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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. You're not cool unless you pee your pants.

  2. Working a lot. Not as much as before, but I'm on a ship now. I'm at the PCU George H W Bush. In a few weeks I move from the Reactor Training division to the Reactor Mechanical division.


    I created a user group on SFN: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/group.php?groupid=9


    I recently got into doing parkour, so I go out and do that in my free time when I'm not online.

  3. I thought we were largely composed of bacteria.
  4. You're not cool unless you pee your pants.

  5. So, why wouldn't the information be stored in the brain? Now, you body(brain included) decays after death. What happens to the stored information if you smash a hard drive?
  6. There was a selection pressure for the genes allowing extremophile behavior. Evolution is driven by the nonrandom selection of random genetic mutations.
  7. There isn't a selection pressure for it. Mutation alone doesn't drive evolution.
  8. An article about the worst jobs of 2007? Did you even look at the link?
  9. So, you have a time machine? It was posted in 2007.
  10. In the same way that distance is the measure of separation between two objects, time is the measure of the separation of two states. So, "before" the first event would be somewhat meaningless, since there is no reference with which to measure; it is like asking the difference between a duck. The first event(presumably the big bang) would have created time by virtue of it changing the universe.
  11. Pfft, you probably don't even know the difference between newb and noob, /\/00|3

  12. It looks like you said planes. Even if you did say spaces, why an infinite number of them? Why not one? Sorry, but it looks like you're backpeddling to me.
  13. Infinite amount of 4 dimensional planes doesn't even make sense, imo. IIRC, a plane is 2D by definition. Are you sure you don't mean "Brane"? If so, then it is NOT a "well known fact", but rather speculation based on a dying "theory".
  14. Do you have a degree?
  15. Trebuchets are better, IMO.
  16. first! lol


    hey, what's up?

  17. Grav, have you done ANY research into chimps? How about bonobos?
  18. So, what would you propose as an alternative?
  19. No Zarkov :'(
  20. Are you serious? He said exactly the OPPOSITE of what you were claiming he did. ffs, man, learn to read.
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