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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i was told that another one sold at 100000USD
  2. i didn't see the signature either
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/Signed-AUTOGRAPHED-photo-of-the-Lord-JESUS-CHRIST_W0QQitemZ6200708864QQcategoryZ1447QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. i guess that means Firefox does support ActiveX.
  5. maybe you should go to the doctor.
  6. i don't remember that.
  7. ydoaPs


    awesome and it doesn't slow my computer like Word. and i like that it is free with most distros. Ubuntu cost me like 1USD which is a lot less than Windows. and with Windows, you have to buy the office programs which cost nearly as much as the OS itself. i heard Xpdf kicks the crap out of adobe too. i haven't tried it yet, though.
  8. ydoaPs


    yes. i seriously see no reason use MS at all anymore. wait, is there a way to open MSWord docs on OpenOffice? if not, i can always copy/paste into an email and them copy/paste into OpenOffice.
  9. something you said has to be a lie. either FF does run activex or ebay doesn't use it. i use ebay several times a day on FF.
  10. but i hear sayo karate chops the brocolli before he sends it.
  11. Mowgli, you seem to not understand what a theory is.
  12. ydoaPs


  13. ydoaPs


    anyone know a site where i can get some good wallpapers for it? it only came with this brown one that i don't like very much.
  14. ydoaPs


    I just went from Knoppix to Ubuntu. So far, I love Ubuntu. I don't see a reason to use MS anymore, but I kept it just in case I need it later. Ubuntu has a lot of the cool little tricks from MS(like alt tab, alt F4, add/remove programs) and is a lot faster than Windows XP.
  15. When I used OpenOffice in Knoppix, it had a math typsetting program. When I accessed OpenOffice in Ubuntu, it didn't. Is it just hiding from me? If not, where can I download that program or a similar one?
  16. yoda...yourdad...close enough!
  17. hey, i told you not to tell anyone!
  18. i vote for AP, cuz um....yoda sux
  19. that's rubbish. anyone who is capable of looking at the events chronologically can see the error in logic.
  20. is it just me, or does this film seem like a giant subliminal advertisement for linux?
  21. how can he conform to what you think "right and wrong" are when you have yet to define them? right and wrong are POV; they are different for each person.
  22. yea, it's only one of the best tested theories ever. if you say "only a theory" it makes you look uneducated in the meaning of a theory.
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