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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Nucular power is dum.
  2. How are you doing on my word problem?
  3. What does it mean to happen?
  4. What does it mean to occur?
  5. What is the future?
  6. It's TRUE!!!!!!

  7. Kinetic Energy is frame dependent. If you don't believe me, solve the word problem in the thread I linked to.
  8. I don't know much about relativity, but I thought the time dilation and length contraction were due to energy differences between frames caused by the relative nature of motion.
  9. Be more specific on the second. The third is wrong.
  10. He had AWESOME standup AND he did Thomas The Tank Engine.
  11. Sure looks like it. Remember that [math]F=ma=G\frac{mM}{r^2}[/math] What are Newton's laws of motion? Draw a picture.
  12. You're mixing frames. Swansont is on the right track, though
  13. You're cool without peeing your pants!

  14. What are the current results of this one?
  15. pfft! she's lying. I am SO NOT a pervert.

  16. You're not cool unless you pee your pants.

  17. Really, what's your point?
  18. Imagine a universe in which all that exists are three balls(one red, one blue, and one yellow). Each ball has a mass of 1kg. The red and blue balls are at rest with respect to each other, but are moving with respect to the yellow ball. From a reference frame in which the yellow ball is at rest, the red ball and the blue ball are moving and thus have kinetic energy. Now, let's move our reference frame to one in which the blue ball is at rest. The red ball at rest relative to the blue ball, so has no kinetic energy(and neither does the blue ball). The yellow ball, however, is moving and thus has kinetic energy. The red ball has more energy in the reference frame of the yellow ball than it does in the reference frame of the blue ball. Thus energy is dependent on the reference frame and is not conserved from frame to frame. Mass, however is the same in every frame of reference. If we consider the three balls as a system and use the same reference frames, we get different values for the total energy of the system. As stated, each ball has a mass of 1kg. In the reference frame where the red and blue balls are at rest, the yellow ball is observed to be moving at 100m/s with respect to the red and blue balls. In the reference frame where the yellow ball is at rest, the red and blue balls are each observed to be traveling at 100m/s with respect to the yellow ball. How much [acr=Kinetic Energy]KE[/acr] does this universe have?
  19. /me has nightmares of mooeypoo clone armies taking over the multiverse.
  20. It is accelerating.
  21. Apparently not. [math]\sum{\vec{F}}=\frac{d\vec{p}}{dt}[/math] If your acceleration is zero, you could still be under forces that cancel. Hoo-ya vectors.
  22. all non-accelerating objects itself What?
  23. It's not zero. It's as close to zero as it can possibly be without being zero.
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