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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. No, I want to see how you legitimately go from millions of evangelicals to hundreds. Where you replaced Evangelical with "screaming zealot" as I stated above.
  2. Yes, many evangelicals are "screaming zealots". However, I was under the impression that instead of strawmanning, you were using the term to mean people like those in Jesus Camp. You know, what the OP was clearly talking about.
  3. An opinion which has nothing to do with any prejudice. And it isn't as much of an opinion as much as me calling you out on reducing the millions(and growing) evangelicals to a mere hundreds.
  4. What does that say about my opinion? It merely said I thought you are wrong on your numbers(and I still do, but it's about your determination of them rather than any prejudice of mine).
  5. Prejudice, eh? I'd be interested to see examples of my "politically correct prejudice". I've posted 2 or 3 times in this thread and none of these posts contained my opinion on the subject.
  6. I just looked up the hospital and it turns out to be real. Would they tell me if Edward Brown Jr was receiving treatment? Their website gives the same address in addition to a phone number, but I live in the US, so calling would probably be expensive. I can't seem to find an e-mail address, but I sent a request through their site asking if they have him as a cancer patient. e-mail #2:
  7. Like I said, that's just what I got from the video. I know almost nothing about biology(compared the the American public, I'd be an expert, though).
  8. E=mc2 isn't the whole story; it doesn't account for momentum. This equation assumes a reference frame in which the system in question is at rest relative to you. Since we know massless particles are never at rest, perhaps we should use the whole equation. E2=(mc2)2+(pc)2 If we plug m=0, we get: E=pc [math]c=\nu\lambda[/math](where [math]\nu[/math] is the frequency and [math]\lambda[/math] is the wavelength) so, [math]E=\rho\nu\lambda[/math] Quantum mechanical description of momentum is [math]\rho=\frac{h}{\lambda}[/math]. This makes: [math]E={\frac{h}{\lambda}}\nu\lambda[/math] This means: [math]E=h\nu[/math] which is the equation for the energy of a massless particle. Heat is energy in transit from one system to another due solely to a temperature difference. Temperature, however is a measure of the average random molecular kinetic energy of a substance(you could say it's related to the speed of the molecules). Sound is a compression wave(it's vibrations in the air). SM?
  9. I think he was trying to say that the bacteria in these rocks were working together and in close quarters. He may have been saying that this is a stepping stone to multicellularity.
  10. You heard it! PARTY AT PHI'S HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [HIDE]ATOMIKPSYCHO IS A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/HIDE]
  11. is pretty cool, IMO. Is this a new-ish discovery? I've never heard of it before.
  12. If you can do cheesy dialog and extremely poorly choreographed "martial arts", then you have a good chance. I, however, want to be Batman, so I need to start making a LOT more money.
  13. Yea. You're right. People killing other people because they don't believe the same things has nothing to do with a religion whose holy text tells them to kill non-believers.
  14. You might want to re-read it.
  15. IIRC, 4% Evangelicals and growing. Given US population> 200 million, I'd say you are a little off on your screaming zealot number.
  16. Enter Jesus Camp.
  17. This is an e-mail I just got. No, not only do I get rich, I get a child too! By the way, I'm not a Christian. It seems that many of the scams that aren't Nigerian are religious.
  18. Who would have assumed the technical definition of a science related word on a science forum?
  19. Jesus-O's for breakfast and a Satan toilet seat.
  20. The dictionary is NOT a technical resource.
  21. And these sick people live longer(say, long enough to reproduce more often than without being in a developed country). Now, some percent of these sick people are suffering from GENETIC diseases. Since they, on average, live longer and are more likely to reproduce than before, they are also more likely to pass on these defective genes to offspring. Thus, the number of defective alleles in the population is greater than that of a third world country. So, there is an allele shift, and thus evolution.
  22. Some enlisted teach, but in Power School, there are a lot of officers, too. Not so many officers in the [acr=Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow]HTFF[/acr] and the in-rate(for me, [acr=Mechanical Theory for Mechanical Operators]MTMO[/acr]), but Enlisted Mathematics, Enlisted Physics, Reactor Principles, and [acr=Chemistry, Materials, and Radiological Fundamentals]CMR[/acr] were swarming with officers. Now, most of the officers I see are just ensigns trying to qualify [acr=Engineering Officer Of the Watch]EOOW[/acr]. Quite so....any guesses why they changed the name?
  23. I use the imperial system in my job and I think they're silly. IMO, metric is way better.
  24. Biologists never said evolution was random. We aren't evolving towards an end goal, however.
  25. When I buy socks I get packs of multiple pairs of black socks(similar to the packaging of the white tube socks).
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