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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
  2. At least he used to be. Does he even post anymore? Also, how many of the most known members are moderators/admin?
  3. All this has happened before and will happen again.
  4. If we put an end to piracy, how would Sayo get any music? Seriously, though......I'm surprised that a carrier hasn't been sent in as aggressive negotiation.
  5. But matter is just photons tied in a knot! Maybe Farsight could explain it better.
  6. In the context of SFN, who are the celebrities? Who stands out and who blends in? For me, the old regulars stand out. However, that bias may be due to the fact that I've been here since 2004 and seen many of them post since around that time.
  7. And I thought it had something to do with(at least in the USA) how litigious we are as a society which forces malpractice insurance prices up.
  8. I wish I was unfortunate enough to get reputation spam..........or even normal reputation....
  9. What lies between the particales keeping all this we see toghter?
  10. Objects are things within the system. Everything about the system(velocities, locations, temperatures, etc) comprise the state of the system. The state of the system can change without the relative positions of the objects comprising the system changing(it can change colour, for instance). This state is still different than the last and as such is separated from it by some duration(time). Without change, time would not occur.
  11. Time does not change space anymore than space changes time. As space is the separation of objects, time is merely the separation of states of a system. Both are relative and the magnitude of each is determined by the energy density(which varies by location and reference frame). Time does not cause change. It is merely an artifact of change.
  12. A field is a region where every point has a value. There are vector fields(such as magnetic fields) where at every point there is a vector. There are also scalar fields(such as temperature) where at every point there is a scalar.
  13. Xenon is a poison(ie, it likes to absorb neutrons). We don't delay it; we counteract it with rod withdrawl.
  14. ydoaPs

    good passwords

    You can always try "password". It's quite logical.
  15. I've not seen one on any submarines or aircraft carriers.
  16. The strong force is saturable, the EM isn't. The nucleus is full of closely packed positively charged protons.
  17. ydoaPs

    Pilot Convicted

    But he believed that praying would save them. That counts for something, right?
  18. A pilot was sentenced to 10 years in prison by an Italian court. What did he do? He let the plane crash. More specifically, he prayed instead of taking any emergency actions to save the lives of the 16 people he let die. Is 10 years a bit harsh considering that he may have actually believed that praying would help? Is it just right? Is it not enough considering he did nothing to try to make the situation better?
  19. What do you mean by "water circulation cooling"? Pressurized water reactors? If so, you're dead wrong. Cooling towers? If so, you're dead wrong.
  20. Harbinger of Death......Kara Thrace will lead the human race to its end. They did with that exactly what I thought they would. Kara brought death to the world as they knew it. Every new beginning is another new beginning's end. She brought the end to mankind by bringing them to our Earth(even though our constellations are supposed to be seen from the other Earth ) via a Bob Dylan song.
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