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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    Makes ya feel safe, don't it?
  2. ydoaPs


    oops, Did I mention I'm "slightly" stupid?
  3. ydoaPs


    I thought that was the physics answer. Isn't a "blackbody" a system which radiates or absorbs no EM radiation? I thought the art answer is black is ALL COLOURS.(Get a bunch of paint and mix it together)
  4. The plural of "anecdote" is "anecdotes", not "evidence."
  5. Or [math]\rho=\frac{\hbar}{\lambda}[/math]
  6. Well, heat IS the change in energy!
  7. [math]{\nabla}{\times}{B}={\mu_0}{J}+{\mu_0}{\epsilon_0}{\frac{\partial{E}}{\partial{t}}}[/math] Where B is magnetic field, [math]\epsilon_0[/math] is permittivity of free space, E is the electric field, [math]\mu_0[/math] is magnetic permeability of free space, J is current density, and t is time.
  8. Cows produce more green house gasses than humans!
  9. Praise be to the FSM! You're right! edit: you can't really read the labels. going clockwise from the top: Medusa, Boba Fett, Groaning face, Sad Lion
  10. It's what I and Cap'n said to do.
  11. Ok, you had some idea of what I said the first time. Go with that.
  12. Kinematics....It's usually taught first. It's the equations of motion. vf=v0+at xf=x0+vt+(0.5)at2 etc.
  13. There's a face there too! edit: actually, there's a few!
  14. When it is motionless, it is at it's highest point. Here, the total mechanical energy is solely composed of potential energy. It's fastest point is when it is at height=0 and thus the total mechanical energy is solely composed of kinetic energy. If we disregard air friction, we can say that all of the potential energy was converted to kinetic energy in the fall. You can then set the initial potential energy equal to the final kinetic energy. Then you can solve for the velocity.
  15. I read a good popsci book by Einstein, but I can't remember the name of it.
  16. Why? Can you explain?
  17. His point is, you can't pick any outcome. You can't even pick your row. You can only pick your column. So, you can't just pick B. You can pick either A or take your chances of B and C and hope you get B.
  18. How can you be depressed if you're happy? It doesn't really change the outcome of the chart, though. The extreme cost of that side would be depression either way, but no global cataclysm.
  19. Do we need to know who is right?
  20. Jupiter has a solid core?
  21. I'm not sure your effects term is correct.
  22. “Alas, to wear the mantle of Galileo it is not enough that you be persecuted by an unkind establishment, you must also be right.” – Robert Park
  23. You can try the links I provided. Relativity Demystified, Relativity For Dummies, Gravitation, etc. Are you looking for a popsci book, or a detailed introduction?
  24. [acr=If I Remember Correctly]IIRC[/acr], a good introduction can be had with simple algebra that you probably already know if you are in the 10th grade.
  25. In Quantum mechanics, position is an operator while time is just a parameter. In Quantum Field Theory, time and position are both parameters. For a successful Quantum Gravity theory, shouldn't space and time be operators? Have there been any notable attempts at a quantum theory with space and time as operators instead of parameters?
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