i like how creationists spout the same crap and most of it gives more credance to evolution than it does to ID. like the "if the nose formed upside down, everyone would drown. that means, since our noses are shaped like they are, they are designed." well, wouldn't a nose pointing down be an advantage to such a creature? yea. so, wouldn't the upside-down nosed creatures be selected against? wow, ID evidence actually supports evolution.
i was reading a creationist book today, and he was talking about if humans didn't have eyes, they wouldn't be around. they would die. let's analyze that. our form as it is now, evolved to be dependant on eyes, so duh. also, if we didn't have eyes, we wouldn't be human anyway. such creature would have other ways of detecting the world.
they also like to talk about how complex the human eye is. they also say it couldn't have evolved gradually; it had to come all at once. let's see...."eyes" range from a part of a single cell that can detect light, to eyes that are much better than ours. some can even see infrared and ultraviolet radiation. it's kinda funny how they choose the human eye. tbh, our eyes kinda suck. they are wired backwards, they suck at distinguishing objects in motion, they can only see a small part of the spectrum, and even in the small part they are capable of seeing, they don't do so well.
shinbits, can you come up with something better than your strawman crap? i'll ask you again, and to make sure you'll see it, i'll add a little font: SHOW US EVEN ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE THAT "PROVES" ID. OR EVEN ONE THAT SUPPORTS IT!!
btw, given enough time(probably a few trillion times the current age of the universe), atoms would come togather to make a TV.
evolution isn't just random chance. it takes: gravity, EM force, organic chemistry, and natural selection. many IDiots tend to forget that there are laws to how the universe works. they think it is "random chance".
creationists/IDiots should be banned from ever using probability. they almost never know how to calculate it and they have no idea what criteria are needed to make such probabilities that they use.
seriously, dude, READ ALL OF THE FLERKIN LINKS!!!