Really? Let's look at the next line of your post.
Gosh, it looks like that is EXACTLY what I claimed you said!
Let's see. I'll requote this post.
In case you missed it, this is you stating fundamentalists aren't Christians. And here is you saying Christians accept evolution. Let's see, fundamentalists don't accept evolution, ergo, you say they aren't Christian. It seems like a pretty standard True Scottsman Fallacy from here.
Then why bring it up in a discussion about Evolution? You were talking about Christians and how they accept evolution. You did not say "some"; you said Christians, which implies "all Christians". When called on it, you spout some bollocks about your definitionof Christian being based on the Nicene Creed implying some connection to the acceptance of evolution and NOT explaining how fundamentalists do not apply to these standards.
By that reasoning, everyone who does not kill their children for talking back is not a Christian.