration? Does the voltage affect the velocity of the rig? Does the rate of discharge affect it? edit: I also have some conceptual questions about your speculations. As I had previously asked? What separates these particles? Is there some distance between them? Is there another particle for time, or is this "space" particle really a spacetime particle?
  3. You could try Wolfram Alpha.
  4. That was the best one I could find. Anyone got better?
  5. ydoaPs

    Born old ???

    That's a great point. I have no idea.
  6. ydoaPs

    Born old ???

    The parent cell is already old. It's telomeres have already shortened some from cell division. The shortening is passed on to the daughter cells. Thus, the clone will not live a full lifetime.
  7. Then stop reading my posts Rosetta Stone?
  8. Thanks. I forgot to mention that I'd be ON A BOAT! 5QwM4vXex7c *warning.....slight use of foul language*
  9. No access to the internet when underway.
  10. You're just angry because you always lose the game.
  11. What the spork does your post have to do with the OP?
  12. That would be off topic
  13. I'll be going underway for about a month starting Monday. We'll be doing flight deck certification and carrier quals. That means no SFN for me for the next month. Try not to miss me too much.
  14. Oh, how could I forget about M-"theory"? Nope, still not distinct universes if they interact.
  15. If our universe interacted with another, then they wouldn't be distinct universes.
  16. ydoaPs

    Star Trek

    It reminds me of the Doomsday Machine
  17. ydoaPs

    Star Trek

    I currently live in VA. Early showings started at 7pm
  18. ydoaPs

    Star Trek

    I rather liked this movie.
  19. Is speed the limiting factor? I thought that computers were orders of magnitude faster than the brain.
  20. So, you think intelligence will come about as software on a turing machine rather than a hardware analog to the neocortex? Either way, I think we're still a fair way away. At least another 15 years, IMO.
  21. I made a thread about skynet.....err, the singularity.....i'd like to see your viewpoint

  22. Will it happen primarily via hardware or software? Why?
  23. If evidence came to light, then it would necessarily have detectable effects.
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