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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. I thought it was supposed to be a comedy. I guess I'll watch it tomorrow while the rest of Virginia is at church.
  2. Length contraction at relativistic speeds.
  3. Just as distance is the separation between objects, duration is the separation between states of a system. Time and space are more similar than most people think. They are both relative and their magnitude is dependent on the energy in a reference frame. There is a difference between the definition of a second(a unit of duration) and time itself.
  4. How about the work to get it in it's current state?
  5. UFOs are real; alien spacecraft, however, are speculative at best.
  6. It's a guy. Someone took the "LEAVE BRITTANY ALONE!" video and added a different soundtrack.
  7. The nipples are formed before the Y chromosome does much, iirc.
  8. You should add me on bacefook.

  9. And you have no accuracy because you have no measurements. Game over: you lose.
  10. Then why do you keep bringing up the accuracy of time measurements?
  11. And that answers my point how?
  12. So, your argument is based on the precision of measurements of all other experiments, but yours has zero accuracy?
  13. So, your argument is based on the precision of measurements of all other experiments, but yours has ZERO accuracy?
  14. As has been shown, you do not need that accuracy to prove you're wrong.
  15. How incorrect do you think the formulas are? And why? Of course they're not going to give the exact masses down to the trillionth of a gram, but they're approximations. All of them. Thats what science is: we make models and approximations. We strive to make them better and closer and closer to what reality actually is.
  16. <Gilded> "Teachers should not be prosecuted for having affairs with their sixth formers, a union chief has said." <Gilded> I think I'm going to be a teacher
  17. He admitted that he can't do math or science, so you'd have to do it for him. But then, he'd probably claim you fudged the numbers.
  18. [acr=quoted for truth]qft[/acr]
  19. Swansont, care to give my question a go? I was under the impression that that integral was the Action integral.
  20. insane_alien, what are you talking about?! Didn't you watch "What the Bleep Do We Know?"? It proves that water molecules have feelings and the ability to read.
  21. I've not really studied much about this concept, but Lagrangian Mechanics seems pretty cool. In fact, the most I've really dealt with it is in Klaynos's blog. However, I don't quite understand why the Lagrangian is used. What is the physical significance? Why T-V? If I were to go about making equations of motion, I think I'd use the Hamiltonian (H=T+V). It just seems like the sum of the potential and kinetic energies would be more useful than the difference.
  22. We wait for the next experiment.
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