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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. wait, are you talking about the distances used, or the way to measure certain ranges? edit: i was under the impression that you were talking about distances, like: AU, light year, parsec,...
  2. are you sure? i thought paralax was an effect that makes things look like they are in different places depending on which angle from which you are viewing it.
  3. try talking to him more to get to know him better.
  4. we can see that. we have discussed this rubbish several times before.
  5. check wikipedia. it is fairly standard stuff. do not, however, confuse stellar evolution with biological evolution. why? it is a fact. check the photo album. are you going to answer my question? you shouldn't assume things. it only makes you look ignorant. Darwin was a christian. yes, it is. no examples of supernatural ones? that's what i thought. too much information debunking creationist rubbish......doesn't that tell you something?
  6. procrastination is, however, the high school student's best friend.
  7. ydoaPs


    when you can't see, you are blind. when you can't hear, you are deaf. what is it called when you can't smell? what is it called when you can't taste?
  8. no, i told him how. it is the same thing his teacher would have told him to do.
  9. check out the threads i've linked to.
  10. no; no it doesn't.
  11. take the first derivative, set it equal to zero. solve for x. take the second derivative, set it equal to zero. sove for x. btw, we won't do your homework for you.
  12. Another John Titor thread? i'm a time traveler. i have seen the death of this thread.
  13. hmm......
  14. it could be done in early ebrionic devolopment, i suppose. some things, like laser eyes or controlling weather, will never be able to be done like that, though.
  15. ydoaPs

    Killing bacteria

    if it is a non-specified species, how can you answer? take, heat tolerance for example. some can live in permafrost, and some live in geisers. it really depends on which species. it depends on what the "common bacteria" are.
  16. really? iirc, steller evolution is well understood, considering we can see systems begin. we've seen systems(including planets) form. how so? you are different from your parents. you are even more different from their parents. you are even more different from their parents. you are even more different from their parents. you are even more different from their parents. you are even more different from their parents. etc. that's just like saying economics is rediculous because it assumes humans already exist. which supernatural explainations fit the evidence? of those, which ones fit it better than evolution? be sure to check out this and this.
  17. you should have him tell a friend while contemplating what to do, and have the secret accidently leaked to the gov't. then the government tries to keep it under wraps and goes after the historian.
  18. there is a difference between a lack of commitment to ideology and a commitment to non-ideology. also:
  19. for the love of the FSM, use [ math ] [/ math ] tags!
  20. i'm not sure about that one.
  21. it really depends on which move you are doing. moment of inertia applies in circular moves like crescent kicks, round kicks, elbow strikes, etc. which use circular paths when they hit their target. some moves, like backside kicks, spin kicks, instant side kicks, punches, etc, may or may not have circular approaches, but the actual attack is linear. in those cases, momentum is what is used.
  22. yeah, i should have stopped at "new age." sarcasm?
  23. wow, this thread makes me feel bad. i seriously can't think of anything.
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