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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. consider this: all stages are transitional
  2. existed before it was created....you tell me
  3. all fossils are transitional, so i don't see how they are lacking.
  4. *cough*relatvistic addition of velocities*cough* [math]v=\frac{v_1+v_2}{\frac{v_1v_2}{c^2}}[/math]
  5. read thier posts, you'll learn quickly...
  6. ydoaPs


    as i stated before, i am pretty sure that operations on infinity are undefined, but i will ask my math teacher tommarrow to get a definite answer.
  7. ydoaPs


    iirc' date=' operations on [imath']\infty[/imath] are undefined. you can, though, have infinity in limits [math]\lim_{x{\to}\infty}f(x)[/math], integrals [math]\int^{-\infty}_{\infty}f(x)[/math], and sums [math]\sum^{\infty}_{j=1}x_j[/math]. you can also have it in intervals [math](-{\infty},{\infty})[/math].
  8. *cough*Hilton's*cough* from what i see, most rich people's kids are idiots and lazy.
  9. me when i first came here....man, i was infamous...
  10. it is supposed to be a ship on it's side. it may be really from google earth. you can use google to see the moon. if you zoom in all the way, you see it really is made of cheese.
  11. opening a bank account (and balancing it) is about as easy as voting. wait, maybe you are right.
  12. as i have said many times before, people, in general, are stupid. and a huge amount of the population dose have a bank account; what's your point?
  13. once again, you use the "i have never seen a unicycle, so they must not exist" type argument. it takes neither skill nor ambition to open a bank account.
  14. even if one person, used the money wisely and didn't lose it all, you would be wrong. saying something is impossible or cannot happen is an absolute statement. even one counter example makes said statement false.
  15. it was very much in context. multiple times in that post, you said it was not possible. guess what. it is!
  16. *cough*lottery*cough*
  17. i'm not sure you could(at least from earth). all the pictures i have seen of pluto were just blurry dots.
  18. it tells you if the topic is active, if you have postd in it, and if it has been moved. if you scroll to the bottom of a forum, there should be a key to the icons.
  19. try looking at context before making accusations.
  20. i thought with c being constant in all frames, you don't use csinx and ccosx, you just use c
  21. octopi can be pretty smart as well. edit: flippers are pretty close to hands, btw.
  22. what is it? i tried wikipedia, but couldn't understand the article.
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