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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. use spoiler tags and it might not happen
  2. ydoaPs


    i watched entire segments. if every single thing i saw(bout 20 min of a 30 min program) was either a red herring or blatant intelectual dishonesty, it is safe to assume the program was rubbish.
  3. ydoaPs


    actually, it did.
  4. ydoaPs


    do you know what a red herring is?
  5. science doesn't have anything to do with it. it is clearly a strawman and, as AP said, clearly not the same thing. not an opinion, it is a fact. learn the difference that is utter rubbish
  6. i don't care what you think. opinions are not facts, get over it. the fact is: it is a strawman
  7. that is a strawman
  8. it is being exposed to them when their minds aren't fully developed. it is almost as bad as forcing kids to go to church.
  9. idk, lets find out.
  10. i did. hence the links.
  11. what does my signature have to do with anything?
  12. did you even read the links? showing creationist claims to be false is not being biased. the second one is a specific thread, so i don't see how you think nothing was specified.
  13. read this, this, and this and then try to argue creationism scientifically.
  14. no, it wouldn't. it would appear to be ftl, but it isn't ftl.
  15. if by creation, you mean "god did it" secularists cannot be creationists by definition.
  16. oo, it is compatible with some laws of science. it must be science itself then.
  17. a lot. one of the more comical ones is the Raelians. there are several other ones as well.
  18. ydoaPs


    they didn't say why, they just said it was. they did have the occasional "evolution says our ancestors were morons" type statement, but that is all and wrong as well. they would just spouting red herrings as proof of creationism. if you don't believe me, watch it. i gave a link, you should be able to get a copy.
  19. it is the 8th listing on the first page when you google it now....keep up the good work.
  20. ydoaPs


    he so believed this crap. i was telling him that all of it was red herrings and actual false information, but he said "still...".
  21. ydoaPs


    no, it was an actual creationism program. i should have watched it and taken notes. i only caught bits of it. i like how they were saying myan technology disproves evolution. it was this show.
  22. ydoaPs

    Video games

  23. ydoaPs


    tweezers from 400AD is proof of creationism. a drawing of a dinosaur is proof of creationionism. they even said "they could not have drawn them without seeing live dinasaurs."
  24. ydoaPs


    roman gynacological instruments are proof of creationism.
  25. ydoaPs


    now they are saying neadertals had superglue and that is proof that evolution is rubbish.
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