just checking because there are many people that think WIndows is the endall beall of operatign systems because it is the only one they ever used.
yes, it is much easier and faster than going to an update site. and is free whereas MS wants to charge for windows update when vista comes out.
btw, no need to restart after an update or change in Linux.
it isn't like it's in japanese and you only know spanish. it is fairly easy to use.
you're right, learning a new OS isn't worth it. i should have stayed with windows 95
i'm not saying Linux is the best for everyone. Linux is best for what I use my pc for and MSWinXP may be best for what you use yours for. all i am saying is that if he uses his computer for mainly internet, a Linux distro could be what would work best for him. you can always download a emulator for games that wont work with Linux. however, if he uses it mainly for games, he should probably use windows and download Fx, and a firewall.