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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    can you give some graphs.graphs make things much easier. when do you use dot and when do you use cross?
  2. it still takes time wtfe....keep telling yourself that bear still has a better chance. in your "advanced" civilization, people starve because they have a lack of green paper. how is that advanced?
  3. ydoaPs

    time dilation

    take a vector in a three dimensional space: [math]\vec{v}=a_1{\vec{i}}+a_2{\vec{j}}+a_3{\vec{k}}[/math] where i, j, and k are the unit vectors for x, y, and z, respectively
  4. arrogant, are we? take on a bear with a rock. let me video take it too.
  5. technology!=evolution cataclismic event=technology gone=no technology
  6. iirc, some apes do as well
  7. yea....try it without technology
  8. quite serious. how do you know what other species do or do not know?
  9. that will take time. during that time, we could very well die out.
  10. have you read this thread at all? btw, there are a lot of animals at the top of the food chain. there is more than one. food chains aren't all that big.
  11. ydoaPs

    time dilation

    aren't dimensions vectors? ie. unit vectors used to define other vectors?
  12. how do you know? do you speak dolphin?
  13. one catastophe and all our "advanced" technology is gone. we are screwed. that is where i am going
  14. i stubled upon this today: think about it
  15. good question. we're setting ourselves up for a fall.....a big one.
  16. is time considered a vector in SR? does dilation occur in direction of motion or in all directions?
  17. and we're the only ones that have to. any other creatures that need to cook their food, wear clothes, etc...?
  18. at least she has an awesome respritory system and very good eyes that can even see UV!
  19. ydoaPs


    it's Spetember 11th. there is a show on the discovery channel(?) today called "The Flight That Fought Back"......looks kinda interesting.
  20. every once and a while you get those bigotted people that say we are the pinnicle of evolution. frankly, i don't see where that is coming from. we suck. if it weren't for our thumbs and big brains, we would be screwed. our eyes suck(kinda odd how many creationists use the human eye as proof of irreducable complexity). most of us don't even have a furry coat. we even keep our genetically weak around long enough to reproduce.
  21. ydoaPs


    a vector is given by [math]\vec{v}=\sum_{j=1}^{n}a_j{\vec{i_j}}[/math] where i is the unit vector for a given dimension and n is the number of dimensions of the space in which the vector exists. the magnitude ([math]|\vec{v}|[/math]) is given by [math]|\vec{v}|^2=\sum_{j=1}^{n}a_j^2[/math]. the unit vector in the direction of the vector v is given by [math]\vec{u}=\frac{\vec{v}}{|\vec{v}|}[/math]. if theta is the angle between vectors A and B, then [math]{\vec{A}}*{\vec{B}}={|\vec{A}|}{|\vec{B}|}{\cos{{\theta}}}=\sum_{j=1}^{n}a_jb_j[/math]. [math]\cos{\theta}=\sum_{j=1}^{n}\frac{a_jb_j}{|\vec{A}||\vec{B}|}[/math]. the projection of A on B is [math]Proj_{\vec{B}}{\vec{A}}=|\vec{A}|\cos{\theta}[/math] the cross product of two vectors A and B(sorry, i don't know how to do matricies in [math]\LaTeX[/math]) is given by a matrix in which the first row is the unit vector for each dimension, the second row is the corresponding coefficient of the unit vector for the first vector, and the last row is the corresponding coefficient of the unit vector for the second vector. what is a projection and how do you know when to use dot product or cross product?
  22. Ha! that's funny.. "god did it. i have no proof. will you publish it?" "this is the best theory i've ever heard of! of course we'll publish it!"
  23. take [math]|\frac{2{\pi}(6.38x10^6)m}{day}|\frac{day}{24hr}|{\frac{hr}{3600s}}|[/math] the hours cancel leaving you with m/s. let x=previous answer and take [math]|\frac{xm}{s}|\frac{mi}{1609m}|\frac{3600s}{hr}|[/math] the seconds and meters cancel leaving mi/hr. it's all about the factor label
  24. combo of her and i having similar beliefs in a lot of areas and her attractiveness
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