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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs

    Under God

    It is now unconstitutional....again.
  2. and things like down syndrome..............maybe God should have used a CAD program
  3. indeed
  4. i'm surprised no IDiots have showed up yet
  5. how so? you keep saying this yet you don't give even one example and you ignore it when people call you on it.
  6. here's a hard one. it took me a few minutes. try it. A basketball leaves a player's hands at a height of 2.10m above the floor. The basket is 2.60m above the floor. The player likes to shoot the ball at 38.0 degree angle. If the shot is made from a horixontal distance of 11.00m and must be accurate to plus or minus 0.22m (horizontally), what is the range of initial speeds allowed to make the basket?
  7. i could calc each individual error, but not the avg.
  8. /me waits for a link to Creation magizine
  9. what flaws? show me one valid flaw. are forms are transitional or extinct. ID is creationism presented in such a way that they think it could get put into schools. basically ,it says in an undetermined amount of time, something that acts just like God created everything.....sounds like creationism to me nice falacy. try physics and chemistry. mo, it says "God did it" and then sticks its fingers in it's ears no, it takes observations(real and otherwise) and tries to make it fit the bible. and it also spouts the "it's too complex" rubbish. pluto was found because of existing theories. an imaginary creature that defys the laws of physics creating the universe 6,000 years ago is logical? really, lets see some i actually laughed out loud at that one
  10. don't believe them! they are hethans out to make the world fornicate. trust this.
  11. notice how racism and sexism isn't the basis of evolution?
  12. "so why don't you believe in evolution?" "organization can't come from an explosion" "evolution doesn't say it does" "like cannot spontaneously appear from non-life!" "evolution does not say it does" "the idea of humans evolving from monkeys is rediculous" "evolution doesn't say that" "life is too complex to have arisen naturally" "so, you introduce unnecesary complexity my means of an imaginary creature that defies the laws of physics?" "uh......God is real" "where is the proof?" "um....I don't have any"
  13. but it does make it unfalsifyable and unscientific. i find it odd how ID proponents scream "Irreducable complexity" yet they introduce unnecisary complexity.
  14. really? i've heard reports of creationists vandalizing wiki.
  15. gah, i can't remember where that is from....SImpsons?
  16. Jesus-ons hold togather teh atom!
  17. http://www.chick.com/tractimages20116/0055/0055_18.gif\ iirc, gluons have been experimentally detected. so much for made up.
  18. so we kill for fun?
  19. what does teh big bang have to do with evolution?
  20. you have already been told that the icr grand cranyon stuff if complete rubbish and why that is so.
  21. not that old. sheet glass does it too.
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