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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs

    Autism Test

    So far, it seems my hypothesis is incorrect. What's with all the "normal" people? Sheesh!
  2. ydoaPs

    Zombie Plan

  3. http://xkcd.com/28/
  4. ydoaPs

    Oh Noes!

    If you thought the attack on evolution was bad, look at this! Where will it end?
  5. What about Space Camp? I thought a lot of American astronauts went to Purdue.
  6. ydoaPs

    Autism Test

    I'm thinking there might be some correlation between the "sciency-ness-ocity"(yes, I just made that up) of a person and their score. On IRC, none of us(sans ecoli) scored particularly average on the test. Looking at that wikipedia page, I fit enough of the symptoms that I might actually have a mild case of Asperger's. Edit:added poll
  7. ydoaPs

    Autism Test

    I just stumbled across an online test to show where you fall in the autism spectrum. I got a 33 which is well above the average male(17) and just below the average person with Asperger's Syndrome(35). How'd ya'll do?
  8. Not to mention the fact that science can validate/falsify the claims about the world that religions make.
  9. They said earlier in the season that the five have been to Earth, so I think that maybe these five(the originators of the downloading) may have made the other 7. Earth is definitely all cylon. So, the Human religion is actually what should be the Cylon religion. Moo has an interesting hypothesis regarding the situation.
  10. hmm
  11. It depends on how well you can piece together the story line. IIRC, you can watch some episodes on scifi.com, but I'm not sure how many. If you can find the "Catch the Frack Up" special online, it's a quick rundown of what happened until Friday's episode(It's available for free on iTunes, btw).
  12. What's up with Kara? If Ellen is the fifth, what's going on with her? During Chief's flashback on Earth, it looked like a lot more than 12 cylon models. Theories anyone? Maybe all but the 12 were destroyed in the attack. Ellen said everything was in place to download. Maybe they were the first to be reborn.
  13. ydoaPs

    FF3 crashes

    I've not been experiencing any difficulties. I'm using the mac version, though.
  14. ydoaPs


    Probably. Before we left, there were three carriers in the Newport News shipyard. If the one you saw was rusty, then it was probably mine. It's the one I am on, yes.
  15. Adding/voting on questions has been closed. The responses have been closed.
  16. Athena>Boomer Starbuck>>>>>Athena
  17. 8 is a dime a dozen.
  18. New episodes starting friday, right?
  19. Kara is better
  20. They're dead. A mutation is an error in the copying of DNA. If you're looking into creationist claims, here is a list of many of them. Follow the links to see the responses. I'm mainly into physics, but I play with a bit of everything. I really liked The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins That is quite a good book. He has a pretty good answer to your first question in the chapter called Gaps of the Mind. Other good links: What is Evolution? Introduction to Evolutionary Biology
  21. ydoaPs


    That's how I saw it. Trust me, it's not free; It costs you an hour and a half of your life.
  22. ydoaPs


    Sounds about right.
  23. ydoaPs ftw
  24. ......maybe...... It should be on TV right now. I'm on the aft part of the flight deck just forward of the missile launcher.
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