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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. I think it's about time the arcade made a comeback.
  2. I notice he's left this thread alone since he asked us to pwn him(post 12) and we did.
  3. ydoaPs

    Square Root

    So, you can't understand why (n2-1)!=n2? I seriously don't see the problem here. (n+1)(n-1)=n2-1, not n2. Watch, I'll FOIL it for you. F(first terms multiplied together)+I(inside terms multiplied together)+O(outside terms multiplied together)+L(last terms multiplied together) (n+1)(n-1)=n2+(1)n+(-1)n+(1)(-1)=n2-1
  4. On my desk is a $1USD bill. To the right of Mr Washington near the bottom of the bill, it says "SERIES 2003" indicating it was printed in the year 2003. Thus money can be created. As shown above, money can easily be destroyed. Energy, however, can be neither created nor destroyed; it can only be changed in form. Another difference is inflation. [math]1_{2003}dollar<1_{1920}dollar[/math] whereas [math]1J_{2003}=1J_{1920}=1J_{\infty}[/math], where the subscript represents the year. Money loses value; energy does not. And that's just off the top of my head. I've seen no physics from you.
  5. OK. Why wouldn't the people who put the time and money into developing the land and making it habitable have the most claim to the land? Why would anyone else have a legitimate claim to the land?
  6. Your post to which I replied was a True Scottsman fallacy. You set up an arbitrary condition for one to be a Christian which cuts out a large amount of Christians. The only "true" Christians, in your post, are the ones which believe in evolution. IIRC, that condition is not in the bible.
  7. ydoaPs

    Square Root

    (4*4)-1=15. you forgot the -1 part.
  8. Who, then, does?
  9. I'd imagine that one would buy land from those who made the land habitable.
  10. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say Darmstadt/Germany.
  11. It's odd that Bush made a big deal about that. Bills with such stakes are often Christmas tree bills, IIRC.
  12. ydoaPs


    Brain-Computer interfaces in the area of artificial vision are advanced enough to permit a blind user to drive a vehicle(although it was done slowly in a private parking lot). It isn't anywhere near normal vision, but it could give hope to millions of blind people. If the brain-computer interface used advances enough, it would seem to me that artificial vision could one day become superior to biological vision.
  13. Wow, you completely ignored the point of every post I made. Congratulations. But using one rock to make another one sharper doesn't count? Perhaps you should read the whole book. You would see that he does, but not in the same amount as they don't feel pain the same way we do. Again, your discontinuous mind fails you. It isn't all or nothing. Now, what does any of this have to do with personhood?
  14. I actually did both. I'm talented like that.
  15. And they aren't. Species membership is not morally relevant characteristics. Despite how poetic it sounds, not all humans are equal. Not all humans are people and not all people are humans. Where do we cut off our species? Again, you are thinking discontinuously. Consider the following quote from Dawkins. Thus we should not take the organs from a breathing Anencephalic baby to give to one who would actually stand a chance at surviving had they had an implant. People are individuals, not groups. Why define them by groups? Where's IMM when you need her. She's far better at explaining these sort of things than I am.
  16. lucaspa, why does it have to be all or nothing? From your post here and in other threads, you seem to think you are either a person to the extent that most humans are, or you are as much of a person as a rock. That plainly is not so. It is merely a product of a discontinuous mind. "'Human' to the discontinuous mind, is an absolute concept. There can be no half measures. And from this flows much evil."-Richard Dawkins
  17. ydoaPs


    It seems DARPA is working on something along the lines of what I'm looking for, but it doesn't give too much information. Here is something similar to what I was talking about with the video game, but it isn't the same one. Wikipedia has an article on brain-computer interfaces.
  18. ydoaPs


    I was looking online for some cheap robotics to play with, and I came across several kits to make robotic arms. For some reason I then remembered that a while back someone made a PS2 controller that uses brainwaves. It only seems logical to me to combine the technologies and creates brain controlled prosthetic limbs. Has this been done? edit: Apparently, this company is working on a way to give some sensory perception back to amputees, but I've not yet seen anything about brain controlled prosthetics.
  19. Wouldn't that mean there would no longer be a singular human species?
  20. That does not help. You've just added a barrier of unknown nature to separate two regions of spacetime. Where does the other region end?
  21. How did we go from the Pentagon conspiracy to the tower conspiracy? Oh my FSM, what have I done?
  22. I got the same result....scary
  23. You know too much.
  24. And those real numbers would be the irrational ones.
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