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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. look at my links. read them. know them. love them.
  2. that is not true. people wouldn't have to give up anything.
  3. if you feel that science threatens your beliefs, then either you don't understand the science(often the case) or your beliefs are wrong.
  4. are you a Jew? if not, by following Christianity, you are making your own religion. in the bible, Jesus said multiple times that he came only for the Jews. in fact, when he says to go preach to the world, he says not to go into any gentile city! let's assume you are a Jew. Jesus said to follow the OT law until heaven and earth pass away. do you kill homosexuals? do you abstain from shellfish? do you refrain from shaving? to you refuse to wear clothing of more than one fabric? if you said no to any of those, by your definition, you are creating your own religion. scientific? did you even read it? this one goes wrong from the first sentence. "In our everyday experience, just about everything seems to have a beginning. In fact, the laws of science show that even things which look the same through our lifetime, like the sun and other stars, are running down. The sun is using up its fuel at millions of tons each second. Since, therefore, it cannot last forever, it had to have a beginning. The same can be shown to be true for the entire universe. So when Christians claim that the God of the Bible created the entire universe, some will ask what seems a logical question, namely ‘Where did God come from?’ The Bible makes it clear in many places that God is outside of time. He is eternal, with no beginning or end — \ He is infinite! He also knows all things, being infinitely intelligent." if god doesn't need a creator, why does the universe? herme3, is that really the best you can come up with? that was pathetic. edit: did you ignore my links again?
  5. quite a few people, especially in academia, use CE (common era) and BCE (before common era). edit: the separation of church and state is not in the constitution. actually, neither is the right to privacy or the right to own guns. the separation of church and state has, however, been upheld by the supreme court to be implied by the establishment clause of the first amendment.
  6. it wasn't an instant steroetype. it was a logical conclusion based off his posts. he just happens to fit the stereotype. i'm sorry if i was nasty about it. i didn't think i was.
  7. i have. you ignored it. remember this link? btw, the bible says the universe is only 6000 years old. if that were true, we couldn't even see the center of our galaxy. read this, this, this, and this. when you're done, tell me and i'll give you some more info. really? when was jesus born? is that what you think you did?1)you didn't even address the OP 2)a lot of what you said was false, like when you said John was one of the Apostles.
  8. no, that is what you are doing. i have hard evidence. evolution is directly observable and the bible has been shown on several occasions to be full of crap. it's all about the evidence so is gravity. that has no bearing on validity that's a false dilemma why do you ignore links and evidence? i address your points and you skip over them and keep on with the same points that i have already addressed.
  9. such as? where is this evidence? if you'd look at the links i provide, you'd see a really cool chart showing how the bible says the universe works almost exactly the opposite of the way it actually does. again you talk about the evidence, but you provide none. evidence such as? kinda answered yourself there, eh? and your point is? nope, it doesn't. edit: i like how you ignored the link and the actual history
  10. yes
  11. nice false dilemma there if you tell a lie long enough, you'll start to believe it. show me this "debatable" evidence you keep speaking of. even if we throw it out, there is more than enough to substantiate evolution(including the fact that we can literally see it happening). creatoinism, on the other hand, has NO evidence. if you have some, i'd like to see it. i'm not going to hold my breath, though. are you seriously suggesting science should go out of its way to find the proof for religion? burden of proof is on the creationists, and they have yet to find any. this article has a nice breakdown of how genesis is utterly hopeless in reguard to reality. btw, the bible contradicts itself. most stories are presented multiple times. the different versions don't agree. sometimes one version of a story won't even agree with itself. such as Luke's description of the birth story: "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,"---Matthew 2:1 "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.([And] this taxing was first made when Quirinius was governor of Syria.)And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn."---- Luke 2:1-7 "When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son."---Matthew 2:14-15 scientists actually have evidence. where is this evidence in the bible? btw, your knowledge of how the bible was put togather seems seriously lacking. did i claim that? it's not just old, it disagrees with history, it disagrees with itself, and it disagrees with the universe itself. 1)widely accepted by whom?2)that is not what science does so, should we investigate the gospel of the FSM?
  12. c(speed of light)
  13. he's a YEC. they can't tell the difference and they are completely uneducated about both.
  14. yay, herme3 is a stereotypical creationist with no understanding of evolution. what's he win, Bob?
  15. so is gravity yea, literally seeing it happen isn't solid proof.
  16. light travels at a constant speed. we can see far farther than 6000-1000 light years away.
  17. if you can predict it, it isn't random. you may not think you are, but you are. you are assuming your conclusion.
  18. it's common knowledge that snakes don't eat dust.
  19. ydoaPs

    need info

    on genetic testing? try again.
  20. ydoaPs

    need info

    try here and here.
  21. thank you for the strawman. btw, explosions do create order....one example is trininite
  22. you kinda walked into that one
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