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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i'm not quite sure what your question is. if your question is if particles interacting with each other constitues observation, then the answer is yes.
  2. college graduation!=intelligence dammit, i said i wasn't going to respond to you in this thread any more. meh, while i'm at it: no, it was a factual observation, not an ad hom.
  3. there was a mathematical answer to this question a while ago, but i can't seem to find it atm.
  4. posting the same thread multiple times is against the rules
  5. it's really sad that stuff like this happens. we should have to take an IQ test before we can register to vote.
  6. 1/2 year
  7. lets see, you are a troll. that's where it came from. until you stop being a troll, i'm done responding to you.
  8. did i say it was in response to you? actually, depending on how you look at it, it was in response to you.
  9. because it isn't science. Behe's definition of science includes astrology. he even admitted that himself. a theory must: 1)explain all the phenomena it's predicessor did 2)make predictions 3)be testable 4)have a mechanism that exists lets see, ID is 0 for 4.
  10. meh, don't feed the troll
  11. pcs, you have a rather odd definition of faith
  12. who said i have a grudge?
  13. so, whenever you can't defend yourself, you spew some crap off you keyboard about scripts...good to know...
  14. no, you said nothing about the mechanism existing. and guess what. there's no proof of a god's existance, so it's not science. why don't you go find us some proof.
  15. no, it doesn't. how does it predict the orbits of planets?
  16. could you show me where you said this?
  17. no, i take it on facts. ffs, rtft
  18. he's saying it because it's true
  19. that's the problem with democracy. the average voter is a moron. that means half of them are worse.
  20. dude, it's called common knowledge.
  21. the mechanism for a theory must exist. until one can prove that god exists, it isn't science....same with ID
  22. are you sure you've been to talk origins? is the catholic church of note? ID is religion. it is not and never will be science.
  23. http://www.deathtocreationism.com/content/node/15?PHPSESSID=af92c95180243e00e7e20fc9baf40e1b some more goodies from AiG
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