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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Ron Paul's "Inappropriate Question"
  2. Assuming its a closed system.
  3. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=hr110-888 What do you think? Status of Resolution Apparently, some people question the factual accuracy of some of the statements contained within the resolution.
  4. It is the distance an object in free fall will fall for a given time.
  5. In a world where myself and my coworkers average 4 hours of sleep per night, I can attest to the fact that lack of sleep makes you virtually ADD and bipolar.
  6. Who are the top ten overall posters? I know I used to be up there back when we had statistics on the home page.
  7. Or the theory of gravity? The difference is you are equivocating....which has been pointed out multiple times already. Watch chapter six.
  8. Definitely need a good bio GUT(something local to point to instead of things like talkorigins).
  9. If I didn't work so much, I'd love to write some. I do have three days off soon, though.
  10. The maths ones should come along slightly ahead of the physics ones.
  11. You don't seem to know what theory means. And by the video, neither does Ron Paul.
  12. http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=4236
  13. We don't have \lambda, \infty, \nabla, etc buttons, so why would we need a button for [math] [/math] tags?
  14. If you're going to type out the rest of the symbols, why use a button for the [math] [/math] tags?
  15. Many of the females have stopped posting, like IMM and AP.
  16. So, poking a chicken with a needle and it reacting proves it is instinct, but poking you with a needle and you reacting proves you are conscious of it?
  17. You want me to pinch you with a needle?
  18. And you've been asked for evidence for ages.
  19. Ooh, running in circles, are we? Can I play?
  20. A direct quote from god isn't enough to convince you? Are you calling the almighty creator of the universe a liar?
  21. Is Ron Paul's denial of evolutionary theory relevant to the election?
  22. Pfft, there are dozens of videos and hundreds of sightings! Where is the evidence against?
  23. http://www.unitednuclear.com/extract.htm And you can buy all of the supplies for the extraction at the site.
  24. Assuming you're talking about the god I quoted above, you forget he is both omniscient and omnipotent. This god may have created you with free will to make your own actions, but by virtue of being omniscient, he knows what you will do before you do it. Now, since this god is omniscient, he knew of all the possible ways to create you before he did so. In each way, you use your own free will to choose different courses of action. As this god is omnipotent, he could have created you in one of the other possible ways in which you do other actions via your free will. But, he didn't. So, in effect, this god must have at least some level of responsibility for your actions. Not to mention, as I quoted above, this god SAID he created evil. This brings me back to my question in my first post of this thread: this is the probability of the existence of which god?
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