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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    check your log.
  2. asumming you could focus the laser at a point, make it stop after that point, and make the "blade" visible, how would you be able to use it like a sword? the "blades" would pass through each other.
  3. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=17074 i love the search function.
  4. where did the alternating current stuff come from?
  5. bleh, fox news. got a link to a better news source?
  6. 211 posts and you didn't know about the "new posts" button at the top?
  7. click on any LaTeX image to view the code
  8. [math]\nabla=\frac{{\partial}x-hat}{{\partial}x}+\frac{{\partial}y-hat}{{\partial}y}+\frac{{\partial}z-hat}{{\partial}z}[/math]? what are "x-hat", "y-hat", and "z-hat"?
  9. what is the [math]\nabla[/math] vector?
  10. Here is a related question I had a while back.
  11. gravitons are virtual particles.
  12. if you could warp space negatively in front of the vehicle and positively behind, it could travel faster than light relative to another object, but it would still be travelling subluminal relative to spacetime.
  13. ydoaPs

    Chuck Norris

  14. Welcome, Creationists, to Science Forums and Debate!
  15. what? try rephrasing in english.
  16. it does have a time limit.
  17. This was on House. A runway model didn't know what was wrong with her. It turns out, she had testicular cancer.
  18. what's wrong with previewing the post?
  19. ydoaPs

    Chuck Norris

    you can buy Chuck Norris's soul on eBay.
  20. "the founding fathers were all devout christians..."
  21. ydoaPs


  22. ydoaPs


    not necesarily. you would need to make a graph. most of the time, [math]\lim{x{\to}a}f(x)=f(a)[/math]. that is one of the things needed for a function to be continuous over an interval. if f(a) exists and [math]\lim_{x{\to}a}f(x)=f(a)[/math] over a certain interval, then the function is continuous over said interval.
  23. ydoaPs


    thanx for pointing out the typo. it is fixed now. yes, it tends to it, but it is infinitely close to it at infinity. can you actually get infinately far away from it? no. the whole idea of introducing the limit was to show that it does get smaller as you get farther.
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