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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. How much? Got an activity estimate? And, the obvious one...why?
  2. I thought the divergence of the electric field is charge density divided by permittivity of free space. [math]\nabla\cdot{E}=\frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}[/math]
  3. The magnitude of force of gravity between two objects is given by [math]|\vec{F}|=G\frac{{m_1}{m_2}}{r^2}[/math] where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of two objects, and r is the distance between them. The magnitude of the gravitational field at a distance is given by [math]|\vec{G}|=G\frac{M}{r^2}[/math] where G is once again the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the object whose gravitational field is being measured, and r is the distance from the object. Note that these equations treat the mass as though it were all concentrated in a dimensionless point(i.e. it has infinite density)
  4. His Posting Style Reminds Me Of Someone. Anyone Else Remember?
  5. How do you know the expected dip angle with no maths? How can you compare them with no maths?
  6. You're not interested in a serious conversation. Okay. That's all you had to say.
  7. Light does not slow down. It gets absorbed and re-emitted by the matter. This takes time. The light is still traveling at c, it just takes longer to get through the medium.
  8. Swansont, the streets were lined in cobalt.
  9. Are you going to actually respond, or are you going to just be facetious?
  10. For an object to change, the different states must be separated. Things are separated by dimensions. For example, they can be in the same place at the different times and different places at the same time, but they can't be at the same place at the same time. There has to be at least one dimension difference. The change must be relative to a dimension. For a stationary object, if time does not exist, there is no separation of the states. Thus there is no change.
  11. How can something change without time? How can one object go from one state to another if there is no time?
  12. Gamma Function [math]\Gamma(z)=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{n!n^z}{z(z+1)...(z+n)}[/math] edit: 4,000th post....oh yea
  13. So, fatty foods taste good because they are high in calories?
  14. What about Voluntary Euthanasia vs Involuntary? Surely theres more than just two kinds of Euthanasia.
  15. deleted for reasons of stupidity
  16. j00 |2 73h 5700p3|)! It's the freakin cows! Read the link in my other post! ATOMIKPSYCHO IS A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. ydoaPs

    Abortion Survey...

    Is life a morally relevant characteristic? Cows are alive; should we be vegetarians? Plants are alive, should we live on nothing but water? Bacteria lives in the water, should we live on nothing?
  18. That's why I'm still around:cool:
  19. I have interacted with several pit bulls and I've not met a single one that was hostile to humans. In my experience, they are a very loving breed. I've even met one that adopted some kittens as its own. But, this is just my experience.
  20. Parodies? Where? Did Weird Al make a global warming song or something?
  21. Amen, brother! Anyone with a brain can see the cause of global warming says "moo"!
  22. The UN agrees with me!
  24. Ad Hom? Really? Who did I attack? You're just trying to make me look insane so that others will doubt my TRUTH! You're trying to start a cover-up. Listen here, mister, I won't have any of that!
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