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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. herme3, try this.
  2. a cardboard box is way better
  3. ydoaPs


  4. hoverboards have been around for ages.
  5. ydoaPs


    write a sweet message in her yearbook and leave your phone number. underline the phone number or something....maybe use a different colour ink for the number. shouldn't you let her decide what she wants to do? if you ask her to hang out, what's the worst that will happen? it's all about confidence. if you don't think you can get her, you won't be able to.
  6. a big bowl, a small bowl, some plastic wrap, and some ice cubes.....where's my money?????
  7. Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls Cry For The Moon by Epica Dark Heart Silhouette by Vendetta Red
  8. Wow! Basic calculus!!!!!! I'm so smart!
  9. ah, i didn't think of that. i just assumed mass was a constant. i should have thought of that since mass is expelled to induce the change in momentum. i feel so stupid now. [math]\frac{d(mv)}{dt}=ma+v{\frac{dm}{dt}}[/math]
  10. Klaynos, doesn't [math]\frac{d(mv)}{dt}=ma[/math]?
  11. wow, my hair was so short in those photos
  12. i want emo grass....that way, it cuts itself
  13. why would you watch that trash more than once?
  14. not enough mass or acceleration to do any good.....unless...
  15. throw stuff away from you in the opposite direction you want to move. it's not possible. if it were, it wouldn't be a black hole
  16. /me compares Severian's user title to Meir Achuz's
  17. for what purpose?
  18. /me points and laughs at swansont
  19. could you please use the math tags from now on? click on a LaTeX image and it will show you the code that produced it. yea. i haven't seen an inverse square law FOR light, though, but i graduate high school saturday. i've used them for electric force/fields and gravitational force/fields. can you explain this bit? so, are you saying the amplitude is equal to the force of gravity? could you show this rather than assume it? also, i wouldn't use a small "a" for amplitude as it can easily be construed as aceleration. how did you determine it?
  20. have equations yet?
  21. yep, so perpetual.....
  22. Wow. You look just like my next ex-girlfriend!
  23. air PURIFIER makes smog? that's awesome.
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