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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. just remember, FSM is not a crackpot theory; it has proof. just look at the correlation between the average temp and the number of pirates.
  2. ydoaPs

    Ghost Video

    isn't it funny how you are told why it is fake and you still say it is unexplainable?
  3. need to get them taken out. you don't need them anyway.
  4. never heard of the rug one.
  5. potentially good scifi, bad sci
  6. if he is, then he needs to go back to school.
  7. how do you believe in ID and not believe in god?
  8. magnets?
  9. then you don't know the story well enough, do you?
  10. is [math]0{\leq}A<B<C<D<Z{\leq}1000[/math] or [math]0{\leq}A{\leq}B{\leq}C{\leq}D{\leq}Z{\leq}1000[/math] or is it a different order or is there no order?
  11. this one is from AP:
  12. so, you can get ecoli from breastmilk
  13. ydoaPs


    !7 /\/\34/\/5 3y3 |3 73|-| 1337 94/\/9574
  14. ydoaPs


    3y3 7|-|0|_|9|_|7 !7 \/\/45 "\/\/007"
  15. ydoaPs


    broken link
  16. metal corrodes in space? i am not sure this is true. i thought most corrosion is caused by oxidation. i am not sure how metal would corrode in space.
  17. appearently not
  18. eh, i'm in my last year of high school and i'm not taking a bio class. if i ever settle down and have kids, i could homeschool them.
  19. ydoaPs


    throwing up would be good, not bad. it would get whatever toxic thing the kid swallowed out of his or her body
  20. i have never had firefox crash on me. do you have all of the updates? maybe i am just lucky.
  21. i couldn't tell anything from that pic
  22. if you take out the separators and convert each chunk into binary, you get: 11100101 11100110 11111000 11000101 11000110 11011000. if you add each of the ones in each chunk, you get: 5 5 5 4 4 those in binary is: 101 101 101 100 100 eh, this is going nowhere
  23. try saying that with correct grammar and spelling!
  24. 13 5 14 17 18 9 M E N Q R I ok, that's not it. i took out the dividers and added each group of three and wrote down the corresponding letter for each group. j3h148...with a keyshift....i never was good at decoding
  25. from the term "Flux Capacitor" i would assume it somehow stores magnetism.
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