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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. There are also other reasons for people to have custom titles such as a username change or just being really awesome.
  2. YT's capitalization does not necessarily correlate to the proper grammatical usage; He uses capitalization for emphasis as well. For example, he also capitalized the word "Twice."
  3. The visual cortex is part of the neocortex, isn't it?
  4. I thought the important part of our brain(AI-wise) is only as big as a dinner napkin and as thick as six playing cards.
  5. It's on the way back to my apartment.
  6. I'm getting in for free. He didn't witness it.
  7. I'll end with those. How about some questions that are less likely to stop a QA session or get me kicked out?
  8. I'm heading to the Creation Museum this weekend. I thought I should have some questions ready in case I see Ken Ham there. Any ideas?
  9. I still think Starbuck is Daniel. If she hallucinated the piano man, then maybe her childhood was fake too. After all, how did Leobin know so much about it?
  10. [22:33] * ChanServ gives voice to mooeypoo [22:33] -ChanServ/#sfn- VOICE command used for mooeypoo by ydoaPs [22:33] -ChanServ- Voiced mooeypoo on channel #sfn. [22:33] * ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to mooeypoo [22:33] <mooeypoo> tsk tsk i like bein on top
  11. See.......Kara is better......although she might be a frakkin cylon
  12. Isn't it ~3miles?
  13. Everyone plays. Even if they don't know it.
  14. http://www.losethegame.com/ You lose. /me skips away while whistling a vaguely familiar tune.
  15. You just lost the game.
  16. I'm pretty sure that's it.
  17. That's the primary method I use to avoid this silly confusion when sharing dates locally.
  18. Rewound by driving? I'm fairly certain that wouldn't work.
  19. not the only "link and run" :P

  20. The last episode was Deadlock I think that Daniel is Kara. Ellen talked about how artistic and sensitive to the world Daniel was and Kara was painting the way to Earth since before she left Caprica. Ellen also said that someone(probably Jon[Cavil]) contaminated the amniotic fluid in which the Daniels were grown and messed up the genetic formula(which would let Daniel become a female).
  21. How DARE you make such an accusation? Oh, wait....nevermind Seriously, though, it's not like anyone is being forced to marry someone of their own gender.
  22. I may be in the military sector, but I did do a co-op in a plant owned/controlled by civillians(a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin). Civilian plants do have shielding. Most of this radiative capture is in the poisons, fuel, and structural material before the neutrons even reach the shields. That is why we shift the brittle fraction prevention limit curves; we use the worst case end of life neutron embrittlement. Then, you have the moderator which thermalises the neutrons(slows them down to the temperature of the surrounding fuel/structural material/moderator/etc) and the reflector which send neutrons back into the core. Then we have the primary shield. Then there is a long distance (DR1=DR2(r1/r2)2) which greatly decreases the dose rate. If that isn't enough, we then have the secondary shield! In a year underway, I receive less radiation than you do(especially if you live in a valley and/or fly often). I actually have no idea where you got this load of misinformation. The only thing I can even picture you talking about here is the cooling towers(often seen with steam coming out the top) which are for, surprise surprise, cooling. They're actually for the steam plant, not the reactor plant. What? I guess we should just stop using thermoluminescent dosimeters and doing routine radiation surveys. When will you people ever actually learn something before you try to attack? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOut of curiosity, what happens to the radiation from cell phones, microwave ovens, television remotes, RC cars, GPS devices, etc?
  23. Then don't get one. /me hides from the flame war. But, on a serious note, I don't understand the big deal.
  24. So, ydoaPs is winning.....when is it over?
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