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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins is supposed to be good. i picked it up on ebay a few days ago, but i have other books i need to finish first.
  2. somehow, tensor calculus(GR) and the type of algebra used in QM are hard to make work togather. you get infinite probabilities. that's all i know.
  3. other addative quantum numbers, such as spin, are also opposite.
  4. i had it before and after it was a fad.
  5. atheist, the radius wouldn't contract, but the circumference would
  6. you may notice that "maths" is far shorter than "mathEMATICs"
  7. i refuse to join the fad
  8. if you knew the wavefunctions of every particle in the universe, couldn't you theoretically set up an equation that is all possible timelines?
  9. ydoaPs


    can soap mold? i just thought the soap would kill the mold that tried to grow.
  10. [math]ln(2)=\sum^{\infty}_{k=1}{\frac{(-1)^{k+1}}{k}}[/math] mercator series when x=1.....lovely expression for ln(2)
  11. i don't see it
  12. also, lead is pretty maleable.
  13. smells like homework
  14. a few metres of concrete lined with lead. put the whole thing a few miles underground. then you are safe.
  15. you can send anything to the sun if you have a good enough rocket.
  16. adimantium, unless they have to be real
  17. tree, the test can be an examination of past posts as well.
  18. you-being a troll damn, i did it again
  19. counsciousness is not needed at all. any interaction counts as observation. that is why the moon says in orbit even if no one is looking at it.
  20. 14 eh? i don't think you would understand the maths involved. what is your specific question about it?
  21. not atm. there should be one sometime edit:what is your level of maths?
  22. no, it wasn't
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