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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Perhaps they can, but don't know it. It took me a few hours in front of a mirror to be able to.
  2. You could use a condenser and drain the condensate.
  3. For what application do you need it?
  4. I did not say that morality does not stem from evolution. Morality is an emergent property of sentience in a pack animal. It started as a social contract, but our intelligence let us expand it. It is quite impossible to make it all fit in one posts. It should have been quite clear that my post was intended merely to give one an idea of morality. I answered a simple question as simple as I can. This is not the time(I have exponentially less time as I near the end of "A" school) nor place(try me on our sister site, Theology Forums.) to discuss ethical philosophy. This thread, as I understand from the OP is about how evolution relates to morality and vice versa.
  5. I didn't say that at all. Your conclusion is not a necessary one.
  6. You didn't expect me to make an all-enclusive post about moral philosophy, did you? As I said in my post. Christianity has horrible moral teachings.
  7. suffering Actions which cause more suffering than they relieve are bad; Actions which relieve more suffering than they cause are good. Actions which neither cause nor relieve suffering are neutral. From which religion are they derived?
  8. Use the chain rule.
  9. It makes them disappear. It's great when you analyze a problem properly, no? I'm not sure I understand your question, but I think you're still following the traveler instead of the time line. No. Why would you? Again, why? As in Theory the energy used to form you already existed then in a different state, so what is your explaintion for identicle particles of energy being able to co-exist at the same place. Indeed.
  10. Hoo-ya unneeded complexity! Looks like some people can't accept the simplest explanation. Just a thought. How would space travel effect conservation of energy? From the POV of the "recieving" space, energy (mass) has suddenly come to exist where it hadn't before, a net increase in the energy mass of the Universe.
  11. It isn't a problem. It is impossible. The problem only comes about when analyzing the situation anachronistically. Most people follow the person instead of the time line. What most people do is essentially repeating the events, but the events are different the second time around. If you analyze the problem correctly, the problem disappears. The time traveler doesn't appear in the past after he or she decides to travel back in time. The time traveler was in the past when the past happened the first(and only) time. Any future time travel to the past has already effected the present. If any travel to the past(specifically, a point previous to now), and the traveler left any marks, say a picture, then they would be in the picture now(possibly even before their birth). So, it is impossible to go back in time and kill your father before you are conceived, for if you do, then you won't exist ever(in the past or future). I did a fantastically horrible job explaining it, but you can probably get the idea. Basically, if you draw a time line with how most people analyze it, then you get a loop. However, if you do it correctly, you get a straight line and the problem is non-existent.
  12. ydoaPs


    200mg per Kg of what? 200mg per Kg of body mass?
  13. ydoaPs


    Out of curiosity, what IS the lethal dose of caffeine?
  14. ydoaPs


    I'm confused. The bottle says "safe as coffee" and "The recommended dose of this product contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee" yet it also says "take 1/2 to 1 caplet not more often than every 3 to 4 hours." I've coffee at a rate far greater than one cup every three to four hours before with no ill effects, so I'm confused. Is the bottle exaggerating, or do I have a tolerance from years of caffeine use? Each pill is 200mg. Either way, they keep me awake during class.
  15. They're the same thing.
  16. Mass is not proportional to distance. Mass is a constant. [math]F=G{\frac{Mm}{d^2}}[/math] Where M is the larger mass, m is the smaller mass, d is the distance between their centers, and G is the gravitational constant.
  17. It's not a problem if you know what you're doing. The US Navy has had zero nuclear power accidents of any kind ever(they remind us every chance they get).
  18. The fission industry is about to explode(pardon the pun). All of the current reactors in the US are about to be replaced with generation IV reactors. They like us NAVY guys, so, I'm almost guaranteed to have job offers in 5 years when my time is up.
  19. It is? I thought it would be easier. It is far closer and you only really have to get yourself halfway and let gravity take over.
  20. IIRC, they used palladium electrodes.
  21. Why not give it a go? On their Chemicals page, you can get 10g for $10, 20g for $17, or 100g for $70.
  22. His posts here make me skeptical about his PhD.
  23. IIRC, it's even been done with buckyballs
  24. Yea. You're right. They all blend together after a while. Dr. Dino works with Ken Ham on AiG, right?
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