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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. What is temperature?
  2. What are the thermal expansion coefficients? Which ones are larger?
  3. Once you cube both sides and multiply everything out, you can simplify it to a quadratic equation. From there, it's just a matter of the quadratic formula.
  4. Christmas is stolen. Bring back reason for season. Saturnalia!
  5. Yes, the professional scientists and the nuclear mechanics(who use entropy every day) are the f***heads.......right
  6. How is an electron positron pair mass neutral(assuming mass neutral means massless)?
  7. ydoaPs


    Dave got pwned at Chopper Challenge, so they got rid of the arcade....AGAIN!
  8. ydoaPs


    Didn't we have a chess tourney when we had an arcade?
  9. I do find it funny that this resolution says both: and
  10. I don't know who you mean by far left, but I don't think it's largely anti-religious. We are supposed to be a secular nation(as told by Constitution, Treaty of Tripoli, etc). IMO, most of it is about equality and fairness. Take the money issue, for example: "In God We Trust". Who is "we"? What about those who don't trust in gods? Isn't that inherently exclusionary toward atheists? Now, if by far left you mean Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, then I agree with you. Ah, public high school. Got ya. Sorry, it's late.
  11. How would the establishment clause even remotely apply to a football game? Is there some official Senate versus Supreme Court game I don't know about?
  12. All hail YDOAPS in his omniscience!
  13. What if a similar resolution is drawn up for every other religion and atheism? Would you still oppose it? Atheist Ethicist responds.
  14. Sounds like an autoimmune disease.
  15. ydoaPs

    SuperSize This!

    He wasn't a vegan. There was a part of "SuperSize Me" where he was talking with his girlfriend about veganism. She compared meat to heroin and he said he likes ham and could be strung out for days.
  16. ydoaPs

    SuperSize This!

  17. It's called ignorance. Most people have no idea what my job actually entails.
  18. ydoaPs

    SuperSize This!

    How is that amazing? McDonalds is gross.
  19. Why? Really? Examples? The sound barrier was never thought to be a physical barrier, but just a technological one. Relativity has been proven correct so far. Newton's laws say nothing about a universal speed limit.
  20. I think the "high tech big bomb physics" comment may have been directed towards me.
  21. Dr. House: What's wrong with you? Little Girl: I got spinal muscular atrophy. Dr. House: At least it's not contagious. Nice bear. Little Girl: It's a dog. Dr. House: It's a bear. Little Girl: His name is Bill. He's a dog. Dr. House: Words have set meanings for a reason. If you see an animal like Bill and you try to play fetch, Bill's going to eat you, because Bill's a bear. Little Girl: Bill has fur, four legs, and a collar. He's a dog. Dr. House: You see, that's what's called a faulty syllogism; just because you call Bill a dog doesn't mean that he is... a dog. Fred, am I going to have to lay the entropy smack-down again?
  22. Could you explain this? I'm not sure how you think this would work.
  23. Sorry, I can't help you with the questions. I don't know the commercial numbers and ours are classified.
  24. ydoaPs

    SuperSize This!

    So, how about that Osama guy?
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